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* What causes the Desolation? Why has it not happened for so many years? Taln was the only one left, and nothing happened for 4500 years. (WoB: Q: Is a Desolation caused when a Herald breaks under torture? A: This person is asking the right kinds of questions.) (WoB: Q: What caused a Desolation to end? Was it just the defeat of Odium's forces? Because the Desolations start when the Heralds break under torture. A: Because the Heralds can no longer be in existence. There is a certain period of time that they can be there, and after that, if they're there, they will start a new one. So the Heralds do need to leave for a Desolation to end. Q: Oh. So they've got a time limit. A: They do. Otherwise the Desolation will start again. What they discovered is not all of them have to. As long as one remains, the Desolation will not start again. Q: So, by the nine leaving, did that actually break the Oathpact for them? Did it change the cycle of Desolations? A: They have not completely broken the Oathpact, despite what they may think.)
* What are VoidSpren, vs regular spren? There are actually three spren, one for each shard. Void Spren are Odium, but what about the others? Honorspren and Cryptics? Surgebinding spren seems to be from Honor because they require oaths. But some spren seem to have a stronger relationship with the Stormfather or with Nightwatcher, or other super-spren? (WoB: Um, there are spren of all three shards. And those spren can work within the bounds of the magic that has already been set up on Roshar.) Why would Cultivation make spren? I think Odium did it to battle the power given to the humans from Honor's spren, but what is Cultivation doing?
* Odium can affect people like Ruin did. How? '''A:''' He can affect the Parsendi when they take on the stormspren, because those spren have a hole in them like what is caused by the spikes. But Ruin could also just push the people a bit, as could Preservation. But they could only do that because they created the people. Odium can affect people also, but has to do it through the unmade. (WoB: Can Odium influence people the same way that Ruin can?... etc [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/20500-orem-library-signing-on-december-6/?p=204063 orem signing 2014])
* Odium can affect people like Ruin did. How?
* What was the reason the Parshendi killed Gavilar? Were they afraid he would bring back the KR, which would cause them to bring back the Void Bringers? There was something else there.
* What is Elsecalling? (WoB: Q: Is Jasnah still alive at the end of the book, since the whole scene where she kind of appears… A: Yes, she is. Q: Why does she take so long to come back? A: Because Elsecalling is not precise even if you know exactly what you're doing, which she doesn't.)