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(Part way through chapter 3)
|titlesaliases=Callsign: Quirk
|profession={{cat tag|DDF pilots}}
|booksuniverse=[[Skyward Universe]]
|books=[[Skyward (series)]]
|We can do this. Just take a deep breath. Reach up. Pluck a star. That’s what the Saint says.
|Kimmalyn meeting Spensa for the first time{{book ref|sky1|6}}
'''Kimmalyn''' (Callsign: '''Quirk''') is a member of the [[DDF]] and pilot number six in [[Skyward Flight]].{{book ref|sky1|9}} She hails from [[Bountiful Cavern]], is the daughter of current DDF AA gunners,{{book ref|sky1|11}} and the great-granddaughter of the assistant quartermaster from the old ''[[Antioch]]'' gunship in the ''[[Defiant|Defiant Fleet]]''.{{book ref|sky1|7}}
Kimmalyn initially chose the callsign Quick,{{book ref|sky1|9}} however, she changed it to Quirk after it was misremembered by multiple members of her flight.{{book ref|sky1|10}}{{book ref|sky1|11}}
Although she initially quit the DDF flight program followingafter the death of Hurl,{{book ref|sky1|33}} Kimmalyn is reinstated as a full pilot following the [[Battle of Alta Second]].{{book ref|sky2|2}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Kimmalyn has tan brown skin and long, curly black hair.{{book ref|sky1|7}} She spends time on her appearance{{book ref|sky1|20}} and is in general, a very neat person.{{book ref|sky1|21}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} She has a slight accent, that is likely common to her home cavern, [[Bountiful Cavern]],{{book ref|sky1|7}} and has a tendency to use old fashioned turns of phrases, likely with the intent to confuse others.{{book ref|sky1|16}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} She has a relaxed and unhurried way of speaking and sounds naturally upbeat, even when delivering insults.{{book ref|sky2|2}}
|Kimmalyn had the soul of a smart aleck, but the upbringing of a polite society girl.
|Description of Kimmalyn by [[Spensa]]{{book ref|sky1|28}}
Kimmalyn has tan brown skin and long, curly black hair.{{book ref|sky1|7}} She spends time on her appearance{{book ref|sky1|20}} and is in general, a very neat person.{{book ref|sky1|21}}{{book ref|sky1|28}}
She has a slight accent, that is likely common to her home cavern, [[Bountiful Cavern]],{{book ref|sky1|7}} and has a tendency to use old fashioned turns of phrase, likely with the intent to confuse others.{{book ref|sky1|16}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} She has a relaxed and unhurried way of speaking and sounds naturally happy, even when delivering insults.{{book ref|sky2|2}} She has a good poker face and can be hard to read, which she uses to her advantage when teasing people.{{book ref|sky2|3}}
|'He thought she’d given up', I realized.
Instead, puffy eyes and all, Kimmalyn raised her chin.
Cobb nodded toward her seat, and she strode over—a model of Defiant poise—and sat down. In that moment, she seemed more like a warrior than I’d ever been.
|Kimmalyn refusing to leave the [[DDF]] after the death's of [[Morningtide]] and [[Bim]]{{book ref|sky1|20}}
She is a very energetic and excitable person, who can sometimes come across as silly to others.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She is not shy with physical affection even with people she does not know, and is a cheerful and friendly person.{{book ref|sky1|7}} Kimmalyn enjoys life's small pleasures{{book ref|sky1|7}} and is perky and upbeat.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She is quick to follow orders, even from those who do not necessarily have authority to give them.{{book ref|sky1|8}}
She is genuinely kind and considers others well-being as much as her own. She will willingly decrease her comfort of living to help increase another's, so that they do not have to carry discomfort themselves.{{book ref|sky1|11}} She is perceptive about her friends and will specifically check in with them if something seems wrong, and will do what she can to help.{{book ref|sky1|13}} She does not shy away from bringing up sensitive topics, however, is sympathetic and empathetic when discussing issues.{{book ref|sky1|16}}
Despite this, Kimmalyn does not always recognize when she enables bad behavior in others.{{book ref|sky1|15}} She is quick to follow orders, even from those who do not necessarily have authority to give them.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She frequently uses the phrase, ''bless your stars'', however, the intention behind her comments can range from fondness{{book ref|sky1|16}} to mockery.{{book ref|sky1|23}} Kimmalyn uses subtle and confusing language when insulting others, so they do not catch on to her intention. This is a trait she has picked up from living in Bountiful Cavern where it is considered rude to be overtly insulting, but acceptable if veiled with politeness and obscurity.{{book ref|sky1|23}}
Kimmalyn's confidence is shaken during her time at [[flight school]]. Despite her talents in long distance sniping, her poor performance in flying leads her to repeatedly criticize herself to her classmates, even when they are praising her improvements.{{book ref|sky1|23}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} The death of [[Hurl]] further errodederodes Kimmalyn's trust in her abilities, believingas she thatbelieves her friend's death was frombecause her own failure, causingultimately leading her to leave the [[DDF]].{{book ref|sky1|33}}{{book ref|sky1|48}} Hurl's death fueled Kimmalyn's feelings of inadequacy leading her to question her sniper skills and cause distress when put in another situation that required herasked to make aanother difficult shot.{{book ref|sky1|52}} Despite this, Kimmalyn is proud of the achievementswhat she madeachieved as a cadet.{{book ref|sky1|38}} Kimmalyn's confidence in both flying and snipingshooting likely improved following the [[Battle of Alta Second]] as she rejoins the DDF and becomes a full pilot.{{book ref|sky2|2}}
=== Religiosity ===
|What a lovely view of the sky we have! As the Saint always said, ‘Good thing it’s light during the day, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see how pretty daytime is!’
|Kimmalyn trying to distract others from realizing she slipped food to [[Spensa]]{{book ref|sky1|13}}
Kimmalyn is religious{{book ref|sky1|38}} and often makes up sayings, attributing them to the Saint.{{book ref|sky1|28}} She justifies a majority of her actions through these sayings and also uses them to obscure insults.{{book ref|sky1|19}} Though offered suggestions by her fellow cadets, she does not consider using them.{{book ref|sky1|32}} Kimmalyn vehemently disagreed with the suggestion she use the callsign: Saint, when it was suggested.{{book ref|sky1|9}} She will also call out others for using the Saint's name in vain, though may be doing this in a joking manner.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
On the first day of flight school, Kimmalyn ran into, and befriended Spensa, shortly after leaving the elevator from [[Igneous]].{{book ref|sky1|7}} The two girls were the first to arrive at the classroom, introducing themselves to their classmates when they arrived. When [[Jorgen]] arrived and ordered Skyward Flight to attention, Kimmalyn immediately jumped to action, however, in her excitement, she saluted Jorgen with both hands while also standing on her toes. Jorgen harshly criticized her, leading to Spensa jumping to Kimmalyn's defense. Kimmalyn, while initially hurt by Jorgen's comment, was pleased by Spensa's response.{{book ref|sky1|8}}
|I’m just gonna sit tight here, snug and happy I didn’t crash into anyone. As the Saint said, ‘Ain’t nothing wrong with being a little wrong once in a while.’
|Kimmalyn during their first virtual training session when asked to fall in line with her fellow pilots{{book ref|sky1|10}}
Like many of the other members of Skyward Flight, Kimmalyn crashed her mockpit during their first lesson by accidentally misusing her control sphere. When the lesson was interrupted by a [[KRELL|Krell]] attack, Kimmalyn, along with the rest of Skyward Flight, were ordered to take to the sky and line up close to the battle to deceive the Krell into thinking there were more pilots ready to join the conflict.{{book ref|sky1|10}} When Krell attacked the group, she maneuvered herself away from her flightmates so that she could line up a clear shot with her [[Starfighter#Destructors|destructor]]s, firing upon and destroying the Krell that had targeted Jorgen. Once back at the DDF base, the other members of Skyward Flight praised her on her shooting, though she did not know how to react to the compliments.{{book ref|sky1|11}}
A few days later, Skyward Flight was once again sent into battle against the Krell, this time fighting alongside full pilots. During the battle, Kimmalyn attempts to help [[Morningtide]] by sniping the Krell that were chasing her, however, was ultimately too late and by doing so left herself exposed to Krell attack with no wingmate nearby. Although Spensa initially wanted to go and help her, Jorgen ordered her to help Bim, going to help Kimmalyn himself. Kimmalyn survived the battle, however, lost two of her other flightmates: Bim and Morningtide.{{book ref|sky1|19}}
|A Quirk maneuver would involve complimenting the enemy while you shoot them. ‘Oh! You make lovely sparks when you die! You should feel very proud of yourself. Good job!’ 
|[[FM]] teasing Kimmalyn during the secret sleepover with [[Spensa]]{{book ref|sky1|28}}
The next morning, Kimmalyn arrived late to class having stopped in the bathroom on her way to the classroom. Having likely spent the time crying and considering if she wished to stay with the DDF, Kimmalyn eventually made her way to the classroom, taking her seat with the intention of
After a later training session, Skyward Flight was called to action to help defend against a Krell attack. The flight took up position near one of Alta's AA guns away from the main fight to wait as backup. After the flight was given the green light to engage, Kimmalyn found herself being swarmed by Krell and called for aid. Despite the best efforts of her teammates, the Krell kept locking onto Kimmalyn even after being driven away, causing the cadet to panic and fly erratically to try and lose them. Spensa managed to draw the Krell away from Kimmalyn, leading them to chase her instead. Free from her tail, Kimmalyn maneuvered herself above the fray to get out of range. In an effort to save Hurl, Kimmalyn tried to shoot down her persuers, however, missed her target. Moments later, Hurl's wing was destroyed by destructor fire and her ship plummeted for the planet, leading to her death.{{book ref|sky1|32}}
|“I failed Hurl,” she [Kimmalyn] said softly. “I’ll fail the others.”<br>
“No. The only way you fail, Kimmalyn, is if you’re not there. '''Be there'''. ”</br>
|Spensa encouraging Kimmalyn to go with [[Nedd]] and [[Arturo]] and help the overwhelmed pilots during the [[Second Battle of Alta]]{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Following the battle, Kimmalyn went to Cobb, expressing her wishes to leave the cadet training program. After spending the night thinking over her decision, at Cobb's insistence, she reaffirmed her decision the next day in front of the rest of her flight. Although they tried to convince her to stay, Kimmalyn stayed firm in her choice.{{book ref|sky1|33}} When she went to clear her dorm room of her possessions, she did so chaotically, leading to some of her things becoming lost and being left behind.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
Later that week, Kimmalyn met up with her fellow Skyward Flight members, as all active members had been given a week of medical leave. After meeting with the group, Kimmalyn asked if FM would be able to fetch a necklace that she had left in their room before departing. When FM returned with the necklace, she brought Spensa with her, whom she had found on her way back to the restaurant.{{book ref|sky1|37}} After retrieving her necklace from FM, Kimmalyn and her friends spoke of Hurl, remembering their friend and reminiscing about their time in flight school. When Arturo's girlfriend, Bryn, went to the bathroom, the members of Skyward Flight talked briefly about the strangeness of Krell tactics and the DDF's hesitancy to talk about these things.{{book ref|sky1|38}}
Following the Skyward graduation, Kimmalyn and the former members of the flight met up at a restaurant in Alta Base to listen in to the battle at the shipyard on Arturo's family radio. Hearing the desperation of the battle, the friends discussed potentially stealing the Mendez private jets to provide aid. Kimmalyn protested Spensa's suggestion that she accompany Arturo and Nedd on the mission, believing it would just be another opportunity for her to fail. After some encouraging words from Spensa, Kimmalyn went with Nedd and Arturo to steal the starfighters and help the overwhelmed DDF pilots.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Having successfully stolen the Mendez family starships, Kimmalyn, Nedd, and Arturo went to join Spensa in defending Alta Base. The group arrived shortly after Spensa was shot down, with Kimmalyn immediately wanting to go to her aid. Ironsides, however, ordered Kimmalyn and the others to attack and destroy the bomber as they were too far away to be of help to Spensa.{{book ref|sky1|51}}
After Spensa rejoined the fight in M-Bot, she ordered Kimmalyn to hang back and, once the ship's defenses had been deactivated, shoot the bomber so that the bomb would drop without detonating. Kimmalyn protested, not believing herself good enough to make such a shot, however Spensa disagreed, reminding the other woman of how they met and the encouragement she had given Spensa on that day. On Spensa's orders, Kimmalyn shot at the bomber, hitting the clamps that held the lifebuster to the ship and destroying them, cutting the bomb free.{{book ref|sky1|52}}
|A line of red light pierced the battlefield. It passed between Krell ships, went right over Jorgen’s wing as he overburned away from the bomber. And damn me if it didn’t spear the exact spot between the bomber and the bomb, severing the clamps.
|“I failed Hurl,” she [Kimmalyn] said softly. “I’ll fail the others.”
|[[Spensa]] commenting on Kimmalyn detaching the [[lifebuster]] from it's carrier ship{{book ref|sky1|52}}
“No. The only way you fail, Kimmalyn, is if you’re not there. '''Be there'''. ”
|Spensa encouraging Kimmalyn to go with Nedd and Arturo and help the overwhelmed pilots during the Second Battle of Alta{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Following the Skyward graduationbattle, Kimmalyn andrejoined the formerDDF membersas ofan theactive flightpilot mettaking up at a restaurantspecialized inpiloting Alta Base to listenrole in to the battlereformed atSkyward theFlight.{{book shipyardref|sky2|2}} onShe Arturo'saccompanied familySpensa, radio.FM, and Hearing[[Sadie]] theinto desperationbattle ofagainst the battle,Krell theshortly friendsbefore discussedthe potentiallyarrival stealingof the Mendez[[Superiority]] privatebattleships.{{book jetsref|sky2|2}} toAfter providereturning aid.to base, Kimmalyn protestedwaited with Spensa's suggestionwho thathad shestayed accompanybehind Arturoto andspeak Neddto on[[Jorgen]]. theThe mission,pair believingchatted itwith wouldSadie justas bethey anotherwaited, opportunitywho forlooked herup to failboth women. AfterWhen someJorgen encouraging words from Spensaarrived, Kimmalyn wentabandoned with Nedd and ArturoSpensa to stealface theJorgen's starfighters and help the overwhelmed DDFwrath pilotsalone.{{book ref|sky1|483}}
After receiving a message from [[Rodge]] about a recording, recovered from the [[Platform Prime]] databases, Kimmalyn quickly returned to fetch Spensa and Jorgen and head to the [[Platform_Prime|Library]] to see what had been uncovered.{{book ref|sky1|3}}{{book ref|sky2|4}} When Spensa spooked at the recording, Kimmalyn tried to assist her.{{book ref|sky2|5}}
Having successfully stolen the Mendez family starships, Kimmalyn, Nedd, and Arturo went to join Spensa in defending Alta Base. The group arrived shortly after Spensa was shot down, with Kimmalyn immediately wanting to go to her aid. Ironsides, however, ordered Kimmalyn and the others to attack and destroy the bomber as they were too far away to be of help to Spensa.{{book ref|sky1|51}}
When [[Alanik]] appeared outside of [[Detritus]]' atmosphere, heading towards the ground and being badly damaged by the orbital platforms, Kimmalyn and Spensa took chase to rescue the unknown ship. After the damaged ship was successfully saved and grounded by Spensa, Kimmalyn and the other girl went to investigate, finding the alien woman inside.{{book ref|sky2|7}} Spensa tried to open Alanik's cockpit, despite Kimmalyn warnings about the unknown internal atmosphere, however, she was not quick enough, and soon the two friends were doing what they could to help the alien woman.{{book ref|sky2|8}} At some point following Spensa's sudden departure for [[Starsight]], Jorgen explained to Kimmalyn and the others about her mission.{{book ref|sky2|38}}
After Spensa rejoined the fight in M-Bot, she ordered Kimmalyn to hang back and, once the ship's defenses had been deactivated, shoot the bomber so that the bomb would drop without detonating. Kimmalyn protested, not believing herself good enough to make such a shot, however Spensa disagreed, reminding the other woman of how they met and the encouragement she had given Spensa on that day. On Spensa's orders, Kimmalyn shot at the bomber, hitting the clamps that held the lifebuster to the ship and destroying them, cutting the bomb free.{{book ref|sky1|52}}
When Spensa returned from Starsight, Kimmalyn was the first to speak with her, radioing in shortly after she appeared near Detritus.{{book ref|sky2|37}} Kimmalyn met Spensa in the hangar dock, thrilled to see her friend again. Their reunion, however, was cut short when the [[Defiant]]s were called to arms, with Kimmalyn departing to face the Superiority forces and participate in the upcoming battle.{{book ref|sky2|38}}
Following the battle, Kimmalyn rejoined the DDF as an active pilot taking up a specialized piloting role in the reformed Skyward Flight.{{book ref|sky2|2}} She accompanied Spensa, FM, and Sadie into battle against the Krell shortly before the arrival of the Superiority battleships.{{book ref|sky2|2}} After returning to base, Kimmalyn waited with Spensa who had stayed behind to speak to Jorgen. The pair chatted with Sadie as they waited, one of the newest members of Skyward Flight who looked up to both women. When Jorgen arrived, Kimmalyn abandoned Spensa to face Jorgen's wrath.{{book ref|sky1|3}}
|Kimmalyn when asked to demonstrate during target practice{{book ref|sky1|14}}
Kimmalyn is highly knowledgeable about piloting and [[starfightersstarfighter]]s, having achieved the rank of pilot.{/{book ref|sky2|2}} Following the [[Battle of Alta Second]], Kimmalyn is placed in a specialized team made up of [[Skyward Flight]] members in the position of sniper.{{book ref|sky2|14}}
She is an expert shooter who specializes in long distance snipping of moving targets,{{book ref|Skyward|11}} a result of being trained on the [[DDF]] AAanti-aircraft guns prior to [[flight school]].{{book ref|sky1|11}} Even as a cadet, she was far more skillful with [[starfightsStarfighter#destructorsDestructors|destructors]] than a majority of DDF pilots due to her ability to target and destroy moving objects, with most other pilots only having used the guns long range against stationary units.{{book ref|sky1|14}} She is aware of her skill with shooting,{{book ref|sky1|14}} however, is either not used to praise from others or just unsure as to how to accept it.{{book ref|sky1|11}}
Kimmalyn is not a strong flyer, however, has improved over time.{{book ref|sky1|23}}{{book ref|sky1|31}}{/{book ref|sky2|2}}{{book ref|sky2|14}} She has trained to fly in both atmosphere and a vacuum.{{book ref|sky1|9}}{/{book ref|sky2|2}} As with her flying skills, her dogfighting skills have likely improved with practice.{{book ref|sky1|14}}
== Relationships ==
=== Spensa ===
|'Remember? The first day we met? ...You told me to take a deep breath, reach up…'<br>
'Pluck a star,' Kimmalyn whispered.</br>
|[[Spensa]] encouraging Kimmalyn during the [[Battle of Alta Second]]{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Kimmalyn and [[Spensa]] are close friends. Kimmalyn is not put out by the other women's strong personality,{{book ref|sky1|7}} or her temper.{{book ref|sky1|16}} She will follow Spensa's lead, including Spensa's bullying of Jorgen.{{book ref|sky1|10}} Kimmalyn sees no issue with Spensa's actions against Jorgen in the light-lance game, praising her for her conduct.{{book ref|sky1|15}}
[[File:BlessYourStars.PNG|350px|thumb|right|<center><small>by {{a|Jill Andersen}}</small></center>Kimmalyn and [[Spensa Nightshade]]]]
Kimmalyn is aware of who Spensa's [[Zeen_Nightshade|father]] and has heard the stories about him.{{book ref|sky1|15}} Although she is, at first, shocked to find out Spensa's parentage, she does not treat Spensa differently after the revelation, nor does she shy away from the topic or Spensa's anger.{{book ref|sky1|16}} She is impressed by Spensa's ability to stand up against the rumors and admires Spensa's courage.{{book ref|sky1|16}} She sees Spensa's fears of being weak as natural and encourages her to share her feelings with her teammates and rely on them.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
SpensaKimmalyn quicklyand becomes[[Spensa]] protectiveare ofclose friends. Kimmalyn, jumpingis tonot put out by the other women's aidstrong whenpersonality,{{book sheref|sky1|7}} isor harshlyher criticizedtemper.{{book ref|sky1|816}} DuringShe flightwill school,follow Spensa's islead, awareincluding thatSpensa's Kimmalynbullying isof nervous about her poor flying abilityJorgen.{{book Spensaref|sky1|10}} feelsKimmalyn angersees onno herissue friendswith behalf,Spensa's irritatedactions thatagainst KimmalynJorgen hasin tothe solight-lance oftengame, feelpraising like a failureher for her flying ability, when she could instead gain further confidence if she was permanently in a sniper roleconduct.{{book ref|sky1|2315}} Spensa was not sold on the callsign, ''Quirk'', and considered talking to Kimmalyn about it, though it is unclear if she ever did.{{book ref|sky1|11}} SheSpensa usesfinds sillythe jokeslook and humor to help liftof Kimmalyn's spirits about her flying ability.{{book ref|sky1|23}} Spensa believes in Kimmalyna andspace herhelmet abilitiesstrange, evenas whenit thefully other woman loses her confidence, and consistently provides support and encouragement to helpcontains Kimmalyn's combatvoluminous the lack of faith she has in herselfhair.{{book ref|sky1sky2|482}}{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Kimmalyn is aware of who Spensa's finds[[Zeen_Nightshade|father]] and has heard the lookstories ofabout Kimmalynhim.{{book inref|sky1|15}} aAlthough spaceshe helmetis, at strangefirst, asshocked itto fullyfind containsout KimmalynSpensa's voluminousparentage, she does not treat Spensa differently after the revelation, nor does she shy away from the topic or Spensa's hairanger.{{book ref|sky2sky1|216}} She is impressed by Spensa's ability to stand up against the rumors and admires Spensa's courage.{{book ref|sky1|16}} She sees Spensa's fears of being weak as natural and encourages her to share her feelings with her teammates and rely on them.{{book ref|sky1|28}} Kimmalyn may be aware of some of Spensa's fears surrounding her cytonic abilities, however, Spensa is not always willing to share her feelings.{{book ref|sky2|2}}
Spensa is protective of Kimmalyn, jumping to the women's aid when she is harshly criticized.{{book ref|sky1|8}} During flight school, Spensa is aware that Kimmalyn is nervous about her poor flying ability and uses silly jokes and humor to help lift Kimmalyn's spirits.{{book ref|sky1|23}} Spensa feels angry on her friends behalf, irritated that Kimmalyn so often is made to feel like a failure for her flying ability, when she is so naturally talented at shooting.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She believes in Kimmalyn and her abilities, even when the other woman loses her confidence, and consistently provides support and encouragement to help Kimmalyn combat the lack of faith she has in herself.{{book ref|sky1|48}}{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Following the [[Battle of Alta Second]], the pair begin to live in the same barracks, where Spensa attempts to draw Kimmalyn into silly contests.{{book ref|sky2|14}} Kimmalyn and Spensa are often paired together when sent on missions,{{book ref|sky2|2}}{{book ref|sky2|7}}{{book ref|sky2|14}} and work in tandem, with Spensa chasing enemies back towards Kimmalyn so she can shoot them down.{{book ref|sky2|14}} While away in [[Starsight]], Spensa sorely missed Kimmalyn and wished for her company.{{book ref|sky2|14}}{{book ref|sky2|18}}
=== Hurl ===
|I got her killed, Spin. You know that as well as I do... The one shot that mattered. That’s the one I missed.
|Kimmalyn explaining her departure from the [[DDF]] to [[Spensa]]{{book ref|sky1|33}}
Kimmalyn and Hurl are friends and share a dorm room with FM during flight school. The three While rooming together, the three would come up with silly flight maneuvers they could name after each other. At some point, Hurl taught Kimmalyn wall-ball, though Kimmalyn seemed to prefer watching her friends play than participating.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
Kimmalyn and [[Hurl]] are friends and share a dorm room with [[FM]] during [[flight school]]. While rooming together, the three would come up with silly flight maneuvers they could name after each other. At some point, Hurl taught Kimmalyn wall-ball, though Kimmalyn seemed to prefer watching her friends play than participating.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
Kimmalyn believes she is at fault for Hurl's death as she was unable to shoot down Hurl's pursuers right before her death. She is strongly affected by Hurl's death and following the battle requests to be dismissed from the DDF.{{book ref|sky1|33}} Kimmalyn's confidence in her abilities is shaken following the incident and she becomes anxious and unsure when faced with another situation where her shooting could change the tide of battle.{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Kimmalyn believes she is at fault for Hurl's death as she was unable to shoot down Hurl's pursuers. She is strongly affected by Hurl's death and following the battle requests to be dismissed from the [[DDF]].{{book ref|sky1|33}} Kimmalyn's confidence in her abilities is shaken following the incident and she becomes anxious and unsure when faced with another situation where her shooting could change the tide of battle.{{book ref|sky1|52}}
=== Nedd ===
|Nice explosion, Quirk. Seven out of ten. Try to spin your wreckage a little more next time you fall.
|[[Nedd]] teasing Kimmalyn during training{{book ref|sky1|23}}
[[Nedd]] is aware of Kimmalyn's nervousness about her flying abilities during [[flight school]], and would deliberately tease her so she could channel her stress at someone to let off steam. Nedd believes Kimmalyn is uptight, particularly during times of stress.{{book ref|sky1|23}}
=== Sadie ===
|You did wonderfully, dear. But never try to be who you aren’t; you don’t have nearly enough practice to pull it off.
|Kimmalyn giving [[Sadie]] a backhanded compliment, disguised as a quote by the Saint{{book ref|sky2|3}}
[[Sadie]] idolizes Kimmalyn and has a habit of recording her fake Saint quotes, not knowing that they aren't real. Kimmalyn enjoys the attention and likely is highly pleased by someone recording her sayings.{{book ref|sky2|3}}
== Quotes ==
We can do this. Just take a deep breath. Reach up. Pluck a star. That’s what the Saint says. - Chapter 6
That’s a damn near perfect line. Except for you, Quirk.”
“Quick, sir,” Kimmalyn said—indeed, her ship had gone up maybe fifty feet above the rest of us. “And . . . I’m just gonna sit tight here, snug and happy I didn’t crash into anyone. As the Saint said, ‘Ain’t nothing wrong with being a little wrong once in a while.’ ” Ch 10
“Cobb told us you forgot to bring a lunch,” she whispered. Then she stood up and walked the other way, speaking loudly. “What a lovely view of the sky we have! As the Saint always said, ‘Good thing it’s light during the day, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see how pretty daytime is!’ ” Ch 13
“So,” she said, hovering beside my seat as I rested and drank from my canteen, “is that why you’re always so bellicose?”
“Bellicose?” I asked, unfamiliar with the word.
“So willing to seize the stars with one hand and shove them in your pocket,” Kimmalyn said. She leaned in, as if the next part were somehow naughty. “You know. Heated.”
“Maybe even . . . once in a while . . . cross.”
“Is my father why I’m such a mess of anger, bravado, and temper? Is the fact that they call him a coward the reason I walk around with my sword in hand, screaming that I’ll make a pile of everyone’s skulls, then stand on that to help me behead the people who were too tall for me to reach?”
Kimmalyn smiled fondly.
“Bless my stars?” I asked her.
“Every single one of them, Spensa. Every single bouncing star.”
“Well, bless you for standing up straight,” she said, then put up her fists. “Pride is a virtue in those who make it one.” Ch 16
"Instead, puffy eyes and all, Kimmalyn raised her chin.
Cobb nodded toward her seat, and she strode over—a model of Defiant poise—and sat down. In that moment, she seemed more like a warrior than I’d ever been.20 "
“Bless your stars,” Kimmalyn said. “But touch my pie, and I’ll rip your fingers off.” She blushed when she said it, and lifted her hand in front of her mouth.21
“Now dear,” Kimmalyn said, “far be it from me to offer criticism. But that was hardly an imaginative cuss. I’ve heard that word, oh, every day since leaving Bountiful Cavern! Where I come from, you need to be circumspect. ”
“What’s the point of that?”
“Well, you can’t have people realizing you’re disparaging them. That would be embarrassing!”
“So you insult people…without insulting them?”
“It’s our way. But don’t worry if that doesn’t make sense to you—personally, I think it’s inspiring that you’re comfortable being the way you are. It must have given you so many chances to learn life’s lessons!”
“Jorgen,” Kimmalyn said, “I just want to let you know how you’re regarded as a flightleader. As the Saint is Goodly and Just, I’m certain you’ll be rewarded with everything you deserve in life!”
“We asked for extra,” Kimmalyn said, “but they sent soup, because they think we’re sick. Still, ‘You can’t ask for more when you already have it,’ as the Saint said.”
“A Quirk maneuver would involve complimenting the enemy while you shoot them,” FM said, grinning. “ ‘Oh! You make lovely sparks when you die! You should feel very proud of yourself. Good job!’ ”
A flash of light from a charged destructor sliced the air above us, firing toward the ships tailing Hurl.
And missed.
“How many times has one of you had to pull out of a fight to come and save me? I’m putting you all in danger.” 33
“I might not be coming back, but at least I made cadet,” Kimmalyn said, perking up. “My parents are proud, and the gunners in Bountiful are full of chatter about me.”38
A line of red light pierced the battlefield. It passed between Krell ships, went right over Jorgen’s wing as he overburned away from the bomber.
And damn me if it didn’t spear the exact spot between the bomber and the bomb, severing the clamps. 52
‘Watch out for the smart ones. They tend to be stupid.’ starsight 2
== Trivia ==
* The phrase 'bless your stars', commonly used by Kimmalyn, is likely based on the southern US phrase, '[https[Wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bless_your_heart |bless your starsheart]]'. Both phrases are used in a variety of circumstances to convey expressions that range from sincerity to mockery.
== Notes ==
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