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* Smoke from shardblades: What is the relation between the smoke that emits when a shardblade cuts, and smoke from Nightblood? Are they the same thing? What are they? (http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=666#5 WoB: Q: Is there any relation between the smoke that is emitted when a Shardblade cuts somebody and the smoke that Nightblood emits in Warbreaker? A: Yes, there is.)
* Some people are saying that Bavadin showed up on Sel. [http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1146#2] What the heck? I can't find the original discussion on 17th shard to see where that is from.
* Investeture can not be destroyed. [http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1116#3] so what does Nightblood do? [http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1161#2]
=== Closed ===
* Can the magic on one world even work on another? They require the spiritual and genetic codes of the people born on the planet, so someone on another planet could not gain the power. However, can planet jumpers use their powers on other planets? Can the power work that far away from the shard / planet? ANSWER: Yes. from Brandon: Question: Can magic systems from one world work in any given other? Answer: For some, it will take quite a bit of work, but it's possible to get them each to work. Sel's magics are regional, and so they are going to be tough. Scadrial's magics are the easiest.