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These visions occur entirely in the Spiritual Realm, but the Cognitive Realm is involved in some way to provide a framework for what appears. Any intelligent personalities that exist in the interaction are comprised of Investiture that has come to life in a way. This power can allow someone to interact with historic figures long dead or speak to deceased loved ones for a moment or two. It is ambiguous whether these minds are in some way reflections of the dead...
It is uncertain if this is related to the similar ability to ride the storm the Stormfather can grant, in which a person can join him and view the land from the perspective of a highstorm as it passes over the continent of Roshar. It appears that his bonded Radiant may exercise even more control over these visions than a normal person allowed to ride the storm. When his Radiant rides the storm, the Radiant may control it if the Stormfather allows him, and can even go backwards against the force of the storm, although this pains the Stormfather greatly. When in this state a Bondsmith is even capable of accept a Radiant's oath in the Stormfather's stead. The ability of the Sibling's Bondsmith to see and comprehend the mechanisms of [[Urithiru]] may be related, it represents a similar expansion of the Radiant's perception and knowledge of the Tower{{book ref|sa4|111}} in a similar way to someone riding the highstorm. It also allows for the Radiant to speak through the veins of garnet in the Tower, much as the Sibling does.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
=== Tension ===