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|Dalinar Kholin to the Stormfather{{book ref|sa3|111}}
As Bondsmith spren have been described as shadows of gods, some hold that these spren are in some way be directly related to or associated with the Shards worshiped as gods on Roshar. This might explain why Bondsmiths are said to only bond specific spren, and also why there is a maximum total of three Bondsmiths at any given time, due to the the three Shards relevant to Roshar. Indeed the [[Stormfather]] and the [[Nightwatcher]] are Bondsmith spren{{book ref|sa3|111}} that are associated with [[Honor]]{{book ref|sa3|108}} and [[Cultivation]]{{book ref|sa3|114}} respectively. It has been suggested that the third Bondsmith spren may be the mysterious [[Sibling]],{{book ref|sa3|111}} but even still the nature of this unknown spren remains unclear. As Odium is the third Shard with significant influence on Roshar, it is possible that this third Bondsmith spren is associated with Odium in some way, even perhaps symbolically. However the concept of a Bondsmith that represents or is related to the enemy of the [[Knights Radiant]] is somewhat self-contradictory. Alternatively, it may be a spren that represents a balance between Honor and Cultivation.
== Notes ==