Difference between revisions of "User:Lyht/seon"

106 bytes added ,  10 years ago
- They did not exist before Odium came to Sel
- Odium splintered both Dominion and Devotion
- Seons came into existence as an outlet of the power. They are Splinters of Devotion.
- As far as we know, there are not any Seons (or equivalant) of Dominion.
- It is unknown if they spontaneously came into existance, or were created through some form of magic, or some combination of the two
- They are come into existence only in Arelon
- During the time of the [[Reod]], a Seon whose master fell victim to the [[Shaod]] lost sentience, and made its way to [[Elantris]] where it proceeded to "wander" aimlessly and silently. Rarely a Reod Seon might have shown some unconscious recognition of their Elantrian master, but only through classically conditioned actions, not communication. Additionally, if closely inspected, the [[Aon]] of a Seon who had lost their master to the [[Shaod]] would appear to be patchy and incomplete.{{ref|b|e|c|16|p|174}}
After the restoration of [[Elantris]]' magic and the completion of the Shaod, the Seons recovered their sanity and returned to their former state, though they were unable to remember the time they passed while the Shaod was incomplete.
== Abilities ==
