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==== Prior Visits ====
At some point during or prior to the ear 11xx Hoid returned to Roshar through [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]] in the Horneater Peaks. He encountered [[Lunamor]] as he exited the Perpendicularity, making fun of his beard and asking for the year by the Unkalaki calendar. At some point following this, Hoid took an apprentice by the name of [[Sigzil]], teaching him the ways of the Worldsingers. The two men spent some time in Marabethia and Hoid was forced to bail Sigzil out of jail three times, as the locals had realized him to be a wealthy man. He also encountered Lift in Marabethia, talking with her about how it was permissible for art to be crass before jumping into the mouth of a yu-nerig somewhere in the time period from 11xx to 11xx.
Hoid at some point met Hallaran Davar in Alethkar, taking note of his determination.
Around mid-1170 when Hoid mentioned to Helaran that he was traveling westward, Helaran asked him to deliver a message to Lin Davar. Helaran wished Lin to know that he had eyes near to Lin that were watching him.
Hoid came to the Middlefest fair in rural Jah Keved and met with Lin Davar in his box.{{book ref|sa2|45}} As they began to speak, Hoid was shocked to catch sight of Shallan Davar, as he was likely able to detect her nascent spren bond. Hoid slipped metal shavings into his own drink before talking to Lin Davar, making use of emotionally Allomancy to manipulate the man. When Shallan entered her carriage to speak with Wikim, Hoid climbed a nearby jella tree and waited for her to exit. When she came out, he revealed himself to her, expressing surprise that he had found her. Shallan asked for news of Helaran, and Hoid told her that he was busy doing things he found important and shared the contents of Helaran's message with her. Hoid asked her if spren spoke to her, but Shallan denied it, refusing to think of the memories she had chosen to forget. Hoid then told her a parable of two blind men, asking her if beauty can ever be taken from a man completely. Shallan replied that she did not believe so, and Hoid asked her to imagine the most beautiful thing she could in exchange for knowledge of Helaran's whereabouts. As Shallan explained her dream of a happy family, she almost began to Lightweave an illusion with Stormlight from Hoid's spheres, but stopped before she could. Hoid realized that she was not yet ready and encouraged her in her struggle to keep her family together. Before Hoid left, he told her Heleran was currently in Alethkar and that he would bring word of Shallan to him if he got the chance.
Likely at some point following this, Hoid took an apprentice by the name of [[Sigzil]], trying to teach him the ways of the Worldsingers as well as some common sense.{{book ref|sa1|57}} The two men spent some time in Marabethia and Hoid was forced to bail Sigzil out of jail three times, as the locals had realized him to be a wealthy man. Somehow Hoid and Sigzil became separated in such a way that Hoid believed Sigzil had died.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Sometime between 1170{{wob ref|5016}} and late 1173,{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} Hoid encountered Lift in Marabethia, talking with her about how it was permissible for art to be crass before jumping into the mouth of a yu-nerig.{{book ref|edgedancer|12}} At some point, Hoid also became aware that members of the [[Seventeenth Shard]] had come to Roshar hunting him{{book ref|sa1|i|1}} and had laid a false trail through the [[Purelake]] for them to chase.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}}
==== The King's Wit ====
The [[Fused]], however, are now trained to watch for him - most likely to capture him and deliver him to [[Odium]].
===== [[The Way of Kings]] =====