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== History ==
Since Dominion was Splintered so long ago, very little is known about it. Since the Shards had a general agreement to part after the Shattering,{{epigraph ref|ob|39}} it seems likely that Skai had some sort of relationship with [[Aona]], the Vessel of Devotion, as the two went to Sel together. The only confirmed references to Dominion and Skai are in the [[letters]] [[Hoid]] has been sending asking for help combating Odium, the responses he has received, and Khriss' essay on the Selish system.{{epigraph ref|wok|22}}{{epigraph ref|ob|37}}{{au ref|Sel}}
|It is a pity about Aona and Skai, but they were foolish—violating our pact from the very beginning.
|[[Endowment]]{{epigraph ref|sa3|37}}
Little is known about the early history of Dominion. It was created at the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]] and taken up by [[Skai]] who, for unknown reason, took it to [[Sel]] alongside [[Aona]]'s [[Devotion]].{{msh ref|3|2}}{{au ref|Sel}} They were not heavily involved in the creation of local cultures; however, they still ended up passively influencing them. Eventually, [[Odium]] came along and splintered both Shards, effectively killing them.{{au ref|Sel}}
Following their destruction, the [[Investiture]] of Devotion and Dominion was pushed into the [[Cognitive Realm]], creating the [[Dor]]. Though this was done to prevent the power from ever finding its way into hands of sapient creatures again, it seems as though the Dor itself has begun to attain sentience.{{au ref|Sel}}
== Influence ==