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During the year 1173, Jasnah Kholin travelled to Kharbranth to access to the Conclave and the Palanaeum, in order to continue her research into the Voidbringers and Urithiru. Shortly after she arrived, a cave-in occurred within the palace following the Highstorm, trapping one of king Tarvangian's granddaughters inside one of the Conclave's many rooms. The scenario was deliberately planned by the king, who believed Jasnah may have been able to Soulcast without the use of a Soulcaster fabrial, to create a situation where he could observe her using Soulcasting. Believing that the fallen boulder needed to be removed as soon as possible and time was of the essence, Jasnah Soulcast the boulder into smoke, freeing Taravangian's granddaughter and allowing the king, as well as Shallan Davar who had recently arrived at the Palace, the opportunity to witness her Surgebind. In exchange for her help, Taravangian granted Jasnah access to the Palanaeum, the grand library found deep within the Conclave, despite any backlash it would cause amongst the Ardentia.{{book ref|sa1|5}}{{wob ref|3242}}{{wob ref|8070}}
While studying under Jasnah, Shallan Davar stayed within the residential suite of the Conclave, along with the Alethi princess. Shallan had travelled to the free city of KhabranthKharbranth under the guise of becoming the woman's ward, however, in truth she wished to steal Jasnah's Soulcaster. After several months of wardship passed, Shallan stole Jasnah's Soulcaster, switching it out for a fake copy while in their rooms within the Conclave. After being dismissed from her wardship, Shallan confronted Jasnah while she was in the Veil, concluding that the woman's soulcaster was a fake and also revealing that she herself could enter the Cognitive Realm and Soulcast. During her time in Kharbranth, Shallan struck up a friendship and potential romance with the ardent Kabsal, who she met while waiting to speak with Jasnah after the incident with Taravangian's daughter. The pair often spending time together around the Conclave, picnicking in the palace gardens and talking in the Palanaeum.{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|36}}{{book ref|sa1|70}}{{book ref|sa1|7}}{{book ref|sa1|42}}
Several weeks Shallan became well known amongst the Conclave staff for her drawing abilities, with many of the workers requesting portraits of themselves.{{book ref|sa1|29}}
During her time in Khabranth, Shallan struck up a friendship and potential romance with the ardent Kabsal, who she met while waiting to speak with Jasnah after the incident with Taravangian's daughter. The pair often spending time together around the Conclave, picnicking in the palace gardens and talking in the Palanaeum.
As the months passed while she studied, Shallan began to grow more and more aware of Pattern and the other Cryptics who watched her from the Cognitive Realm. Several times, Shallan unconsciously included them in portraits she created, first while sketching king Taravangian while he ate lunch in the Veil with Jasnah, and then later, in a sketch of herself and Kabsal after visiting the Palanaeum with the ardent. She also began hearing the Cryptics whispers, convincing herself that she was mishearing sounds made by the Conclave staff as they worked. Eventually Shallan was unable to ignore the spren and fled to her rooms to try and escape. Unfortunately for her, Pattern and the other Cryptics followed, leading to Shallan accidentally Soulcasting a goblet within her quarters into blood. To hide what she had done from Jasnah when the woman came to check on her, Shallan cut open her arm, pretending that the blood was hers and was taken to one of the city's many hospitals. After{{book beingref|sa1|29}}{{book dismissed from her wardship, Shallan confronted Jasnah while she was in the Veil, concluding that the woman's soulcaster was a fake and also revealing that she herself could enter the Cognitive Realm and Soulcast.ref|sa1|42}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Several weeks Shallan became well known amongst the Conclave staff for her drawing abilities, with many of the workers requesting portraits of themselves.
As the months passed while she studied, Shallan began to grow more and more aware of Pattern and the other Cryptics who watched her from the Cognitive Realm. Several times, Shallan unconsciously included them in portraits she created, first while sketching king Taravangian while he ate lunch in the Veil with Jasnah, and then later, in a sketch of herself and Kabsal after visiting the Palanaeum with the ardent. She also began hearing the Cryptics whispers, convincing herself that she was mishearing sounds made by the Conclave staff as they worked. Eventually Shallan was unable to ignore the spren and fled to her rooms to try and escape. Unfortunately for her, Pattern and the other Cryptics followed, leading to Shallan accidentally Soulcasting a goblet within her quarters into blood. To hide what she had done from Jasnah when the woman came to check on her, Shallan cut open her arm, pretending that the blood was hers and was taken to one of the city's many hospitals. After being dismissed from her wardship, Shallan confronted Jasnah while she was in the Veil, concluding that the woman's soulcaster was a fake and also revealing that she herself could enter the Cognitive Realm and Soulcast.
Around the time Jasnah and Shallan end their stay at the Conclave and depart the city, Szeth breaks in to the Palace with the intent to kill king Taravangian. After confronting the elderly man in his study, Szeth discovered that Taravangian was in possession of his oathstone and had been behind the assassinations that Szeth had been tasked with performing. Taking Szeth to the secret hospital, hidden within the Conclave, the king revealed that terminal patients and high risk citizens were being gathered in order to harvest the Death Rattles.
Around the time Jasnah and Shallan end their stay at the Conclave and depart the city, Szeth breaks in to the Palacepalace with the intent to kill king Taravangian. After confronting the elderly man in his study, Szeth discovered that Taravangian was in possession of his oathstone and had been behind the assassinations that Szeth had been tasked with performing. Taking Szeth to the secret hospital, hidden within the Conclave, the king revealed that terminal patients and high risk citizens were being gathered in order to harvest the Death Rattles.{{book ref|sa1|71}}
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