Difference between revisions of "User:Skaa/Pattern"

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(still lots to trim away, and lots to add)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
| I know that you have forgotten much of what once was. Those lies attracted me. But you cannot continue like this; you must admit the truth about me. About what I can do, and what we have done. Mmm... More, you must know yourself. And remember. You wish to help. You wish to prepare for the Everstorm, the spren of the unnatural one. You must become something. I did not come to you merely to teach you tricks of light.
In the Physical Realm, Pattern most often takes the shape of a complex and constantly shifting geometric pattern slightly raised off a surface or object.{{book ref|sa2|3}} On occasion he can also manifest as a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines.{{book ref|sa2|42}} Pattern is unable to turn completely invisible like [[honorspren]], but he can blend in with the surface he currently inhabits such that only people who are looking for him will notice his presence.{{book ref|sa2|34}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], Pattern appears as a tall and willowy creature clad in a robe made of a stiff material. A complex pattern of sharp lines and impossible geometries formforms his head.{{book ref|sa2|7}}
Pattern is fascinated by concepts that mix truths and falsehoods, such as flattery, sarcasm, and even figures of speech like metaphors. These are things that he has to learn from humans like Shallan, as he is more naturally inclined to express truths simply as they are. While he is a master of understanding patterns, he finds man-made patterns, like their languages and their social conventions, to be more of a challenge because of their inconsistencies and illogical rules, although he tries his best to learn these things anyway.
Pattern is particularly fond of concepts that involve creating falsehoods from truths such as metaphors, flattery, sarcasm, denial, and illusions.
While capable of stealth by silently blending in with his surroundings, which has proven useful when spying on people, Pattern has a tendency to vibrate audibly when excited or anxious. This buzzing sound tends to unnerve people, especially those unaware of where the noise is coming from.
<gallery caption="Images of Pattern">
This act of summoning her spren (even unintentionally) changed their situation somehow{{wob ref|5675}}, and Pattern succeeded in getting a Truth out of Shallan. Their bond strengthened, Shallan used Surgebinding once again, entering Shadesmar and Soulcasting a goblet into blood.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Pattern obtained another Truth from Shallan days later, when she wanted to enter Shadesmar again, although Shallan did not have enough Stormlight at the time and had to be saved by Jasnah.{{book ref|sa1|70}}
=== The Wind's Pleasure ===
Their bond strengthened by Shallan's Truths, Pattern transitioned once more from the Cognitive Realm to the Physical, losing much of his mind in the process. While Shallan and Jasnah set sail for the [[Shattered Plains]] aboard the [[Wind's Pleasure]], Shallan saw Patternthe Cryptic's Physical form several times, a complex pattern like an embossment rising from a surface and floating in the air, appearing briefly before vanishing.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
While the spren had problems with understanding simple tasks such as eating, Shallan had found him to take readily to complex thought, particularly abstraction. Even as he struggled to form coherent sentences, Pattern was able to understand the concepts of truth and lies as well as identify lies told by others. Pattern was pleased by the lies [[Yalb]] told aboard the ''[[Wind's Pleasure]]'', deeming them to be good lies as they were based in truth. Similarly, while he himself could not remember much, he grasped the concept of memory quickly, prompting Shallan to begin to remember a time from long ago, when they had first known one another. Without meaning to, Shallan used [[stormlight]] and turned a patch of the deck of the ship green, as she began to recreate the memory. Horrified, she pushed the memories away, unable to think onof that time without panicking.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
Initially, worried what the sailors would think of the spren, Shallan tried to keep both herself and Pattern contained to her room, though quickly abandoned the plan. Similarly, Pattern had not responded to her suggestions to stay inside and hidden and soon became known to the other occupants of the ship, who found the Cryptic discomforting. Four days after his transition found Pattern on the deck of the ship with Shallan. Using [[limafruit]] as an example, Shallan attempted to explain to him the concept of food and eating. Following her lead, Pattern tried some of fruit, and became horrified when he realised that it involved the destruction of the food consumed.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
While the spren had problems with understanding simple tasks such as eating, Shallan had found him to take readily to complex thought, particularly abstraction. Even as he struggled to form coherent sentences, Pattern was able to understand the concepts of truth and lies as well as identify lies told by others. Pattern was pleased by the lies [[Yalb]] told aboard the ''[[Wind's Pleasure]]'', deeming them to be good lies as they were based in truth. Similarly, while he himself could not remember much, he grasped the concept of memory quickly, prompting Shallan to begin to remember a time from long ago, when they had first known one another. Without meaning to, Shallan used [[stormlight]] and turned a patch of the deck of the ship green, as she began to recreate the memory. Horrified, she pushed the memories away, unable to think on that time without panicking.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
Some time later, Shallan went to find Jasnah to borrow some of the woman's infused sphere's for light to read by. Surprised to find Jasnah without her mask of composure, Shallan tried to sneak away without being seen, however was given away by Pattern. Though Jasnah initially tried to placate Shallan and send her away, the young woman stayed to talk. Pattern watched over the conversation silently as the women discussed [[Urithiru]], the [[Shattered Plains]] and the [[Voidbringers]]. When Shallan retired to her rooms to sleep, Pattern accompanied her.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
[[File:Pattern.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|A page from Shallan's sketchbook depicting her spren Pattern, by [[Coppermind: Artist/Ben McSweeney|Ben McSweeney]].]]
