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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
| I know that you have forgotten much of what once was. Those lies attracted me. But you cannot continue like this; you must admit the truth about me. About what I can do, and what we have done. Mmm... More, you must know yourself. And remember. You wish to help. You wish to prepare for the Everstorm, the spren of the unnatural one. You must become something. I did not come to you merely to teach you tricks of light.
Pattern continued to appear to Shallan, vanishing whenever she caught a glimpse of him until she finally managed to capture him in a Memory while reading in her cabin. Her subsequent sketch, which attracted hundreds of [[creationspren]], seemingly helped to anchor Pattern, and he was able to completely transition from the Cognitive. Like all radiant spren when they first enter the Physical Realm, the transition damaged Pattern, losing much of his cognitive abilities and becoming infantile and almost mindless.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
=== MentorMutual and StudentLearning ===
When Jasnah learned of Shallan's discovery, they discussed about the nature of spren, particularly the Cryptics, and she ordered Shallan to spend the next few days studying the pattern-like spren.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
| The Cryptics have a fearful reputation, and yet this one – the first specimen I’ve ever seen – seems . . . ‘Imbecilic?’ Shallan asked.
| Jasnah and Shallan discussed Pattern{{book ref|sa2|3}}
When Jasnah learned of Shallan's discovery, they discussed about the nature of spren, particularly the Cryptics, and she ordered Shallan to spend the next few days studying the pattern-like spren.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
From then on, Shallan and Pattern started studying each other and learning from each other. With his mind still recovering from his transition into the Physical Realm, Pattern was initially quite child-like in both speech and thought. Shallan taught him various concepts that were alien to him, like the concept of eating, that he struggled to grasp.{{book ref|sa2|6}} AsHowever, he started learning, and as his memories startedand returning,intelligence howeverslowly returned, his knowledge of Surgebinding and Shadesmar became useful, and he started guiding Shallan in these respects, helping her in both Lightweaving and Soulcasting.
[[File:Pattern.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|A page from Shallan's sketchbook depicting her spren Pattern, by [[Coppermind: Artist/Ben McSweeney|Ben McSweeney]].]]
Throughout their journey towards the Shattered Plains, and even afterwards, both Shallan's handling of her Lightweaving powers and Pattern's understanding of human behavior slowly grew with each other's assistance. Aside from Surgebinding, Shallan found creative ways of utilizing Pattern's unique nature, from espionage{{book ref|sa2|15}} to trickery through voice mimicry.{{book ref|sa2|34}} Pattern also found that he could disengage locking mechanisms{{book ref|sa2|52}} and translate ancient texttexts{{book ref|sa2|47}} for Shallan, as these things have patterns that he could easily understand.
| I will not stop vibrating. The wind will not stop blowing. You will not stop drawing.
| Pattern comforting Shallan{{book ref|sa2|13}}
===The Truth of the Shardblade===
Throughout their journey towards the Shattered Plains, and even afterwards, both Shallan's handling of her Lightweaving powers and Pattern's understanding of human behavior slowly grew with each other's assistance. Aside from Surgebinding, Shallan found creative ways of utilizing Pattern's unique nature, from espionage{{book ref|sa2|15}} to trickery through voice mimicry.{{book ref|sa2|34}} Pattern also found that he could disengage locking mechanisms and translate ancient text for Shallan, as these things have patterns that he could easily understand.
Although Pattern and Shallan's relationship seemed healthy, there were several problems. First, because of the events of the [[Recreance]], Pattern believes that Shallan will one day break her Oaths and kill him, although he thinks it is worth bonding with her.{{book ref|sa2|17}} The fact that Shallan repressed her memories of Pattern for so long probably contributed to this as well.
As time went on, Pattern's relationship with Shallan became from all appearances quite strong. They learned from each other, often discussing topics ranging from linguistics, to Lightweaving tricks, to Jasnah's mission. But forFor a long time, Shallan's mind refused to register anything Pattern said whenthat ithad cameanything to do with their past experiences together before her mother's death. She also insisted to herself that her Shardblade needed ten heartbeats to summon just like most Shardblades at the time, refusing to associate the Shardblade with Pattern even when she was in grave danger, as when [[Tyn]] was attacking her{{book ref|sa2|36}} or when she and Kaladin encountered a chasmfiend.{{book ref|sa2|71}}
===The Truth of the Shardblade===
As time went on, Pattern's relationship with Shallan became from all appearances quite strong. They learned from each other, often discussing topics ranging from linguistics, to Lightweaving tricks, to Jasnah's mission. But for a long time Shallan's mind refused to register anything Pattern said when it came to their past experiences before her mother's death. She also insisted to herself that her Shardblade needed ten heartbeats to summon just like most Shardblades at the time, refusing to associate the Shardblade with Pattern even when she was in grave danger, as when [[Tyn]] was attacking her{{book ref|sa2|36}} or when she and Kaladin encountered a chasmfiend.{{book ref|sa2|71}}
Upon discovering the [[Oathgate]] in the ruins of [[Stormseat]] and finding that a Shardblade was required for it to workedwork, Shallan soon realized that dead Shardblades could not activate the Oathgate. In order to save herself and the entire Alethi army, she was forced to face the reality that Pattern was her Shardblade, the weapon she used to kill her own mother many years ago. Speaking a new Truth about Pattern being the same thing as her Shardblade, she used Pattern on the Oathgate to transport the whole army to [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa2|88}}
Once they had all moved into the ancient city, Pattern executed a plan to make Shallan say a powerful Truth, believing that Shallan needed to be stronger now that the [[Desolation]] has come. He convinced [[Adolin]] to give Shallan a room that resembled the room where her mother died. When Shallan entered it, he covered the room in an illusion of the death scene. Shallan started to recount the events of that day, as well as how those events led to the downfall of her father and the destruction of their family. Shallan ended by stating how she hated Pattern and how she wanted her family back.{{book ref|sa2|88}}
After this, Shallan was no longer able to forget the memories of that day no matter how hard she tried. This was apparently something that happens to Truths spoken by Lightweavers.{{book ref|sa3|13}} ShePattern felt guilty for what he did, and even offered to have himself killed so that another Cryptic could take his place. Nonetheless, Shallan tried to bring her relationship with Pattern back to normal, butalthough she still hated using him as a Shardblade. Eventually, she created a new illusory persona she called Radiant to take her place whenever she had to wield the Shardblade.{{book ref|sa3|15}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==