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=== Other abilities ===
; Spren and ShardbladesShards:
Each Bondsmith shares a [[Nahel bond]] with one of three unique spren: the [[Stormfather]], the [[Nightwatcher]]{{book ref|sa3|111}}, and an unnamedthe [[Sibling|third]] who slumbers.{{epigraph ref|wor|44}}{{book ref|wor|89}}{{book ref|sa3|111cite}} These spren are all sort of the same type,{{wob ref|13647}} but obviously have substantial differences between them as well. The sheer power of the various Bondsmith spren allows them to behaveviolature inthe waysnormal thatrules differ fromgoverning the true spren bonded to other orders. The Bondsmith spren are more omnipresent and can be located great distances from their Radiants while still granting them powers and communicating, as they are much more widely Connected than other Radiant spren.{{wob ref|4268}} Bondsmiths typically do not have access to a [[Shardblade]],{{wob ref|3311}} although it is possible to force their bonded spren into a shape of power that allows them to activate Oathgates.{{book ref|sa3|100}} This may be an uncomfortable and even dangerous thing to do, and has only been observed with the Stormfather.{{cite}} However, like typical Radiant spren, Bondsmith spren are still vulnerable if their bonded Radiant betrays their oaths.{{wob ref|6041}} While Bondsmiths do not have access to a Blade, there is evidence that they may manifest a suit of Shardplate comprised of gloryspren,{{book ref|sa3|109}} although this is not confirmed.{{wob|8803}}
; Repairing inanimate objects:
In a somewhat unique expression of their power, a Bondsmith may use their control over both their Surges as well as their unique affinity for Connection to repair inanimate objects. During this process they may feel and hear the Cognitive aspects of certain damaged objects around them. With some combination of physical effort, Tension and Adhesion, they can fix them. It has been suggested that this ability may have restrictions to Progression-based healing - it is easier for users of Progression to heal those who are recently wounded, and it gets harder as the "soul" becomes accustomed to the wound.{{book ref|sa3|59}} While this ability may seem niche, it does allow a Bondsmith to assist very directly in the repair of cities damaged in battle, allowing the Bondsmith to restore historical works of art and buildings to their former state.
; Synergy with other Radiants:
Another power unique to the Bondsmiths is their ability to work jointly with other Radiants to create effects that neither could manage independently. A Bondsmith has a unique interaction with the Radiants of each order,{{wob ref|11296}} and it may even be that the specifics of these joint abilities vary between each Bondsmith spren. When a joint power may be used, both Radiants feel a tugging or leaping sensation towards one another.{{book ref|sa3|8}} These joint powers only appear to be active when the Radiants are physically together, although there may be some way around this requirement.{{book ref|sa3|27}} It is uncertain where this power comes from, although it may be the Resonance of the Bondsmiths. Only one such specific synergy is known; the Stormfather's Bondsmith may work in tandem with a Lightweaver to create a three-dimensional projection of Roshar as it appeared to the Stormfather the last time a highstorm passed over the continent.{{book ref|sa3|8}} This map behaves like any other illusion that is created by a Lightweaver, its appearance may be altered{{book ref|sa3|122}} and it may collapse if the Radiant is distracted{{book ref|sa3|122}} or if the illusion is touched.{{book ref|sa3|8}}
; Repairing inanimate objects:
In a somewhat unique expression of their power, a Bondsmith may use their control over both their Surges as well as their unique affinity for Connection to repair inanimate objects. During this process they may feel and hear the Cognitive aspects of certain damaged objects around them. With some combination of physical effort, Tension and Adhesion, they can fix them. It has been suggested that this ability may have restrictions to Progression-based healing - it is easier for users of Progression to heal those who are recently wounded, and it gets harder as the "soul" becomes accustomed to the wound.{{book ref|sa3|59}} While this ability may seem niche, it does allow a Bondsmith to assist very directly in the repair of cities damaged in battle, allowing the Bondsmith to restore historical works of art and buildings to their former state.
; Manipulation of Connection
Once the restrictions placed on Surgebinding by Honor were lifted following the Shard's death, Bondsmiths are free to manipulate Connection much more directly than they have been able to previously. A knowledgeable Bondsmith may be able to use these Connections offensively, Connecting enemy Surgebinders to Roshar so that the Stormlight believes the planet to be a part of the bodies and is sucked into the ground. This power leaves the recipient feeling drained afterward. A Bondsmith may also directly manipulate Connection to steal something like a Nahel bond or the mantle of a champion.
; Visions
Another power related to the Bondsmiths is the ability to create and view immersive real-seeming visions of events real and imagined. It is uncertain whether this ability is exclusive to the Stormfather's Bondsmith or not. While eventually the Bondsmith may enter a vision at any point, he may only bring along others who are inside of a highstorm. The Stormfather has a specific set of visions crafted by [[Honor]] prior to his death to instruct a Bondsmith in the fight against Odium. Eventually a Bondsmith may create his own visions for others to experience, such as when Dalinar grants Kaladin his vision of [[Tien]].
It is uncertain if this is related to the similar ability to ride the storm the Stormfather can grant, in which a person can join him and view the land from the perspective of a highstorm as it passes over the continent of Roshar. When Dalinar rides the storm, he may control it if the Stormfather allows him, and can even go backwards against the force of the storm, although this pains the Stormfather greatly.
== History ==