Difference between revisions of "User:Tempus/TheoryIndex/TheoristHallOfFame"

→‎Planetary Specialist Boards: Not Sure I liked adding the colours at all. Tried tags as well, tried tags and colours. Not sure which to choose, might as well hold off for a bit.
(→‎Planetary Specialist Boards: Not Sure I liked adding the colours at all. Tried tags as well, tried tags and colours. Not sure which to choose, might as well hold off for a bit.)
{| class="wikitable" width=95%
|+'''Scadrial: Metallurgic Theorists''' style="background:gold;"
| Kurkistan
| Skaa
| Phantom Monstrosity
{| class="wikitable" width=95%
|+'''Sel: Semiotic Theorists'''
| Mad_Scientist
| K-Chan
| Chaos
{| class="wikitable" width=95%
|+'''Nalthis: Breath Theorists'''
| Windrunner
| Nepene
{| class="wikitable" width=95%
|+<strike>'''Roshar: Crystalline Theorists'''</strike>
| Skaa
| Aether
| Odium's Shard
{| class="wikitable" width=95%
|+<strike>'''Cosmere: Shardic Theorists'''</strike>
| Tempus
| Chaos
