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(Info dump, SA1: 45)
(Info dump, SA1: 48)
- The roof of Shallan's room has been left intentionally rough and resembles the roof of a cave.
- The maids that work for the king were carefully chosen
Taravangian goes for walks at midday and often walks through the gardens.
The Palanaeum
- The point of the inverted triangle aligns with the nadir and within it sits a large infused diamond.
- The Palanaem proper has a system of lifts that span the 57 floors (instead of one single lift for all floors)
Kharbranth's Hospital's
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-Shallan is admitted to one of Kharbranth's hospitals after she slices open her arm to cover up the fact she had soulcast.
- Kharbranth has many high quality hospitals
- The hospital wards are shared by many patients and are large and resemble hallways
- Some, if not all, of the shared wards are segregated by gender.
- There are privacy screens that can be set up around the beds
- Taravangian also visits the hospitals in Kharbranth frequently and is well liked by the patients. The landlords and houselords involved in the political court of Kharbranth complain about how often the King spends in the hospitals but also exploit the political freedom that it allows them
- The hospitals cater to all - no one is turned away regardless of social rank of eye colour.
- The hospitals are funded by the chit of admittance that gains one access to the Palanaeum
- The hospital that Shallan stays in is run by an ardent called Mungam
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While studying the death of King Gavilar Kholin, Shallan noted that he had been incredibly interested in the Parshendi people and their culture for a man who had never before been interested in scholarship. Jasnah confirmed her fathers interest in the Parshendi had begun from his first meeting with them, a fact many often overlooked. Shallan, unsure of why Jasnah had her studying Gavilar, asked her mentor why she had been set to study what the princess had lived through. Their conversation carried them to the topic of Urithiru and the Voidbringers. Unable to get many answers out of her mentor and wanting to make the most of her dwindling access to the Palanaeum, Shallan excused herself under the false pretense of finding a copy of Tifandor's biography of Gavilar. After finding little in the way of conclusive information about the Voidbringers, Shallan began to make her way back through the Palanaeum, intending to rejoin Jasnah, however ran into Kabsal who had been looking for her. On their way back to the Veil, Shallan asked him about the Voidbringers, leading the two to discuss Jasnah's research. Taking her study to be about undermining Vorinism and the devotaries, Kabsal expressed his anger at the way the ardents were treated, before getting his emotions under control. Shallan, knowing she couldn't continue to hide her plans to leave, told Kabsal of her intentions. After he requested a portrait from her, the two returned to the Veil, where Shallan had left her drawing materials. He quickly requested a second sketch, this one of both of them, paying her for it with one of the King's spheres. To the second drawing, Shallan added the forms of several Cryptics to the background. Panicking, Shallan hurried away from the alcove, running back towards her rooms in the guest quarters. Along the way she continued to take Memories, drawing them out quickly to show the spren following along after her. After locking herself in her room, she takes one final Memory and discovered the beings to be crowded around her. Frightened, she began to summon her shardblade before being interrupted by one of the Crytics speaking to her. Prompted by his words, she speaks a Truth and she is transported to Shadesmar, where she unwittingly soul casts the goblet on her desk into blood. Returning to herself in her room, she hears Jasnah in their shared common area, coming to find her and make sure she was alright. To hide the fact that she had soulcast, Shallan cut a gash in her arm to pretend that the blood was her own.
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Two days later, Shallan found herself confined to a hospital bed. Unable to leave as she was believed to be a suicide risk, she drew; pictures of the Shadesmar, of herself trapped in her room and bleeding and the Cryptics. They continued to follow her, lurking at the edges of the hospital room and filled her with unease. During his visit, Taravangian granted Shallan's request for visitors and Jasnah joined her, not long after the King had left. Believing that Shallan had tried to kill herself from being overworked, Jasnah apologised and gave her the Book of Endless Pages, a central part of the Devotary of Sincerity. Shortly after, Kabsal joined the pair, bring with him - as always - bread and jam. This time he presented her with strawberry jam, rarely found on Roshar as it could only be produced in Shinovar. Jasnah examined the jar, subtly soulcasting it as she believed it to contain poison. Shallan insisted that the princess have some of the bread brought by the ardent even if she would not have any jam. Again, Jasnah soulcast the bread to remove any poison. Kabsal offered Shallan the jam, however it was no longer appealing and Shallan refused in disgust. Alarmed, Kabsal insisted that Shallan try it, eating a large glob to try and counteract the poison he had also ingested that had been sprinkled on the bed. When Shallan continued to refuse he tried to flee, however collapsed. The poison began to affect Shallan and Jasnah called for a garnet to be brought to her so that she could soulcast Shallan's blood, removing the toxin. Confused and drugged, Shallan tried to tell her that the princess' soulcaster was fake and pulled her safepouch from her safehand sleeve, revealing that she had stolen the soulcaster. As she faded to unconsciousness, Shallan felt the effects of Jasnah's soulcasting, purifying her body of the poison.
[[Lirin]] desired to send his son [[Kaladin]] to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon at the [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}
- Vorin ranks - Taravangian would be on the level of first dahn (?) but does not use the ranking system as it would negatively affect foreign relations - find WOB and confirm
Jasnah would rank higher?{{book ref|sa1|5}} - confirm against WOB
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Kharbranth was strong allies with Jah Keved, Alethkar and Natanatan following the Recreance because of their shared religion.
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- Several murders occur in the same street near the theatre district, however, the city watch takes no action to prevent further death, despite several reprimands from Taravangian. This may be due to backroom deals between the commander of the city watch and his cousin who is a politically influential lighteyes in the city. There is also rumors that the criminals are bribing the watch.
- Jasnah worries about the trouble she may bring Taravangian through his alliance with her.
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Taravangian also visits the hospitals in Kharbranth frequently and is well liked by the patients. The landlords and houselords involved in the political court of Kharbranth complain about how often the King spends in the hospitals but also exploit the political freedom that it allows them
=== Government ===
=== Religion ===
Kharbranth is a Vorin nation{{book ref|sa1|8}}
The ardents hold a lot of sway in the city but so does Taravangian. He is not worried about them when he enlists Jasnah to help soulcast a rock and save his granddaughter.{{book ref|sa1|5}}
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"The king keeps careful track of his ardents"
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There are none from the Devotary of Sincerity in Kharbranth
=== Language ===
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Taravangian goes for walks at midday and often walks through the gardens.
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He also visits the hospitals in Kharbranth frequently and is well liked by the patients
== Trivia ==