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* Three sentient races on Yolen? (WoB: Q: Were the original sixteen Shardholders after the shattering all human? A: Uh … RAFO. There are three races on Yolen. Three sentient races.)
* So who all was there for the Shattering? 16 + Hoid and Khriss and Nazh, and the Dragon? And maybe Mraise?
* Does Hemalergy require the death of the person the sDNA is pulling from? No, but in most cases it would cause it because it causes damage to the soul. (WoB, Miles would probably be dead if spiked. https://www.goodreads.com/questions/109483-could-miles-heal-back-his-allomancy-if-it and part two: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14995-goodreads-qa/page-4#entry169380)
* How can Hemalergy work with other magic systems? Does it take the investiture or the sDNA from the host. I think the sDNA, but then what about other worlds where sDNA doesn't seem to mean as much as on Scadrial?
* If you managed to create an Aon that would work on Roshar, which Shard would you be pulling power from?
* Who is Nazh? Who are they drawing everything for? A woman? Maybe Khriss? I am completely convinced it is Kriss. (WoB: Q: Who's Nazh? The person who retrieved Shallan's notebook...A: You have seen him before.) (WoB: Q: Is Hoid the most knowledgeable about what's going on in the cosmere? A: No, Khriss is the most aware by a long shot. Nazh knows a lot as well. Hoid might know more than Nazh but he is pretty in the know as well so it's close.)
* Does every world have a cognitive realm? A version of shadesmar? (YES, they would have to since that seems to be the way to world hop, and it seems everything has a Cognitive and Spiritual nature)
* Does Hemalergy require the death of the person the sDNA is pulling from? No, but in most cases it would cause it because it causes damage to the soul. (WoB: Q: Hemalurgy, does the person having the metal shoved through them have to die? B: It has to rip off a piece of their soul. That normally results in death. [http://www.17thshard.com/news/events/giant-transcription-of-slcc-audio-r201 SLCC Transacription]) (WoB, Miles would probably be dead if spiked. https://www.goodreads.com/questions/109483-could-miles-heal-back-his-allomancy-if-it and part two: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14995-goodreads-qa/page-4#entry169380)