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== [[Mistborn]] - [[Alloy of Law]] - [[Scadrial]] ==
=== Open ===
* was the deepness just the mists? Or did Ruin send some of his own mists, dark ones that choked the land so as to force the rise of the hero of ages?
* is the well of ascension really the shardpool, or is it an outlet of the full pool like in the alternate ending?
*Brandon once said “I wonder what Sazed is doing with the extra power from Ruin to keep the power in balance?” I am sure it was RAFO tease, but yah, what IS he doing with it? What COULD he do with it? He would have to push it off some of it somewhere. I can only think of two options: 1) physical investiture (shardpool) in liquid, solid or gas form, 2) or splinter some off into living creatures or make spren. It doesn't look like it can be the second. (Q: Are there still no Splinters on Scadrial, after the events of the Alloy of Law? A: Yes, there are no Splinters on Scadrial. Unless they've been brought. [Several people cried out "Hoid!"] There are no Splinters of Ruin or Preservation. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/4254-chicago-steelheart-signing-2-wheeling/#entry66703)
* Is there a limit to how much can be stored in metalminds? It seems so, like Sazed's rings held a little bit, but his bracers could hold a bunch. But if so, how do you hold the extra amount that is possible with compounding?