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The Surge of Adhesion may also be used to create spiritual Connections rather than manipulating forces in the Physical Realm. Using Spiritual Adhesion a Bondsmith may touch another person, will Stormlight into them, and forge a Connection to that person.{{book ref|sa3|65}} This allows the Bondsmith to speak that person's native language. The Connection is temporary, it fades within a few days unless it is renewed again.{{wob ref|9340}} Whether the Surgebinder must remain physically close to this other person for the Connection to persist is unknown. Spiritual Adhesion is not capable of allowing a Bondsmith to make use of any other of a person's abilities that are not language-related.{{wob ref|11424}} The power bears a great similarity to other applications of [[Connection]] such as [[duralumin]] [[Feruchemy]] on Scadrial.{{book ref|mb6|22}}
Once the restrictions placed on Surgebinding by Honor were lifted following the Shard's death, Bondsmiths are free to manipulate Connection much more directly than they have been able to previously.{{book ref|sa4|66}} A knowledgeable Bondsmith may be able to use these Connections offensively, Connecting enemy Surgebinders to Roshar so that the Stormlight believes the planet to be a part of the bodies and is sucked into the ground.{{book ref|sa4|111}} It is uncertain if this power was accessible before Honor's death. This power leaves the recipient feeling drained afterward. Another power that only became available to the Bondsmiths in Honor's final days is the ability to directly see Connections that tie all people to one another and reality.{{book ref|sa4|66}} When touching another's forehead, their Connections become faintly visible as dozens of minute tiny white lines. While a Bondsmith can visualize these Connections, they are not able to be altered in any useful way. However, a Bondsmith may directly manipulate more specialized Connections to steal something like a Nahel bond or the mantle of a champion, both of which were previously forbidden by Honor.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
; Visions
Another power related to the Bondsmiths is the ability to create{{cite}} and view immersive real-seeming visions{{book ref|sa1|18}} of events real{{cite}} and imagined.{{cite}} It is uncertain whether this ability is exclusive to the Stormfather's Bondsmith.
For the Stormfather's Bondsmith this is an ability that progresses with the ideals. Initially the Bondsmith is brought into the visions each storm without their consent,{{book ref|sa1|18}} and the visions may be confusing and difficult to understand at first,{{book ref|sa1|75}} acting out their actions inside the visions in real life as well.{{book ref|sa1|19}} As time progresses, they later may cease having to act out the visions,. andWhile eventually the Bondsmith may enter thema vision at any timepoint, andhe evenmay only bring along others along who are inside of a highstorm.{{book These visions involve forging a Connection between a person and ref|sa3|28}}
These visions involve forging a Connection between a person and something else, sometimes something they desire, a hope or a wish.
While eventually the Bondsmith may enter a vision at any point, he may only bring along others who are inside of a highstorm. The Stormfather may grant a specific set of visions crafted by [[Honor]] prior to his death to instruct a future Bondsmith in the fight against Odium. Eventually a Bondsmith may create his own visions for others to experience, such as when Dalinar grants Kaladin his vision of [[Tien]].
While eventually the Bondsmith may enter a vision at any point, he may only bring along others who are inside of a highstorm. The Stormfather may grant a specific set of visions crafted by [[Honor]] prior to his death to instruct a future Bondsmith in the fight against Odium. Eventually a Bondsmith may create his own visions for others to experience, such as when Dalinar grants Kaladin his vision of [[Tien]].
It is uncertain if this is related to the similar ability to ride the storm the Stormfather can grant, in which a person can join him and view the land from the perspective of a highstorm as it passes over the continent of Roshar. It appears that his bonded Radiant may exercise even more control over these visions than a normal person allowed to ride the storm. When his Radiant rides the storm, the Radiant may control it if the Stormfather allows him, and can even go backwards against the force of the storm, although this pains the Stormfather greatly. When in this state a Bondsmith is even capable of accept a Radiant's oath in the Stormfather's stead.