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=== Government ===
|Taravangian, the king of Kharbranth. A beloved monarch, known for building and maintaining hospitals in his city. It was known as far away as Azir that if you were sick, Taravangian would take you in. Come to Kharbranth and be healed. The king loved all.
|Taravangian's public image{{book ref|sa1|71}}
The highest seat of government in Kharbranth is the position of the king, currently held by Taravangian, who rules alongside a governing council.{{book ref|sa3|12}} The exact dynamic between the king and the council is currently unknown, however, the king is able to propose and influence policy, decide upon and conduct foreign affairs, and also has some form of direct authority over the implementation of laws.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Taravangian is a popular king, beloved by the common darkeyed citizen of Kharbranth for the time and effort he invests in the city's hospitals.{{book ref|sa1|29}} Doing so, however, allows greater political freedom which the elite gladly capitalise on.{{book ref|sa1|48}} Despite this, those in the royal court are known to complain about the amount of time Taravangian spends at the hospitals in the city, believing he places too much priority on the institutions.{{book ref|sa1|48}} In general, lighteyed residents of Kharbranth find the king to be dull and his political capabilities to be lacking.{{book ref|sa1|29}}
|He may not offer binding commentary on the Diagram, but he may interact outside of supervision. He may change government policy so long as there is a three-day delay before the changes take effect, and he may also freely pass judgment in trials.
|Mrall's judgement on Taravangian's daily restrictions.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Although the king of Kharbranth would be considered equal to first [[dahn]] under the Vorin class system, they do not traditionally claim the rank, due to Kharbranth's city-state status.{{wob ref|4006}} King Taravangian is known to show deference to foreign nationals, which likely furthers the upper class' poor opinion of his political competency.{{book ref|sa1|5}} Additionally, by welcoming [[Jasnah Kholin]] to Kharbranth and allowing her access to the [[Palanaeum]], Taravangian may have strained relations between himself and the [[Vorin]] leaders in Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa1|5}}{{book ref|sa1|29}}
Taravangian's intelligence and compassion fluctuate on a daily basis and he must be tested each morning to determine how much control he has over policy and how much he can interact with the politicians and citizens of Kharbranth. Initially, his political power was to be limited only on days of extreme unintelligence, however, after proposing, and attempting to implement, a eugenics program in Kharbranth on a day of high intelligence, it was decided that his ability to affect policy be restricted for both extremes.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} Additionally, Taravangian's ability to interact with others is restricted on days of both low and high intelligence, as he has previously attempted to reveal his condition to the general public.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Kharbranth, while generally considered a safe city,{{book ref|sa1|3}} has previously had issues surrounding violent crime, which have not been adequately policed.{{book ref|sa1|36}} It is suspected by some that the city watch has deliberately avoided taking action against violent criminals in the past due to corruption and influence from politicians.{{book ref|sa1|36}} While Taravangian has issued several reprimands to the city watch, behaviours have not improved greatly, leading to some visitors to the city, such as Jasnah Kholin, to take matters into their own hands.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
=== Military ===