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* When did Hoid drink an alloy? That would imply he was already an allomancer, which means either he already used the Larasium, or he found another way. A flashback scene with Sallan? At the end of the chapter middlefest. WoB said it was something like we had seen in mistborn. (WoB: Q: What alloy did Hoid drink? A: Let's just say he was trying to make certain people act the way they wanted to.)
* What magic does Hoid currently have? (WoB: You know at least two of them. More obvious clues are in [Words of Radiance]. Watch where he and Kaladin have some interactions. Watch carefully, you will see something in what he mentions. You've seen him and Shallan, that scene in one of her flashbacks, in that scene he uses one if you watch.)
* How did hoid know shallan was a radiant, just by looking at her. What could he see? Is that an aspect of his breath? Is that why Zahel took an interest in Kalladin?
* He has the [[Moon Scepter]]? What is that? It is a scepter from [[the Emperor's Soul]]. There seems to be some question about if he actually took it, even though Shai thought he did. And the deleted scene, Hoid said he did.
* Who did he write the letter to? Khriss? I dont think so. He once said he came to Roshar to talk to someone, but ended up hiding from him instead. I think that implies that "him" is the same person he sent the letter to... but maybe not.
