Difference between revisions of "User:Tempus/TheoryIndex/TheoristHallOfFame"

Updated with the latest.
(→‎Theorist Hall of Fame: Update to 485 Theories.)
(Updated with the latest.)
=Theorist Hall of Fame=
Stats are tabulated according to the [[User:Tempus/TheoryIndex|Theory Index]]. These were tabulated on May 18th19th, and exclude data from the Cosmere Theories, Stormlight, and Words of Radiance boards.
<div class=columns style='-moz-column-count:{{{count|3}}}; -webkit-column-count:{{{count|3}}}; column-count:{{{count|3}}}; height:{{{height|auto}}}; {{{style|}}};'>
| Skaa || 135
| Kurkistan || 8699
| Chaos || 70
| ReaderAt2046 || 15
| || -
| || -
| Windrunner || 17
| Kurkistan || 1517
| Tempus || 12
| king of nowhere || 5
| NewbSombrero || 5
| Nepene || 5
| Mad_Scientist || 5.88
| Odium's ShardKurkistan || 5.7582
| KurkistanOdium's Shard || 5.7375
| Skaa || 5.40
| ReaderAt2046 || 1.67
| || -
| || -
