Difference between revisions of "User:Tempus/TheoryIndex"

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m (Stupid grumble gold tags grumble)
(Cleaned up the Proven/Disproven styles. Scraped pages 16 and the new half page of 17 that had accumulated since I started scraping back on the 12th. 485 Theories.)
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |2474| Baseless Identity Theory}} || Jacob Santos || 12 October 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Spiritual
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |2561| Splintering a Shard and how it affects magic systems}} || Telcontar || 06 November 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Magic Systems
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef || Why are there only three Realms}} || TheOneKEA || 16 November 2012 || Cosmere || World || Numerology
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2601| Aslydin is a member of the Seventeenth Shard}} || Lightflame || 19 November 2012 || Cosmere || Character || 17th Shard
| || {{TheoryRef |2602| Entering and exiting Shadesmar in interplanetary space}} || TheOneKEA || 20 November 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Cognitive
| || {{TheoryRef |2638| Relationships between the Cosmere and Hinduism}} || realmatist || 03 December 2012 || Cosmere || World || Religion
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2679| Shardic Focus Theory}} || Lightflame || 16 December 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Focus
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef || Shardstone}} || lil_literalist || 08 February 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || Soulstone
===Proven Theories===
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%" style="background-color: yellowgreen"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic
|- style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3642|post=58247| Shardblades are spren }} || Skaa || 12 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren
|- style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |4483| Szeth's Shardblade is an Honourblade}} || Aether || 31 October 2013 || Roshar || Plot || Shardblades
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| || {{TheoryRef |2733| Plants and Awakening}} || Phantom Monstrosity || 03 January 2013 || Nalthis || Realmatic || Awakening
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1250| Symbols are the Focus on Sel}} || Deus Ex Biotica || 23 November 2011 || Sel || Realmatic || Focus
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| || {{TheoryRef |987| Spiritual Feruchemical Powers}} || Chaos || 13 October 2011 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Feruchemy
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1146| Theory about Harmony}} || Kurkistan || 10 November 2011 || Scadrial || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1160| Sazed is limited by the Balance}} || Ryan || 12 November 2011 || Scadrial || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |4087| Shared Compounding}} || Kurkistan || 11 September 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Compounding
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| || {{TheoryRef |4335| Mistborn with Bendalloy and Cadmium}} || bartbug || 16 October 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Allomancy
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |76| Hoid wrote the letter}} || Chaos || 06 September 2010 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |642| Splinters have their own Intent}} || Mad_Scientist || 07 July 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinters
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1088| Hemalurgy can transfer any Investiture}} || discipleofhoid || 02 November 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Hemalurgy
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1274| Seons are the Cognitive Entities, and Similar to Spren}} || Tortellini || 27 November 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinters
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1468| Knights Radiant Orders and the Essence Chart}} || Odium's Shard || 05 January 2012 || Roshar || World || Knights Radiant
|-style="background-color: yellowgreen;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2074| "You Old Reptile" and what is Hoid up to}} || Youngy || 01 July 2012 || Cosmere || Plot || Letter
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |2579| Collective Unconsciousness}} || Nepene || 12 November 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Forms
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2932| Splinters on Sel}} || NewbSombrero || 09 February 2013 || Sel || Realmatic || Splinters
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |3485| The History of the Shards on Roshar}} || Skaa || 15 May 2013 || Roshar || World || Shards
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |3486| Hemalurgic charge can also be accessed via Allomancy}} || Skaa || 16 May 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Hemalurgy
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |3642| Shardblades are Odiumspren}} || Skaa || 06 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren
|- <!--Gold Candidate--> style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |5813| Shardblades, Shardplate, and the Kak Order}} || Skaa || 30 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrials
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |3503| The Atium is a lie!}} || Skaa || 17 May 2013 || Scadrial || Realmatic || God Metals
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |4580| Royal Hair as Awakening Fuel}} || Swimmingly || 12 November 2013 || Nalthis || Realmatic || Royal Locks
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |519| Nightblood and Breath}} || Comatose || 26 April 2011 || Nalthis || Realmatic || Nightblood
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |6116| Breath as the gaseous form of endowment}} || SirScott13 || 16 February 2014 || Nalthis || World || Breath
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |1318| Geographical Cause and Effect}} || Sir Read-a-Lot || 07 December 2011 || Sel || Realmatic || Aons
|- style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |5895| Nightblood can't be used on other worlds}} || TheOnlyJoe || 02 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Nightblood
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2622| Elantrians as Shardholders}} || Beowulf23 || 29 November 2012 || Sel || Realmatic || Elantrians
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |2496| Region-Locked Magic}} || Kurkistan || 20 October 2012 || Sel || Realmatic || Dor
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |991| The Lord Ruler's Allomantic Strength}} || Thor || 13 October 2011 || Scadrial || Character || The Lord Ruler
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1271| Why TLR was so strong}} || Guest_Galavantes_ || 27 November 2011 || Scadrial || Character || The Lord Ruler
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1298| Atium and Immortality: A different theory}} || Demosthenes || 03 December 2011 || Scadrial || Character || The Lord Ruler
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1437| Spike Compounding}} || ReaderAt2046 || 29 December 2011 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Compounding
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |1456| Definitive Allomantic FTL Theory}} || Kurkistan || 03 January 2012 || Scadrial || World || FTL
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |1809| Miles has the Visions}} || ReaderAt2046 || 31 March 2012 || Scadrial || Character || Miles
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1977| Metallic Arts: Quadrants}} || Odium's Shard || 24 May 2012 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Metallic Arts
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2014| Lerasium Alloys}} || 50Metals || 07 June 2012 || Scadrial || Realmatic || God Metals
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |2274| Traversing the Borders of Time Bubbles}} || Kurkistan || 27 August 2012 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Allomancy
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |2415| TLR and Investiture}} || Guest_Galavantes_ || 30 September 2012 || Scadrial || Character || The Lord Ruler
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |2438| Hemalurgy Requires Special sDNA}} || Kurkistan || 03 October 2012 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Hemalurgy
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |3593| Marsh doesn't need more Atium}} || Pechvarry || 28 May 2013 || Scadrial || Character || Marsh
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |3925| Time bubble interaction and subjective burn rates}} || Kurkistan || 05 August 2013 || Scadrial || World || FTL
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |5618| Emotional Allomancy: Sensory Input}} || Outis || 24 January 2014 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Allomancy
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |75| Galladon in WoK}} || zas678 || 06 September 2010 || Cosmere || Character || Worldhoppers
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |79| The Thrill is like Ruin's Touch}} || Elusive Fehler || 07 September 2010 || Roshar || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |201| What is Aona's Shard name}} || Chaos || 11 October 2010 || Sel || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{TheoryRef |227| Timeline}} || zas678 || 23 October 2012 || Cosmere || World || Chronology
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |254| Same magic system on two planets}} || ub96 || 19 November 2010 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Surgebinding
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |333| Almighty's line to Dalinar}} || zas678 || 27 January 2011 || Cosmere || Plot || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |380| Passion as a Shard}} || mycoltbug || 04 March 2011 || Roshar || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |389| Slivers versus Splinters}} || leinton || 10 March 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinters
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{TheoryRef |407| Aona and Skai's Shard Names}} || Chaos || 17 March 2011 || Sel || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |499| The Seventeenth Shard}} || SOM1else || 07 April 2011 || Cosmere || World || 17th Shard
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |592| How Shardblades Work}} || FellKnight || 09 June 2011 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblades
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |598| Life in the Cosmere}} || Thucydides || 11 June 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Realms
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |610| Shard Pairs}} || FeatherWriter || 21 June 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |618| Skai is Unity/Cohesion}} || Mad_Scientist || 26 June 2011 || Sel || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"<!--Gold Candidate-->
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1093| Ars Aracnum Authors}} || Thor || 03 November 2011 || Cosmere || World || Ars Arcanum
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |1180| Thoughts on Atium Alloys}} || DariusJenai || 14 November 2011 || Scadrial || Realmatic || God Metals
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1181| Shard Breakdown According to World}} || Shard Obsessed || 14 November 2011 || Cosmere || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |1183| Shadesmar Map is Complete}} || discipleofhoid || 14 November 2011 || Cosmere || World || Cognitive
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |679| The Parshendi want to die}} || Mad_Scientist || 31 July 2011 || Roshar || World || Parshendi
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1382| Shardic Radiation and Genetic Magics}} || WeiryWriter & Aiken Frost || 17 December 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Genetics
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |1417| Spren vs. Seons}} || Commander Spoonface || 23 December 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Splinters
|-style="background-color: pink;" <!--Gold Candidate-->
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1521| Hoid wrote the Letter to Sazed}} || First Selector || 16 January 2012 || Cosmere || World || Letter
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1522| The Order of the Knight's Radiants}} || tipbruley || 16 January 2012 || Roshar || Plot || Knights Radiant
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1649| Hoid's Shard}} || Riddlesinthedark || 26 February 2012 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{TheoryRef |1798| The Movement of Metallic Compounds in Allomancy}} || Odium's Shard || 28 March 2012 || Scadrial || Realmatic || Allomancy
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1951| Roshar's 3rd Shard is the Silence Divine Shard}} || Morsk || 16 May 2012 || Ashyn || World || Shards
|-style="background-color: pink;"
| || {{TheoryRef |1214| Extreme emotions and Shardic influence}} || Eri || 18 November 2011 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Snapping
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{TheoryRef |2493| Splintered Shards and Cultivation}} || Romek || 18 October 2012 || Roshar || Realmatic || Splinters
| || {{TheoryRef |2581| Adonalsium was a Shard with the Intent of Creation}} || Haradion Drogon || 13 November 2012 || Cosmere || World || Adonalsium
| || {{TheoryRef |2586| Why Worldhopping is hard on Sel}} || Observer || 14 November 2012 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Worldhopping
| || {{TheoryRef |2686| God-Metals}} || SplinterOfHonor || 20 December 2012 || Scadrial || Realmatic || God Metals
| || {{TheoryRef |2943| 3 Shards, 3 Types of Blades}} || NewbSombrero || 11 February 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shardblades
;For older additions, see the page history - this section will eventually be removed, it's just here for my convenience.
;'''May 7th''' - Wow, didn't realize it's already been a week. Redid the tagging system, and went through some old theories to tag and topic them. Doing the topics and tags takes much longer! At the moment, because I started with theorists I thought were particularly good, there are more silver and gold theories than bronze and regular. This should change as I go through theory sections more generally and not by author.
;'''May 7th''' - Added the Pages 21-25 of the Mistborn Forums when sorted by 'Start Date'. Currently in the middle of Nov 26 2011.
;'''May 7th''' - Lowered the Gold Star Barrier a tad to even out the numbers. Marked further Gold star candidates in case. Added pages 18-20 from the Mistborn boards. Up to 197 theories.
;'''May 8th''' - Added pages 15, 16 and 17 from the Mistborn boards. Up to 220 theories.
;'''May 8th''' - Added pages 11-14 from the Mistborn boards. Up to 239 theories.
;'''May 8th''' - Added pages 9 and 10 from the Mistborn boards. Up to 253 theories.
;'''May 9th''' - Added page 8 from the Mistborn boards. Up to 261 theories.
;'''May 9th''' - Added pages 5-7 from the Mistborn boards. Up to 285 theories.
;'''May 10th''' - Mistborn boards complete! 306 theories is the current count.
;'''May 13th''' - Started on Cosmere Theories board. Added pages 24-26 of Cosmere Theories. Up to 350 theories.
;'''May 13th''' - Added page 23 of Cosmere Theories. Up to 368 theories.
;'''May 15th''' - Added page 19 of Cosmere Theories. A few corrections and edits by Skaa, Kurkistan, and WeiryWriter.
;'''May 16th''' - Created a stats breakdown script to make my life more fun. Scraped pages 17 and 18 of Cosmere boards. Separated the Proven and Disproven theories from the Active Theories.
;'''May 18th''' - Cleaned up the Proven/Disproven styles. Scraped pages 16 and the new half page of 17 that had accumulated since I started scraping back on the 12th. 485 Theories.
''Things to do:''