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WoB Question List:
WoB Question List:
# Could an awakener cause the Breath they hold to convert directly into solid form? By command or another means their being possesses? I'm essence this would "create" a piece of Elglidium.
# Is the mother of the race of blue-skinned people on Roshar from Witt's story still around? Would she have become a splinter if she had held Cultivation's shard for a while?
## Can this be done by magic users of other systems?
## Can it be done by a normal person in converting a bit of the investiture of their soul into matter?
## Would the person need some help from genetic/spirit-web modification, a la David's action potential fusing idea from Lux?
# Is Queen Tsa, the mother of the race of Natan (blue-skinned) people on Roshar from Witt's story still around? Would she have become a splinter if she had held Cultivation's shard for even a short while?
# What shardic intent or intents would Jasnah most closely align with?
# What shardic intent or intents would Jasnah most closely align with?
# What shard was hardest for you to name?
# What shard was hardest for you to name?
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## Could a fabriel be made that would do the same thing?
## Could a fabriel be made that would do the same thing?
### Could a strong enough one be made that would allow a ship (or person) to fly through the investiture flux storm on The Sunlit Man planet?
### Could a strong enough one be made that would allow a ship (or person) to fly through the investiture flux storm on The Sunlit Man planet?
# Is what Xisis is doing when he forms a tunnel into the spores using a similar mechanic as what Shallan does to make the Shadesmar beads form into a structure? Can you help me understand any more about this mechanic?
# Can you help me understand the "magic system" on Threnody? Were the three actions part of a well-functioning magic system prior to Ambition's shattering (i.e that then got corrupted and now anger shades)? Or were they a result of the clash between Odium, Mercy, and Ambition?
## If the latter, do the three actions map to the shards involved in the clash significantly?
# Did the tear that Painter as shadow created, which Yumi touched become mass in the real world?
## Did it puff away like the soaps, or the replacement machine parts made from investiture? Or did it stay in the physical realm as water vapor after it evaporated off of Yumi's finger?

Latest revision as of 07:01, 25 April 2024

WoB Question List:

  1. Could an awakener cause the Breath they hold to convert directly into solid form? By command or another means their being possesses? I'm essence this would "create" a piece of Elglidium.
    1. Can this be done by magic users of other systems?
    2. Can it be done by a normal person in converting a bit of the investiture of their soul into matter?
    3. Would the person need some help from genetic/spirit-web modification, a la David's action potential fusing idea from Lux?
  2. Is Queen Tsa, the mother of the race of Natan (blue-skinned) people on Roshar from Witt's story still around? Would she have become a splinter if she had held Cultivation's shard for even a short while?
  3. What shardic intent or intents would Jasnah most closely align with?
  4. What shard was hardest for you to name?
  5. Shardlights have different superpeaks when observed using a spectrometer. Does each shard have a different kind of fortune because of the colors associated with them?
    1. Is the color of the investiture in a spinner's metalmind visible from the cognitive realm? I'm asking in regards to the stuff Sazed says about the Astalsi in Mistborn 1 (i.e. different kinds of colors are indications of different kinds of fortune.).
  6. Is the spren in the lake one that existed before Honor and Cultivation choose Roshar as their planet?
    1. Are the faces that the spren shows always the same? Are they typically the same? Do they vary?
    2. Did Adonalsium create this spren?
  7. In the Elantris book, if enough unkeyed investiture (e.g. condensed Dor) were given to one of the people who had undergone the Shaod, but gotten stuck, would their transformation into a full Elantrian have completed?
    1. If in Secret History, what would have happened to the Ire if they hadn't had access to the condensed Dor they were drinking? Would they have become like a "stuck transformation" Elantrian eventually, or would they have just stopped glowing, for example?
  8. Can someone with the 7th heightening sense objects with any kind of investiture, or just awakened objects?
  9. Would Ashravan's Forged soul show up as a flame when viewed from the cognitive realm? For context, I should ask, did his original soul actually leave and go to the place beyond? If not, I guess I would expect his normal soul to continue to show up as the flame, and the forged "soul" to just modify his Identity/Spirit Web. But assuming his original soul was really gone, what I'm really after is if Forging works solely on Identity or if high-level Forging can actually create one of Vasher's Type 2 invested entities. (Question needs to be re-written).
    1. How did you envision Ashravan's handicap and subsequent soul rehabilitation to have occurred on a soul/spirit-web/investiture level? Did this spirit-web get mostly blanked out somehow, and Shai "redraw" it like the artist she is? Could she have simply made a stamp that caused his spirit web to believe it hadn't been damaged?
      1. What was happening on an investiture level? Did his soul get "dimmed" when the attack damaged his brain, if you were to think about viewing it from the cognitive realm? Did his soul go to the beyond, thus reducing his inherent investiture, or did his soul remain, but become severed?
        1. We know soulstamps first touch the physical then the cognitive. Did the weapon essentially do both as well?
      2. Did/does the soulstamp impart investiture along with information into his spirit web about his personality?
      3. How does his memory work? Did it get destroyed or lost? Did the stamp invent a past for him, or did it re-attach his memory?
        1. If it invented a past, how is it that Ashravan now has continuity of memory going forward, assuming he stamps himself each day in time? Did Shai build in the availability to learn, essentially making his soulstamp like a self-modifing computer program?
  10. Does the nature of Harmony's power and the combination of Stormlight and Lifelight into Towerlight work on the same mechanics? (Question needs better targeting/phrasing). Talk:Ettmetal#Mention_parallel_to_creation_of_Tower_Light.3F
  11. Is Taravangian technically a cognitive shadow, since Szeth killed his body right before he ascended? If so, it seems like he'd have some of the weakness that Kelsier did when he was trying to wield Preservation against Ruin, since he didn't have a tie to the physical realm.
  12. Is Aarik from Taldain invested? You seemed to allude to a change in his appearance, and gave him reflexes on par with Taln when grabbing the arrow out of the air that would have hit Kriss. Something he learned over on Darkside?
  13. If a lifeless were created immediately after they died, would they retain more of their personality? Would giving them more breaths than one help with this? Essentially, could they be given enough investiture this way to turn them into a "full" cognitive shadow?
    1. Lifeless seem to have some measure of humanity/recognition to them. Are they essentially very "low-powered"/"low level" cognitive shadows?
  14. If one were to look from the cognitive realm at the lanceryn carapaces in the cavern at Akinah, what would be seen? Aside from some potentially still-bonded Mandra helping the carapaces move without flesh, would the carapaces themselves be beads (objects), or flames (creatures/beings) in the cognitive realm?
  15. Is the shardic bond a very strong nahel bond? Or a nahel bond plus something else?
  16. Can Dahkor monks with the ability to resist AonDor and dispel Aons also resist/dispel other forms of kinetic investiture with their ability?
    1. Could a fabriel be made that would do the same thing?
      1. Could a strong enough one be made that would allow a ship (or person) to fly through the investiture flux storm on The Sunlit Man planet?
  17. Is what Xisis is doing when he forms a tunnel into the spores using a similar mechanic as what Shallan does to make the Shadesmar beads form into a structure? Can you help me understand any more about this mechanic?
  18. Can you help me understand the "magic system" on Threnody? Were the three actions part of a well-functioning magic system prior to Ambition's shattering (i.e that then got corrupted and now anger shades)? Or were they a result of the clash between Odium, Mercy, and Ambition?
    1. If the latter, do the three actions map to the shards involved in the clash significantly?
  19. Did the tear that Painter as shadow created, which Yumi touched become mass in the real world?
    1. Did it puff away like the soaps, or the replacement machine parts made from investiture? Or did it stay in the physical realm as water vapor after it evaporated off of Yumi's finger?