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== Relationships ==
=== Jorgen and Arturo ===
Nedd met Arturo and Jorgen at some point while the three of them were schooled in the deep caverns, prior to flight school.{{book ref|sky1|8}} By the time they all are accepted into Cobb's class, the three are good friends, with Nedd and Arturo being mistaken as Jorgen's henchmen.{{book ref|sky1|8}}
Nedd has a fun natured and bickering type of relationship with Arturo.,{{book ref|sky1|15}} Theand the two often throw friendly insults at each other.{{book ref|sky1|15}} Arturo is used to Nedd's wisecracks and is thrown after Nedd drops out of flight school, still expecting his responses during certain beats of conversation.{{book ref|sky1|32}} Nedd's relationship with Jorgen is more one sided in it's playfulness and Nedd often pokes fun at Jorgen, likely to allow the other boy to let off some steam.{{book ref|sky1|10}}
Nedd and Arturo deliberately do not invite Jorgen to informal gatherings of Skyward Flight as they believe he would not want to join the group, thus making the invitation a waste of time.{{book ref|sky1|38}} It is unclear if they are correct in this thought.
When Spensa stopped Nedd from chasing his brothers while the shipyard was falling, he accused her of cowardice,{{book ref|sky1|26}} a comment that stuck with Spensa after the event and played into her underlying fears.{{book ref|sky1|27}} Spensa was thrown by Nedd's dismissal from the DDF, not realizing, at first, that he had been removed from flight school, and was largely affected by it, likely due to both losing another flight member and their final interaction.{{book ref|sky1|27}}
Weeks past between Nedd and Spensa's parting following his brother's death, however, by the time of their reunion whateverthe ill feelings that Nedd had held towards the female cadet had passed.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
=== Hurl ===