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m (Info dump, SA1: 50)
(Info dump, SA1: 70, 71, 72)
- Kabsal compares Kharbranth to Kholinar, believing them both to be made by the Almighty.
- A cymatic of Kharbranth has not yet been found
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
- Kharbranth is infamous for both its crowds and the steepness of its walkways and as such porters are often used to transports goods instead of chull carts.
{{book ref|sa1|29}}
- Kharbranth has a large number of hospitals that are frequently visited by Taravangian <!-- verify how often Taravangian visits the hospitals with second reference-->
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
Everything in the palace is built downwards
It's possible to buy a map of the palace
Taravangian's study is built underground. A large section of rock has been carved out and a window installed that overlooks the city and out to surrounding sea
There is a passage from Taravangian's study to his secret hospital
The Conclave
{{book ref|sa1|50}}
- The hospital that Shallan stays in has private rooms available and at least some of them have windows and views of outside
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
There is a passage from Taravangian's study to his secret hospital
The hospital is hidden and not listen on any maps that Szeth could gain access to (through bribes or purchases)
The room is large and long and is painted white.
It is filled with hundreds and hundreds of beds and many of them are filled
The king tries to only move the worst case patients to the secret hospital as they are unlikely to survive, however when not enough sick patients can be provided those who the 'forgotten and the lowly' are taken and brought to die.
The secret hospital functions as a way to maximise and record the death rattles
{{book ref|sa1|50}}
Shallan woke after being poisoned in a guarded private room in the hospital. Informed that Shallan had awoken, Jasnah went to speak with her and demanded to know who Shallan had been working with the steal the soulcaster. Shallan denied working with the ardentia and told her former mentor about her fathers death and her family's desperate need for money to pay off his debts. She learned that Kabsal had died from the poison he had ingested and had been using Shallan as a way to get close to Jasnah and assassinate her. Arrangements had been made by Jasnah for Shallan to return to Jah Keved, more than Shallan believed she deserved. Jasnah left, leaving Shallan to contemplate and wallow in her guilt.
{{book ref|sa1|70}}
Confused, Shallan drew out the scenes, first of Jasnah when she had inspected the jam then of her eating the bread. The more Shallan pondered the events in the hospital ward, the more confused she became. Why did she scoop the jam from the jar to smell it? It had smelt terrible, yet she hadn’t reacted to it at all. She had reacted to the bread, Shallan remembered. She didn’t have a Memory of the moment, but in her sketch the bread Jasnah had eaten looked as if it had been melting . Shallan left the hospital to find Jasnah, travelling through the city to the Concave and then onto the Palanaeum. She ignored Jasnah’s hostility when she reached the Veil balcony, telling the princess that she believed the fabrial she had stolen to be fake and showing her a drawing she had done of Shadesmar. Jasnah tried to dismiss Shallan, telling her she was being delusional. To prove to Jasnah that she knew the princess’ secret, Shallan called on Pattern to help her transition into the Cognitive Realm and admitted to what she did to her father. The spren accepted the confession as a Truth and Shallan’s mind was transported to Shadesmar. She was saved by Jasnah before she sank too far below the surface of the beads and returned to her body in the Physical Realm. Shallan petitioned Jasnah to become her ward again, and after some initial resistance on the princess’ part, Jasnah accepted Shallan back and shared her research on the Voidbringers.
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
After slaughtering his way through Jah Keved, Szeth travelled to Kharbranth to assassinate King Taravangian, the last person on the list of names he had been given. Travelling to the palace under the guise of being a porter, he used is shardblade to gain access to the King's quarters, subduing the guards who had been tasked with protecting Taravangian. The King did not acknowledge Szeth when he declared his intent to kill him, instead commenting on the havoc the Shin man had caused. Szeth realised that Taravangian had been the unknown master who had tasked him to kill and cause panic. After checking on his injured guards and calling for medical aid, Taravangian took Szeth to a large room filled the sick and dying. He was horrified to find that the healers, instead of caring for the patients were killing them. Taravangian explained that the dying could see things that the rest of them couldn't and the cost of killing those who were already sick or unwanted would be worth the death rattles that they could produce. Taravangian added Dalinar Kholin's name to Szeth's list, and insisted that the Highprince be killed quickly before he had time to unite the Alethi.
{{book ref|sa1|72}}
Confused by Jasnah's earlier comment about not being good at soulcasting organics, Shallan probed the older woman for more information about how she had soulcaster he blood and saved her life. Jasnah mentioned briefly it was due to blood being one of the Essences, where as the jam had been more complex. When Shallan asked her if she also saw cryptics, Jasnah told her that there was more than one order of Knights Radiant that had the ability to soulcast. Jasnah had assumed that like herself, Shallan would be of the Elsecaller order, however, now understood that while they shared a surge, they could access it through nahel bonds with different types of spren. Jasnah explained her work on the Voidbringers, giving Shallan her notes to look over who came to the same conclusion her mentor had: that the parshmen were the Voidbringers and they had been enslaved by the humans.
[[Lirin]] desired to send his son [[Kaladin]] to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon at the [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}
{{book ref|sa1|48}}
He also visits the hospitals in Kharbranth frequently and is well liked by the patients
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
Taravangian is a beloved monarch
He is known for his work building and maintaining the hospitals in Kharbranth
It is widely known that Kharbranth will accept all who are in need of medical care
He keeps a strict daily schedule
== Trivia ==