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== [[The Stormlight Archive]] - [[Roshar]] ==
=== Open ===
* Why does Szeth's eyes change color with his honor blade (Wor, pg 314) but Nale's don't, (don't remember for sure where), and Taln's don't (end of wok) could it be that szeth has to pull in stormlight for his surges, but the heralds have a hack that lets them get investiture from Honor?
* So many people seem to have Violet eyes. Usually light violet. Is there a reason? (I saw a WoB that eye color relates to the original KR Orders, which I think would mean the people we have seen are descendants of a a specific order)
* I have seen several WoB quotes now about how all the Shards have been on Roshar at some time, or invested on Roshar. What up wit that? Can I find the quotes again?
* The stormfather acts like everything in his bond is new. But he has been bonded before, right? Whats up?
* How does a Desolation actually end? All of the fused are killed?
=== Guessed ===
* Why does Szeth's eyes change color with his honor blade (Wor, pg 314) but Nale's don't, (don't remember for sure where), and Taln's don't (end of wok) could it be that szeth has to pull in stormlight for his surges, but the heralds have a hack that lets them get investiture from Honor?
** Could it be that szeth has to pull in stormlight for his surges, but the heralds have a hack that lets them get investiture from somewhere else? https://wob.coppermind.net/events/100-rbooks-ama-2015/#e3398
=== Closed ===
* Three different types of Shardblades: (WoB: You have seen three different kinds in WoK: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=977#108) 1) Honorblades, held by the 10 Heralds. Each can grant a power to those that bind with it. They are not made from Spren, they were made by Honor, and probably have a bit of his power. They are currently in the hands of the Shin, hidden and protected by them, except the 3 out in the world. 2) Standard Shardblades, two types, Live and dead, held by the Knights and given up. They are made by Spren, are actually spren in the physical realm. The blades remain even after the oaths were broken, but as dead spren, bonded to the live heart-beats of the wielder. 3) Nightblood, made on another planet (read Warbreaker), somehow in the hands of Nalan the Herald of Justice, and given to Szeth (I dont know if this is quite complete... because B said three different types where in WoK, so Nightblood would not be counted. If not, maybe just Live and Dead sprenblades are two different kinds)... (WoB: Nightblood is a very unique kind of Shardblade, but IS a Shardblade. https://www.goodreads.com/author/38550.Brandon_Sanderson/questions) Even though Nightblood is not in WoK, I believe Brandon meant this: Honor Blades, Spren Blades. And Nightblood. [http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1084#15]
* I am not sure about the reason the Final Desolation is coming, It seems circular. The Final Desolation is going to be caused by the Parshendi turning into voidbringers, but that is happening because they saw surgebinders returning, but the spren are binding with men again because they sense the Final Desolation is coming. '''Answer:''' the spren see the return of Odiums spren. It is the return that will cause it, everything else comes from that. WoR page 109, chapter 13 "spren of ''him''. they come."
** '''Answer:''' the spren see the return of Odiums spren. It is the return that will cause it, everything else comes from that. WoR page 109, chapter 13 "spren of ''him''. they come."
* Dalinar wife? How did she die, and why can't he hear her name? I think he can’t hear her name because of a Nightwatcher curse... I can’t remember. '''Answer''' Answered in Oathbringer. She died in a battle he caused. Cultivation erased his memory.
** '''Answer''' Answered in Oathbringer. She died in a battle he caused. Cultivation erased his memory.
== [[Warbreaker]] - [[Nalthis]] ==
