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- Jasnah found that many of the records in the library had been tampered with and altered during the Hierocracy.
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The ardents in the Holy Enclave also worked on the dawnchant translation and were ahead of the scholars in Kharbranth on their translation.
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Taravangian along with a consort of people including Malata and Adrotagia, Kharbranth's head scribe, arrived at Urithiru. Prior to the visit, Navani got in contact with the Palanaeum as she was after information on the NIghtwatcher and the boon and curse. She had difficulty as ever since the Everstorm, the Palanaeum had been unindated with requests for research into the Voidbringers. Taravangian's visit to Urithiru, as well as a favour owed to her, got Navani access to the information she had been after. There are at least 300 cases that Navani knows of, of the boon/curse, from the Palanaeum.
The Veil
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The colours of Kharbranth, burnt orange and white, have become synonymous with the healing throughout Eastern Roshar. The Kharbrathian banner is thought of as the banner of the surgeon.
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Taravangian along with a consort of people including Malata and Adrotagia, Kharbranth's head scribe, arrived at Urithiru. Prior to the visit, Navani got in contact with the Palanaeum as she was after information on the NIghtwatcher and the boon and curse. She had difficulty as ever since the Everstorm, the Palanaeum had been unindated with requests for research into the Voidbringers. Taravangian's visit to Urithiru, as well as a favour owed to her, got Navani access to the information she had been after. Dalinar lets Taravangian and Adrotagia join him in hearing the response of Tezim in the hopes that it would allow them to feel as if they were part of the alliance and as their insight might have been of use to Dalinar.
Taravangian along with a consort of people including Malata and Adrotagia, Kharbranth's head scribe, arrived at Urithiru
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Adrotagia is the head scribe of Kharbranth
A scribe was left running Kharbranth in Taravangian's absence <!-- Dova? -->
It is rumored that either this scribe or Adrotagia are the true powers that run the city state and Taravangian is kept only as a figure head.
Dalinar found that it made sense for Kharbranth to have a congenial figure head, as the city state was meant to be unassuming and neutral
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Taravangian was good friends with Gavilar as well as to Alethkar during Gavilar's reign
Taravangian has always been known as a humble man, who kept to himself and had been of keen intelligence prior to his 'accident'
According to Navani, Taravangian had always had a sense of earnestness and melancholy, though Dalinar did not remember it.
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