
Joined 14 November 2021
470 bytes added ,  5 months ago
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Tags: Mobile web edit Mobile edit
WoB Question List:
# Could an awakener cause the Breath they hold to convert directly into solid form? By command or another means their being possesses? I'm essence this would "create" a piece of Elglidium.
## Can this be done by magic users of other systems?
## Can it be done by a normal person in converting a bit of the investiture of their soul into matter?
## Would the person need some help from genetic/spirit-web modification, a la David's action potential fusing idea from Lux?
# Is Queen Tsa, the mother of the race of Natan (blue-skinned) people on Roshar from Witt's story still around? Would she have become a splinter if she had held Cultivation's shard for even a short while?
# What shardic intent or intents would Jasnah most closely align with?
