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==== Helping Kaladin ====
When Kaladin suffered assault by Odium during his dreams, Hoid somehow discovered what was happening and entered Kaladin's vision to give him a moment of calm from Odium's attack. Interfering directly in this way was a risk for Hoid, opening him up to retaliation from Odium that he was normally immune to. he could only protect Kaladin for around twenty minutes before Odium noticed his touch and destroyed him. He pulled Kaladin out of his visions and into a bubble of light that was protected from the storm, containing a fire with stew cooking over it. Hoid explained to Kaladin that Odium had somehow trapped him in a vision and offered him stew for the little time that they had together. Kaladin asked him whether he was going to have to return to the storm, and Hoid confirmed that they did not have much time and that the vision would get worse. Kaladin confided in Wit that he was not strong enough to go on. Hoid accepted this, saying that he trusted Kaladin's judgement of himself. As he ate, Kaladin asked Wit to tell him a story, which shocked Wit, as he was rarely actually asked for a story.
Design appeared in the vision, holding the flute that Hoid had given Kaladin and
=== Post-Catacendric Scadrial ===