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(This has all the info it needs, but needs some editing before I can move it to the real page.)
== Appearance and Personality ==
Nedd is the tallest member of Skyward Flight,{{book ref|sky1|20}} standing at 193 centimeters tall,{{book ref|Skyward|23}}. He is heavily built,{{book ref|sky1|20}} but has not fully grown into his features yet, with is face appearing too large for his head.{{book ref|sky1|23}} Between his height and overall built, Nedd takes up most of the space in his cockpit.{{book ref|sky1|20}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} He is conscious of healthy eating habits and routinely skips dessert during meals to maintain a better physique.{{book ref|sky1|15}}He has a faint accent that is normally associated with those from the lower caverns,{{book ref|sky1|10}} however he is from Alta Base, and only attended school down below.{{book ref|sky1|23}} He is not religious.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
He has a faint accent that is normally associated with those from the lower caverns,{{book ref|sky1|10}} however he is from Alta Base, and only attended school down below.{{book ref|sky1|23}} He is not religious.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
He is good natured,{{book ref|sky1|21}} easy going,{{book ref}|sky1|23}}{{book ref|sky1|38}} and friendly,{{book ref|sky1|10}}{{book ref|sky1|21}} easily befriending many of his fellow flightmates during the early days of flight school.{{book ref|sky1|10}} He is quick to joke with others in a friendly manner,{{book ref|sky1|12}} and has no issue with making himself the butt of the joke.{{book ref|sky1|14}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} This is overdone, likely on purpose, by Nedd,{{book ref|sky1|23}} who is actually a very thoughtful{{book ref|sky1|20}} and perceptive person.{{book ref|sky1|23}} He is good at characterizing people and anticipating how to meet their needs, even if these needs aren't something his companions are aware of themselves.{{book ref|sky1|23}} He will often use himself as a target if he notices that someone is stressed and needing to blow off steam.{{book ref|sky1|}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} He is good at understanding how the traits and personalities of those around him can be utilized and will engineer situations to effectively use these traits.{{book ref|sky1|20}} Nedd does not shy away during conflict and will play the mediator, being very good at diffusing situations.{{book ref|sky1|15}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} Nedd is, in general, very levelheaded, however can act irrationally if he believes someone he cares about is in danger.{{book ref|sky1|26}} Nedd is forcibly discharged from the DDF after he fails to report for duty after the death of his brothers, as instability of emotions, even those caused by grief, are considered a sign that a pilot is unfit for duty.{{book ref|sky1|27}} Although he appears to have returned to his jolly self by the time the remaining members of Skyward Flight graduate, his is still haunted by memories of their deaths.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Nedd becomes more aware and more critical of the culture seeded by the DDF after his dismissal from flight school. Despite his love of flying he is aware of how the DDF treats their pilots and is not interested in joining again if he got the chance, nor does he think he could put his mother in that position after the loss of her first two sons.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
Nedd attended Skyward Flights graduation, however missed the actual ceremony instead running into Spensa during refreshments. He had planned to convince the graduating members of the flight to join the original group for a post graduation celebration, however, he was unable to find FM and Jorgen between the ceremony and their departure to defend the falling shipyard. Nedd and Spensa went to join the rest of the ex-Skyward crew to listen in to the battle on Arturo's personal radio. Although the group started listening in on the Assembly frequency, they eventually changed to the pilot band to hear directly what was going on.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Wanting to help their fellow pilots after hearing the desperation during the battle, Nedd, Kimmalyn, and Arturo went to the deep caverns to steal the Mendez private fighters.{{book ref|sky1|48}} The three took the Mendez ships and went to join Spensa in fighting off the second Krell attack. Ironsides ordered Nedd and his two companions to focus on destroying the bomber even if it would destroy Alta.{{book ref|sky1|51}}{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Once the group arrived, Nedd and Arturo went after the bomber on Spensa's orders, in an attempt to drive it away from Alta Base. Ironsides tried to overrule the cadet's order, however, was ignored by Nedd and Arturo. They attempted to follow Spensa's commands, however, were constantly impeded by the black Krell guard ships which would attack if they got close but fall back if they pulled away. When Riptide Flight arrived they joined Nedd and Arturo in engaging with these ships to keep them busy and distracted.{{book ref|sky1|52}} It is unknown how the fight Nedd was involved in ended, but it can be assumed the black Krell fighters pulled back when the lifebuster was dropped.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
== Relationships ==
Jorgen and Arturo - Friends prior to flight school. {{book ref|sky1|8}}
He found Spensa's suggestion for Jorgen's callsign being Jerkface amusing,{{book ref|sky1|9}} and later teased him about how the Flight had decided on a callsign for him.{{book ref|sky1|10}}
Nedd and Arturo bicker with each other.{{book ref|sky1|15}}
Nedd met Arturo and Jorgen at some point while the three of them were schooled in the deep caverns, prior to flight school.{{book ref|sky1|8}} By the time they all are accepted into Cobb's class, the three are good friends, with Nedd and Arturo being mistaken as Jorgen's henchmen.{{book ref|sky1|8}}
Nedd has a fun natured and bickering type of relationship with Arturo.{{book ref|sky1|15}} The two often throw insults at each other.{{book ref|sky1|15}} Arturo is used to Nedd's wisecracks and is thrown after Nedd drops out of flight school, still expecting his responses during certain beats of conversation.{{book ref|sky1|32}}
Nedd's relationship with Jorgen is more one sided in it's playfulness and Nedd often pokes fun at Jorgen, likely to allow the other boy to let off some steam.{{book ref|sky1|10}}
{{“Being unable to control your emotions, grief included, is a sign that one is unfit for duty. At least that’s how Ironsides and the other DDF brass see it. I say it’s a good thing Nedd is out. That boy was too smart for all this anyway…” He hobbled out the door.}/}
| "Hi, Nedd!" M-Bot said. "I can confirm you are an idiot, but all humans are. Your mental abilities appear to be within a standard deviation from their average."
| Skyward - Chapter 52
== Notes ==