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== History ==
=== Early History ===
Kharbranth was formerly a pirate town in its early years, before becoming a real city over the course of decades.{{annotation ref|sa1|chapter=3}} It is culturally diverse, with people from all over Roshar both visiting and residing there.{{book ref|sa1|3}} The city is home to the [[Palanaeum]], the largest library on Roshar.{{book ref|sa1|7}} Kharbranth is also known for the quality of its hospitals, and people come from all over the world to train in medicine.
=== Shallan, Jasnah, Taravangian ===
{{book ref|sa1|3}}
Having read through Jasnah's notes and been convinced that he mentor was correct in her findings, Shallan and Jasnah spoke on the implications of the discovery. Jasnah was convinced that the Parshendi and her fathers death were linked to the parshman. In times long past, after periods of peace the voidbringers - the parshmen, thought Jasnah - would invade and bring with them death and destruction. The were the reason for the Desolations and humanity had not just enslaved them to end the constant fighting but overtime forgotten who they were and intergrated them into every aspect of their society. Shallan realised with horror the chaos that would ensure if all the parshmen of the world were to suddenly revolt. Jasnah enlisted Shallan's help in furthering her research, collecting and collating more information on the Desolations, the Heralds and the Voidbringers. Having exhausted the Palaneaum's resources, Jasnah told Shallan that they would head towards the Shattered Plains so that they could gain further information about the Parshendi. Jasnah acknowledged that there were others looking for the information they sought; a group known as the Ghostbloods, of whom Kabsal had been apart of and who had been behind the assassination attempt. Shallan recognised the symbol of the group as the same one that her father's steward had worn as a pendant. Realising that this group was likely the same one who had insisted on the return of the Soulcaster, Shallan told Jasnah that her father may have been apart of the Ghostbloods.
=== Lirin and Kaladin ===
[[Lirin]] desired to send his son [[Kaladin]] to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon at the [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}
As a youth, Lirin travelled to Kharbranth as a .... He met his Hesina during his
[[Lirin]] desired to send his son [[Kaladin]] to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon at the [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]] when he turned sixteen.{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|17}} Lirin and his wife Hesina stole a large number of spheres from the deceased citylord of Hearthstone, claiming to have been given them by Brightlord Wistiow on his deathbed, in order to fund Kaladin's study in Kharbranth.{{cite}} Kaladin, however, never got the chance to use the spheres as he followed his brother to the army in the hopes of protecting Tien, thus trading being a surgeon for being a soldier.
== Politics ==