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==== Kharbranthian Hospitals ====
Kharbranth's medical practices are well known throughout eastern Roshar, and at least parts of western Roshar, with the city's colors and banner being synonymous with surgeons and the idea of healing.{{book ref|sa2|i14}} This reputation is well earned, with Kharbranthian surgeons providing unprompted aid following the [[Battle of Vedenar]] (1173), the destruction in [[Thaylen City]] after the coming of the [[Everstorm]] (1174), and both before and after the [[Battle of Thaylen FieldCity]] (1174).{{book ref|Sa2|i14}}{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{book ref|sa3|59}}
Kharbranth is famous for both the number and quality of its hospitals, with medical care being available for both physical and psychological illnesses.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|52}} Any who require assistance will be treated, regardless of eye color, social ranking, or nationality.{{book ref|sa1|48}} Taravangian is a frequent visitor to the hospitals and is warmly welcomed by patients during their stay. During his visits, he will stop and speak with each patient individually, checking in on their care and wellbeing.{{book ref|sa1|48}}
==== The Great Concourse of Kharbranth ====
The [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]] is a training school for surgeons and healers, which offers the best medical training available. Tuition to the Concourse is expensive and there are strict and rigorous entrance exams, which can be taken by those over the age of sixteen.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
==== School of Storms ====
The two chambers that make up the [[Palanaeum]] predate the founding of the city, with the rooms that house the Palanaeum's collection of manuscripts, books, and tomes having been added after people settled in the region. How the caverns were created is unknown, however, some believe that it was the work of the [[dawnsingers]]. At some point between the creation of the Palanaeum and present day, a fire occurred that destroyed parts of the library's collection.{{book ref|sa1|7}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|46}}
=== Pre-1173 ===
As a youth, [[Lirin]] travelled to Kharbranth as a courier, where he was introduced to different cultures and societies. Later in his life, Lirin studied medicine under [[Vathe]], who had been trained as a surgeon at the [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}
The Unmade Moelach settled in Kharbranth in 1166 (?). Following Taravangian's visit to the Nightwatcher, the Silent Gatherers were, presumably, formed and the secret hospital within the Conclave created, so as to harvest the Death Rattles and supplement the Diagram with additional information.
=== Creation of the Diagram/Speculation ===
On the night of his death, Gavilar Kholin confided in Taravangian about the visions he had received regarding the True Desolation. Believing the visions had come from the Almighty, Gavilar insisted to Taravangian that for the world to survive the True Desolation, it would have to be united. Taking the kings warning to heart, Taravangian travelled to The Valley to visit the Nightwatcher and beg her for the ability to save Roshar. The Nightwatcher bestowed Kharbranth's king with a boon and a curse; the boon being extreme intelligence and compassion. The curse, the inability to have both at the same time.
=== 1173 ===
At some point following his visit to the Nightwatcher, Taravangian experienced a day of extreme intelligence, where he transcribed a large number of predictions on the available surfaces in his bedroom. These writings were bound together into a tome referred to as the Diagram. A society by the same name worships the Diagram, however, it is currently unknown this society existed before the creation of the Diagram, or whether it was formed in response to Taravangian's creation.
==== Arrivals in Kharbranth ====
During the year 1173, Jasnah Kholin travelled to Kharbranth to access to the Conclave and the Palanaeum, in order to continue her research into the Voidbringers and Urithiru. Shallan Davar, who had been attempting to contact the Alethi princess for six months, arrived in Kharbranth part way through the year, relieved to find that she had finally caught up to Jasnah. Locating the woman in the Conclave, Shallan petitioned Jasnah to become her ward, however, Jasnah denied her request, finding Shallan to be lacking in pre-requisite knowledge.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}
Following its creation, the Diagram began supplementing Taravangian's predictions with the Death Rattles provided by the Unmade Moelach. Moelach took up residence in Kharbranth in the year 1167, approximately around the time Gavilar began investigating the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} It is possible that the Unmade's arrival in Kharbranth could potentially be related to Gavilar's exploration of the eastern most part of Roshar. Why Moelach chose to settle specifically in Kharbranth at this time is unclear, however, when the Unmade began to move away from Kharbranth in 1173, Taravangian worried that the creature may return to slumber, implying that Moelach could possibly have been inactive prior to settling in Kharbrath.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Shallan's arrival at the Conclave coincided with Jasnah helping Taravangian rescue his granddaughter, who had become trapped in an inner room of the palace following a cave-in. The situation had been deliberately planned by the Kharbranthian king, who wished to view the Alethi princess use her Soulcasting abilities when removing the fallen stone blocking the rooms entrance. Taravangian had suspected Jasnah did not need a physical Soulcaster to be able to use Soulcasting as an ability and to test this theory, engineered a scenario where he would be able to watch the Alethi princess wield her power. Jasnah Soulcast the rock into smoke, masking her abilities with the fake Soulcaster she wore on her right hand. In return for freeing his granddaughter, Taravangian granted Jasnah access to the Palanaeum, which she had been unable to access until this point.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}
The ''[[Diagram (group)#Silent_Gatherers|Silent Gatherers]]'' were tasked with administrating and running the hospital where the Death Rattles were collected, however, the creation of this hospital, as well as the details surrounding the formation of this group, are currently unknown. It is also unknown when this operation began, and whether Death Rattles were collected prior to Taravangian's creation of the Diagram. Frequency in the number of Death Rattles begins to decline in late 1173 before ceasing completely in 1174 after Moelach moved westward and settled in the Horneater Peaks. Why the Unmade decided to leave Kharbranth is unknown, however, Taravangian postulated that it may have been drawn away by something residing to the west of the city, circling back around eventually to take up occupation within the boarders of Jah Keved.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} Despite the decline, and eventual cessation, of the Death Rattles, the hospital continued to operate after the departure of Moelach, as the potential for more Death Rattles outweighs the continued cost of human life.
==== Shallan's Plan ====
Eventually, Shallan was accepted as Jasnah's ward, becoming a regular fixture within the Conclave and Palanaeum. Shallan became well known during her wardship for her portraits, with many people from different social ranks requesting drawings from her. Although Shallan enjoyed working with Jasnah, her ultimate goal was not that of scholarship, but instead thievery. However, when presented with the opportunity to switch the broken Davar soulcaster with Jasnah's, Shallan found she was unable to follow through.{{book ref|sa1|8}}{{book ref|sa1|29}}
==== ArrivalsExpansion inof Kharbranth's Alliances ====
During 1173, Taravangian acquired Szeth's oathstone and tasked him with murdering a large number of high ranking officials in several foreign nations. These murders, dictated by the Diagram (book), aimed to cause chaos and collapse in several foreign nations including Jah Keved and Azir. Taravangian, as a precautionary measure, included his own name on the list given to Szeth to divert suspicion away from Kharbranth if the assassin had been captured during his spree. UsingWhen Szeth travelled to causingKharbranth mayhemto andkill destructionits across Rosharking, allowed Taravangian torevealed further the goals of the Diagram (group) and created a situation wherethat he couldwas takein controlpossession of theSzeth's Vedenoathstone empireand withouthad arising suspicion.been Towardsbehind the endlist of theassassinations VedenSzeth Civalhad War,been Taravangiangiven. sentAfter food,showing medical supplies, and healers toSzeth the countryhidden tohospital helpwhere the woundedSilent onGatherers all sides ofcollected the fighting.Death In doing soRattles, heTaravangian securedtasked a new ally for KharbranthSzeth with whicheverkilling sideDalinar was victorious. In the case that the country fell to ruinKholin, Taravangian,whom throughhe abelieved distance connectionhad to Veden royaltydie, couldbased engineeron ahis situation that would end with the kingreading of Kharbranth on the Veden throneDiagram. When the war ended later that year, Taravangian was named as king by the previous monarch, Valam, shortly before he died, securing Jah Keved as an ally for Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
By using Szeth to causing mayhem and destruction across Roshar, Taravangian was able to further the goals of the Diagram and created a situation where he could take control of the Veden empire without creating suspicion. Towards the end of the Veden Cival War, Taravangian sent food, medical supplies, and healers to the country to help the wounded on all sides of the fighting. In doing so, he secured a new ally for Kharbranth with whichever side was victorious. In the case that the country fell to ruin, Taravangian, through a distance connection to Veden royalty, could engineer a situation that would end with the king of Kharbranth on the Veden throne. When the war ended later that year, Taravangian was named as king by the previous monarch, Valam, shortly before he died, securing Jah Keved as an ally for Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Taravangian entered both Jah Keved and Kharbranth into an alliance with Alethkar in 1174, after Dalinar Kholin contacted the leaders of Roshar's nations seeking aid in the fight against the Voidbringers. Taravangian was the only leader to initially respond to Dalinar's request. The council of Kharbranth were suspicious of Dalinar's initial request, as well as his intentions with refounding the Knights Radiant. Mistrust of Dalinar increased amongst the council members after Dalinar pronounced the death of Honor, which those within the Vorin Church conflate with the Almighty.{{book ref|sa3|4}} Kadash, one of Dalinar's ardents, did what he could to try and calm the council and allay their fears. It is unknown Kadash was successful, leading to the council agreeing with Taravangian to enter into an alliance with Alethkar, or whether the king of Kharbranth has executive power over foreign affairs.
Entering into an alliance with Dalinar, allowed Taravangian and the Diagram access to Urithiru and the inner workings of the Alethi government. Unimpeded from joining political assemblies with other foreign nations, or scholarly meetings, the Kharbranthian cohort were able to gather intelligence on the coalition, and several other nations of Roshar, and their research into Urithiru, the Voidbringers, as well as other matters. As part of the coalition, Taravangian was able to manipulate other world leaders, as well as spread misinformation that threatened the breakdown of the alliance, with the hope that Dalinar Kholin would fail, leaving Alethkar open to be secured under Taravangian's rule.
In an attempt to gain favor with Odium, Taravangian interfered with the redeployment of troops from Urithiru to Thaylenah during the Battle of Thaylen FieldCity by having a member of the Diagram, Malata, unlock the Kholinar Oathgate in secret, allowing Odium's forces to invade the ancient city. Following the battle, Odium met with Taravangian during the Everstorm agreeing to spare Kharbranth and its citizens during the imminent war in exchange for the Diagram's loyalty. As of present
==== Shallan's Planand Jasnah ====
During the year 1173, Jasnah Kholin travelled to Kharbranth to access to the Conclave and the Palanaeum, in order to continue her research into the Voidbringers and Urithiru. Shallan Davar, who had been attempting to contact the Alethi princess for six months, arrived in Kharbranth part way through the year, relieved to find that she had finally caught up to Jasnah. Locating the woman in the Conclave, Shallan petitioned Jasnah to become her ward and, howevereventually, Jasnahwas deniedaccepted. herDespite Shallan's enjoyment of requestscholarship, findingher Shallanprimary purpose for seeking out Jasnah, was to beswitch lackingthe inbroken pre-requisiteDavar knowledgeSoulcaster, with Jasnah's functional one.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}((cite last sentence)
Shallan's arrival at the Conclave coincided with Jasnah helping Taravangian rescue his granddaughter, who had become trapped in an inner room of the palace following a cave-in. The situation had been deliberately planned by the Kharbranthian king, who wished to view the Alethi princess use her Soulcasting abilities when removing the fallen stone blocking the rooms entrance. Taravangian had suspected Jasnah did not need a physical Soulcaster to be able to use Soulcasting as an ability and to test this theory, engineered a scenario where he would be able to watch the Alethi princess wield her power. Jasnah Soulcast the rock into smoke, masking her abilities with the fake Soulcaster she wore on her right hand. In return for freeing his granddaughter, Taravangian granted Jasnah access to the Palanaeum, which she had been unable to access until this point.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}
Out late one night in the city, Shallan and Jasnah were attacked by a group of criminals while in an alley near the theatre district. Jasnah had deliberately taken them to a specific street where the criminals had been attacking, robbing, and killing people. She had planned to dispatch of the men as a service to Taravangian who she felt had put himself in a more precarious position than he realised when he allied with her and allowed her access to the Palanaeum. Jasnah killed the four men during the encounter, turning them into a variety of other substances using Soulcasting, and in doing so, saving both her own, and Shallan's life. Shallan, angry at Jasnah for the situation she had deliberately put them in, switched her broken Soulcaster, with Jasnah's device shortly after the pair returned to the Conclave.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
As the months passed while she studied, Shallan began to grow more and more aware of Pattern and the other Cryptics who watched her from the Cognitive Realm. Several times, Shallan unconsciously included them in portraits she created, first while sketching king Taravangian while he ate lunch in the Veil with Jasnah, and then later, in a sketch of herself and Kabsal after visiting the Palanaeum with the ardent. She also began hearing the Cryptics whispers, convincing herself that she was mishearing sounds made by the Conclave staff as they worked. Eventually Shallan was unable to ignore the spren, and fled toleading her rooms to try and escape. Unfortunately for her, Pattern and the other Cryptics followed, leading to Shallan accidentally Soulcasting a goblet within her quarters into blood. To hide what she had done from Jasnah when the woman came to check on her, Shallan cut open her arm, pretending that the blood was hers and was taken to one of the city's many hospitals. {{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|42}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}
After ending up in the hospital, following
After faking a suicide attempt to hide her use of Soulcasting, Shallan was admitted to one of Kharbranth's hospitals. When she awoke, she was visited by Jasnah, who had been studying outside the hospital room. While Jasnah was with Shallan, the pair were joined by the ardent Kabsal, whom Shallan had struck up a friendship with during her time in the city. In an attempt to kill Jasnah, Kabsal offered both women poisoned bread, knowing that Jasnah would not eat the jam that contained the antidote. Jasnah, suspecting that Kabsal was trying to assassinate her, Soulcast the jam when she inspected the jar, believing that it was the item that contained the poison. Unfortunately, she removed the antidote, leading to the poisoning of Shallan and Kabsal. Jasnah saved Shallan's life by Soulcasting her blood to remove the poison, learning at the same time that Shallan had stolen her Soulcaster.
Jasnah eventually forgave Shallan for the theft and agreed to take her back on as her ward. Deciding that she had found all the information she could within the Palanaeum, Jasnah, along with Shallan, left Kharbranth for the Shattered Plains in 1173 upon the ship, ''Winds Pleasure''.
Shallan and Jasnah leave for the Shattered Plains aboard the Wind's Pleasure, who had been delayed after reaching Kharbranth.
==== Shallan and Kabsal ====
During her time studying in Kharbranth, Shallan struck up a friendship and potential romance with the ardent Kabsal, who she met while waiting to speak with Jasnah after the incident with Taravangian's daughter. On several occasions, Kabsal expressed his concerns about Shallan's spiritual wellbeing and the effect that Jasnah's hearsay may have on her, however, Shallan did not believe she was being influenced by Jasnah's lack of faith. In an attempt to convert Shallan to his own Devotary, Kabsal shows her the cymatics patterns of Roshars major cities: Thaylen City, Kholinar, Akinah and Vedenar. When asked about Kharbranth itself, Kabsal informed Shallan that there was no known cymatic pattern of the city, however, he believed that one did exist. (?).
The pair often spending time together around the Conclave, picnicking in the palace gardens and talking in the Palanaeum. Shallan also became quite well known amongst the Conclave staff for her drawing abilities, with many of the workers requesting portraits from the young scholar.{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa1|7}}{{book ref|sa1|42}}
==== Pattern ====
As the months passed while she studied, Shallan began to grow more and more aware of Pattern and the other Cryptics who watched her from the Cognitive Realm. Several times, Shallan unconsciously included them in portraits she created, first while sketching king Taravangian while he ate lunch in the Veil with Jasnah, and then later, in a sketch of herself and Kabsal after visiting the Palanaeum with the ardent. She also began hearing the Cryptics whispers, convincing herself that she was mishearing sounds made by the Conclave staff as they worked. Eventually Shallan was unable to ignore the spren and fled to her rooms to try and escape. Unfortunately for her, Pattern and the other Cryptics followed, leading to Shallan accidentally Soulcasting a goblet within her quarters into blood. To hide what she had done from Jasnah when the woman came to check on her, Shallan cut open her arm, pretending that the blood was hers and was taken to one of the city's many hospitals. {{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|42}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Shallan, knowing she couldn't continue to hide her plans to leave, told Kabsal of her intentions. After he requested a portrait from her, the two returned to the Veil, where Shallan had left her drawing materials. He quickly requested a second sketch, this one of both of them, paying her for it with one of the King's spheres. To the second drawing, Shallan added the forms of several Cryptics to the background. Panicking, Shallan hurried away from the alcove, running back towards her rooms in the guest quarters. Along the way she continued to take Memories, drawing them out quickly to show the spren following along after her. After locking herself in her room, she takes one final Memory and discovered the beings to be crowded around her. Frightened, she began to summon her shardblade before being interrupted by one of the Crytics speaking to her. Prompted by his words, she speaks a Truth and she is transported to Shadesmar, where she unwittingly soul casts the goblet on her desk into blood. Returning to herself in her room, she hears Jasnah in their shared common area, coming to find her and make sure she was alright. To hide the fact that she had soulcast, Shallan cut a gash in her arm to pretend that the blood was her own.
==== Jasnah ====
{{book ref|sa1|28}}
Jasnah wrote to Dalinar, telling him about how she had travelled to Kharbranth to seek knowledge on her current field of study. While the Palanaeum did not contain anything obvious, she had found hints and fragments of the information she sought.
{{book ref|sa1|42}}
In the room, she found several of Jasnah's journals - one on Urithiru, one on the voidbringers and one on New Natanatan, The Shattered Plains and the Unclaimed Hills.
==== Taravangian ====
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
After slaughtering his way through Jah Keved, Szeth travelled to Kharbranth to assassinate King Taravangian, the last person on the list of names he had been given. Travelling to the palace under the guise of being a porter, he used is shardblade to gain access to the King's quarters, subduing the guards who had been tasked with protecting Taravangian. The King did not acknowledge Szeth when he declared his intent to kill him, instead commenting on the havoc the Shin man had caused. Szeth realised that Taravangian had been the unknown master who had tasked him to kill and cause panic. After checking on his injured guards and calling for medical aid, Taravangian took Szeth to a large room filled the sick and dying. He was horrified to find that the healers, instead of caring for the patients were killing them. Taravangian explained that the dying could see things that the rest of them couldn't and the cost of killing those who were already sick or unwanted would be worth the death rattles that they could produce. Taravangian added Dalinar Kholin's name to Szeth's list, and insisted that the Highprince be killed quickly before he had time to unite the Alethi.
{{book ref|3|24}}
Navani had been in contact with the Palanaeum to try and gain more information into the Old Magic after she learnt of Dalinar's visit to the Nightwatcher. She found it frustratingly difficult to get information as the Palanaeum was being swamped with requests for research into the Voidbringers from all over Roshar. She was able to gain the information she sought through a combination of Taravangian's upcoming visit to Urithiru and old debts she could call upon.
=== After the Everstorm ===
{{book ref|sa2|89}}
{{book ref|sa3|107}}
Taravangian commandeered 20 merchant ships to sail his healers to Thaylen City to help with the wounded. He said he could get 10 more ships from Kharbranth to join the make shift navy that the coalition form to protect Thaylen City from attack. Moelach moved on from Kharbranth to settle in the Horneater Peaks. Joshor followed the Unmade to gain the Diagram access to the Death Rattles again. Taravangian assigned Dova the task of leaking information on Dalinar and the coalition
{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Politics ==
The smallest of the five [[Vorin]] nations, Kharbranth is an independent city-state governed by King Taravangian who also rules over [[Jah Keved]]. Currently Kharbranth is allied with both the Radiants, lead by Dalinar Kholin, as well as Odium's forces.
=== Government ===
=== Local Government ===
The highest seat of government in Kharbranth is the position of the king, currently held by Taravangian. The king rules alongside a governing council composed of, presumably, politically influential lighteyed citizens.{{book ref|sa3|12}} The exact dynamic between the king and the council is currently unknown, however, the king is able to propose and influence policy, decide upon and conduct foreign affairs, and also has some form of direct authority over the implementation of laws.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Taravangian is a popular king, beloved by the common darkeyed citizen of Kharbranth for the time and effort he invests in the city's hospitals.{{book ref|sa1|29}} Doing so, however, allows greater political freedom forwhich the city's elite, which they readilygladly capitalise on.{{book ref|sa1|48}} Despite this, those in the royal court are known to complain about the amount of time Taravangian spends at the hospitals in the city, believing he places too much priority on the institutions.{{book ref|sa1|48}} In general, lighteyed residents of Kharbranth find the king to be dull and his political capabilities to be lacking.{{book ref|sa1|29}}
Although the king of Kharbranth would be considered equal to first dahn under the Vorin class system, they do not traditionally claim the rank, due to Kharbranth's city-state status.{{wob ref|4006}} King Taravangian is known to show deference to foreign nationals, which likely furthers the upper class' poor opinion of his political competency.{{book ref|sa1|5}} Additionally, by welcoming Jasnah Kholin to Kharbranth and allowing her access to the Palanaeum, Taravangian may have strained relations between himself and the Vorin leaders in Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa1|5}}
Following the death of King Gavilar of Althekar, Taravangian visited the Nightwatcher to gain the ability to save the people of Roshar. The boon and curse of which he is granted, compassion and acumen, severely affect Taravangian's ability to govern Kharbranth on a day to day basis. As his intelligence and compassion fluctuate on a daily basis, and he must be tested each morning to determine how much control he has over policy and how much he can interact with the politicians and citizens of Kharbranth. Initially, his political power was to be limited only on days of extreme unintelligence, however, after proposing, and attempting to implement, a eugenics program in Kharbranth on a day of high intelligence, it was decided that his ability to affect policy be restricted for both extremes.{{cite}} Additionally, Taravangian's ability to interact with others is restricted on days of both low and high intelligence, as he has previously attempted to reveal his condition to the general public.{{cite}}
It is rumored, throughout foreign nations, that Taravangian is a figurehead only for the city of Kharbranth and instead the city is run by his head scribe Adrotagia, or by another scribe.{{cite}} One of Taravangian's scribes manages Taravangian's duties as king, while he, and his closest advisors, are away from Kharbranth as part of Dalinar Kholin's coalition.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Kharbranth, while generally considered a safe city, has previously had issues surrounding violent crime, which have not been adequately policed.{{book ref|sa1|36}} It is suspected by some that the city watch has deliberately avoided taking action against violent criminals in the past due to corruption and influence from politicians.{{book ref|sa1|36}} While Taravangian has issued several reprimands to the city watch, behaviours have not improved greatly, leading to some visitors to the city, such as Jasnah Kholin, to take matters into their own hands.
Following the death of King Gavilar of Althekar, Taravangian visited the Nightwatcher to gain the ability to save the people of Roshar. The boon and curse of which he is granted, compassion and acumen, severely affect Taravangian's ability to govern Kharbranth on a day to day basis. As his intelligence and compassion fluctuate on a daily basis, he must be tested each morning to determine how much control he has over policy and how much he can interact with the politicians and citizens of Kharbranth. Initially, his political power was to be limited only on days of extreme unintelligence, however, after proposing, and attempting to implement, a eugenics program in Kharbranth on a day of high intelligence, it was decided that his ability to affect policy be restricted for both extremes.{{cite}} Additionally, Taravangian's ability to interact with others is restricted on days of both low and high intelligence, as he has previously attempted to reveal his condition to the general public.{{cite}}
=== Pre-1173Military ===
Kharbranth, while generally considered a safe city, has previously had issues surrounding violent crime, which have not been adequately policed.{{book ref|sa1|36}} It is suspected by some that the city watch has deliberately avoided taking action against violent criminals in the past due to corruption and influence from politicians.{{book ref|sa1|36}} While Taravangian has issued several reprimands to the city watch, behaviours have not improved greatly, leading to some visitors to the city, such as Jasnah Kholin, to take matters into their own hands.
Kharbranth has only a small standing army so as to not effect its image of being unassuming and unthreatening. It is known that Kharbranth does not wage war and has previously offered foreign aid to both sides of the same conflict. The city-state does not have a true navy, however, has a number of merchant ships that can be commandeered in times of need.
=== Foreign Relations ===
Currently Kharbranth is allied with both the Dalinar Kholin's alliance, which includes Alethkar, Jah Keved, Thaylenah, and Azir, as well as Odium's forces. In exchange for loyalty from the Diagram, Odium has agreed to spare Kharbranth, its citizens and their spouses, in his war against Roshar.
It is rumored, throughout foreign nations, that Taravangian is a figurehead only for the city of Kharbranth and instead the cityit is run by his head scribe Adrotagia, or by another scribe.{{cite}} One of Taravangian's scribes manages Taravangian's duties as king, while he, and his closest advisors, are away from Kharbranth as part of Dalinar Kholin's coalition.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Due to their shared religion, Kharbranth, Alethkar, Jah Keved, and Natanatan have maintained strong alliances in the past, particularly following the Heirocracy.{{book ref|sa1|8}}
=== The Diagram ===
{/{for|The Diagram|Diagram_(group)}}
The Diagram is a secret society on Roshar that is headed by Taravangian and based around a book of predictions, that goes by the same name. The Diagram (bookliterature) is a recollection of writings by Taravangian that was created on a day of extreme intelligence. These writingspredictions, initially written over many surfaces within the kings bedroom, have been transcribed as written and form the basis of the secret society. There isare moremultiple than one sectsects within the society, whowhich interprethave different interpretations of the Diagram different. The society heavily influences the governing of Kharbranth, dictating the size of the city-states military as well as how Kharbranth should present itself to foreign nations.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Members of the Diagram known as the ''Silent Gatherers'', staff and manage the secret hospital hidden within the Conclave, where patients and citizens are brought to be killed and the Death Rattles collected. This operation is overseen by the ardent, Dova, whileduring times that Taravangian is away from the city. The Death Rattles, beginning in 1167 after the Unmade Moelach takes up residence in Kharbranth, continue to be witnessed over a period of seven years before they begin to decline. Frequency in the number of Death Rattles begins to decline in late 1173 before ceasing completely in 1174 after Moelach moves westward and settled in the Horneater Peaks. Despite the decline, and eventual cessation, of the Death Rattles, the hospital continues to operate after the departure of Moelach, as the potential for more Death Rattles outweighs the continued cost of human life.
=== Military ===
Kharbranth has only a small standing army so as to not effect its image of being unassuming and unthreatening. It is known that Kharbranth does not wage war and has previously offered foreign aid to both sides of the same conflict. The city-state does not have a true navy, however, has a number of merchant ships that can be commandeered in times of need.
=== Foreign Relations ===
Due to their shared religion, Kharbranth, Alethkar, Jah Keved, and Natanatan have maintained strong alliances in the past, particularly following the Heirocracy.{{book ref|sa1|8}}
During 1173, Taravangian acquired Szeth's oathstone and tasked him with murdering a large number of high ranking officials in several foreign nations. These murders, dictated by the Diagram (book), aimed to cause chaos and collapse in several foreign nations including Jah Keved and Azir. Taravangian, as a precautionary measure, included his own name on the list given to Szeth to divert suspicion away from Kharbranth if the assassin had been captured during his spree. Using Szeth to causing mayhem and destruction across Roshar, allowed Taravangian to further the goals of the Diagram (group) and created a situation where he could take control of the Veden empire without arising suspicion. Towards the end of the Veden Cival War, Taravangian sent food, medical supplies, and healers to the country to help the wounded on all sides of the fighting. In doing so, he secured a new ally for Kharbranth with whichever side was victorious. In the case that the country fell to ruin, Taravangian, through a distance connection to Veden royalty, could engineer a situation that would end with the king of Kharbranth on the Veden throne. When the war ended later that year, Taravangian was named as king by the previous monarch, Valam, shortly before he died, securing Jah Keved as an ally for Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Taravangian entered both Jah Keved and Kharbranth into an alliance with Alethkar in 1174, after Dalinar Kholin contacted the leaders of Roshar's nations seeking aid in the fight against the Voidbringers. Taravangian was the only leader to initially respond to Dalinar's request. The council of Kharbranth were suspicious of Dalinar's initial request, as well as his intentions with refounding the Knights Radiant. Mistrust of Dalinar increased amongst the council members after Dalinar pronounced the death of Honor, which those within the Vorin Church conflate with the Almighty.{{book ref|sa3|4}} Kadash, one of Dalinar's ardents, did what he could to try and calm the council and allay their fears. It is unknown Kadash was successful, leading to the council agreeing with Taravangian to enter into an alliance with Alethkar, or whether the king of Kharbranth has executive power over foreign affairs.
Entering into an alliance with Dalinar, allowed Taravangian and the Diagram access to Urithiru and the inner workings of the Alethi government. Unimpeded from joining political assemblies with other foreign nations, or scholarly meetings, the Kharbranthian cohort were able to gather intelligence on the coalition, and several other nations of Roshar, and their research into Urithiru, the Voidbringers, as well as other matters. As part of the coalition, Taravangian was able to manipulate other world leaders, as well as spread misinformation that threatened the breakdown of the alliance, with the hope that Dalinar Kholin would fail, leaving Alethkar open to be secured under Taravangian's rule.
In an attempt to gain favor with Odium, Taravangian interfered with the redeployment of troops from Urithiru to Thaylenah during the Battle of Thaylen Field by having a member of the Diagram, Malata, unlock the Kholinar Oathgate in secret, allowing Odium's forces to invade the ancient city. Following the battle, Odium met with Taravangian during the Everstorm agreeing to spare Kharbranth and its citizens during the imminent war in exchange for the Diagram's loyalty. As of present
*[[Dukar]]: stormwarden. Dukar is in charge of Taravangian's daily intelligence testing and helps determine whether the king is fit for duty each morning.
*[[Kabsal]]: ardent. Deceased.
*[[Joshor]]: Head of the Silent Gatherers
== Trivia ==