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=== Scholar and Apprentice ===
|She closed her eyes and fixed an image in her mind: Kharbranth as she’d memorized it in that moment soon after landing on the docks. Waves surging against the wooden posts, a salty scent to the air, men climbing rigging calling one another with excitement. And the city itself, rising up the hillside, homes stacked atop homes, not a speck of land wasted. Bells, distant, tinkling softly in the air.
|Shallan's recollection of Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa1|7}}
[[File:Jasnah_Soulcasting.jpg|300px250px|thumb|rightleft|Jasnah Kholin Soulcasting criminals in Kharbranth, by [[Coppermind: Artists/Grant Hansen|Grant Hansen]].]]
During the year {{Rosharan date|1173}}, [[Jasnah Kholin]] travelled to Kharbranth to access to the [[Conclave]] and the [[Palanaeum]], in order to continue her research into the Voidbringers and Urithiru. [[Shallan Davar]], who had been attempting to contact the Alethi princess for six months, arrived in Kharbranth part way through the year, relieved to find that she had finally caught up to Jasnah. Locating the woman in the Conclave, Shallan petitioned Jasnah to become her ward and, eventually, was accepted. Despite Shallan's enjoyment of scholarship, her primary purpose for seeking out Jasnah, was to switch the broken Davar Soulcaster, with Jasnah's functional one.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}{{book ref|Sa1|8}}
[[File:Jasnah_Soulcasting.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Jasnah Kholin Soulcasting criminals in Kharbranth, by [[Coppermind: Artists/Grant Hansen|Grant Hansen]].]]
Shallan's arrival at the Conclave coincided with Jasnah helping Taravangian rescue his granddaughter, who had become trapped in an inner room of the palace following a cave-in. The situation had been deliberately planned by the Kharbranthian king, who wished to view the Alethi princess use her [[Soulcasting]] abilities when removing the fallen stone blocking the rooms entrance. Taravangian had suspected Jasnah did not need a physical Soulcaster to be able to use Soulcasting as an ability and to test this theory, engineered a scenario where he would be able to watch the Alethi princess wield her power. Jasnah Soulcast the rock into smoke, masking her abilities with the fake Soulcaster she wore on her right hand. In return for freeing his granddaughter, Taravangian granted Jasnah access to the Palanaeum, which she had been unable to access until this point.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}{{wob ref|8070}}{{wob ref|3242}}{{wob ref|3243}}
Out late one night in the city, Shallan and Jasnah were attacked by a group of criminals while in an alley near the theatre district. Jasnah had deliberately taken them to a specific street where the criminals had been attacking, robbing, and killing people. She had planned to dispatch of the men as a service to Taravangian who she felt had put himself in a more precarious position than he realised when he allied with her and allowed her access to the Palanaeum. Jasnah killed the four men during the encounter, turning them into a variety of other substances using Soulcasting, and in doing so, saving both her own, and Shallan's life. Shallan, angry at Jasnah for the situation she had deliberately put them in, switched her broken Soulcaster, with Jasnah's device shortly after the pair returned to the Conclave.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
|Am I a monster or am I a hero? Did I just slaughter four men, or did I stop four murderers from walking the streets? Does one deserve to have evil done to her by consequence of putting herself where evil can reach her? Did I have a right to defend myself? Or was I just looking for an excuse to end lives?”
|Jasnah asking Shallan to consider the morality behind killing the footpads.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
As the months passed, Shallan began to grow more and more aware of [[Pattern]] and the other Cryptics who watched her from the [[Cognitive Realm]]. Several times, Shallan unconsciously included them in portraits she created, first while sketching king Taravangian, and later in a sketch of herself and the ardent [[Kabsal]]. She also began hearing the Cryptics whispers, convincing herself that she was mishearing sounds made by the Conclave staff as they worked. Eventually Shallan was unable to ignore the spren, leading her to accidentally Soulcasting a goblet into blood. To hide what she had done, Shallan cut open her arm, pretending that the blood was hers and was taken to one of the city's many hospitals. {{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|42}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}