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* Three sentient races on Yolen? (WoB: Q: Were the original sixteen Shardholders after the shattering all human? A: Uh … RAFO. There are three races on Yolen. Three sentient races.)
* So who all was there for the Shattering? 16 + Hoid and Khriss and Nazh, and the Dragon? And maybe Mraise?
* Does Hemalergy require the death of the person the sDNA is pulling from? Seems like it might. (WoB, Miles would probably be dead if spiked. https://www.goodreads.com/questions/109483-could-miles-heal-back-his-allomancy-if-it)
* How can Hemalergy work with other magic systems? Does it take the investiture or the sDNA from the host. I think the sDNA, but then what about other worlds where sDNA doesn't seem to mean as much as on Scadrial?
* If you managed to create an Aon that would work on Roshar, which Shard would you be pulling power from?