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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Kharbranth''', City of Bells, is an independent city-state on [[Roshar]], ruled by the King [[Taravangian]].{{book ref|sa1|3}} It is one of the five [[Vorin]] nations and home to the [[Palanaeum]], the largest library on Roshar.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|7}} Kharbranth is also known for the quality of its hospitals, and people come from all over the world to train in medicine. Colours ofThe Kharbranthian royaltyroyal -color are burnt orange and white, and have become synonymous around Roshar as the colors of surgeons, medicine, and healing.{{book ref|sa1|5}}{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|7}}{{book ref|sa2|i14}}
== Geography and Ecology ==
=== Location ===
Kharbranth is located on the western coast of the [[Frostlands]], within a natural harbor that opens onto the [[Tarat Sea]].{{map ref|Roshar}} One of the most protected cities on Roshar, Kharbranth has a southernly orientation and is naturally protected on both its eastern and western fronts.{{book ref|sa3|58}} The honorspren capital, ''[[Unyielding Fidelity]]'', is situated close to Kharbranth within the [[Cognitive Realm]].{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa3|108}}
Residing within a natural wedge shaped lait that opens onto the sea, Kharbranth is built on unbroken stone and extends down the side of and into the surrounding mountain. While the city itself is well protected from the [[Highstorm]], the mountain shielding it from the east bears the full force of the storm, leading to occasional cave-in's within the [[Conclave]] and rockslides on the stormside of the mountain.{{book ref|sa1|5}} It is believed by some withinin the Ardentia[[ardentia]] that Kharbranth was built upon a cymatic pattern, however, it is currently unknown as to whether this claim is true.{{citebook ref|sa1|45}} Bells can be found in multitudes throughout the city, supposedly to warn of the passing Highstorm, which has been said to be too gentle to notice otherwise.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|7}} The regularity and presence of these bells has earned Kharbranth the nickname of the City of Bells.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Clock bells are rung on the hour, through the day.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
Famous for its crowds, the streets of Kharbranth are often packed during both the day and at night.{{book ref|Sa1|36}}{{book ref|Sa1|71}} The Ralinsa, the main thoroughfare made up of a series of switchbacks, connects the port and docks with the Conclave at the top of the mountain.{{book ref|s1|3}}{{book ref|Sa1|36}} The steepness of the pathways makes it difficult to use [[chull]] pulled carts to transport goods, and instead merchants will hire workers to carry their products through the city.{{book ref|sa1|71}} Rickshaw'sRickshaws and palaquin's[[palanquins]] are available to hire for transport throughout the city.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{citebook ref|sa3|21}}
Buildings are constructed from either [[crem]], daub, mud, or a combination of all three, blocky in nature and either built on top of, or carved out of, the mountain.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Each structure is painted vibrant colors, with each color symbolising the function of the building.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Most buildings are either red or orange with fewer being painted blue or yellow.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Violet colored buildings signify tailors or cloth merchants, while food can be purchased in green buildings.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Dine-in restaurants are also commonly found in Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa2|24}} Homes are painted in pastel colors and use different patterns than commercial buildings.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Kharbranth is a busy city, with shops and venues operating well into the later hours of the evening.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
=== Notable Landmarks ===
==== The Conclave ====
The Conclave can be located at the top of the city and is built down into the surrounding mountain. The Conclave serves as both an official building and a residential abode, with a section of the building serving as the kings palace, and another as a residential wing for guests. Hidden deep within the Conclave is a secret hospital run by Taravangian and the Diagram.{{book ref|sa1|71}} Terminally ill patients, as well as the extremely poor, are taken to this hospital to be killed, in the hopes that as they will deliver a Death Rattle as they die.{{book ref|sa1|71}}
The [[Conclave]] can be located at the top of the city and is built down into the surrounding mountain. The Conclave serves as both an official building and a residential abode, with a section of the building serving as the kings palace, and another as a residential wing for guests. HiddenThe Palanaeum can be located within the Conclave. Additionally, deep within the Conclave is a secret hospital run by Taravangian and the Diagram.{{book ref|sa1|71}} Terminally ill patients, as well as the extremely poor, are taken to this hospital to be killed, in the hopes that as they will deliver a [[Death Rattle]] as they die.{{book ref|sa1|71}}{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|5}}
==== The Palanaeum ====
The [[Palanaeum can be located within the Conclave. The Palanaeum]] is the largest known library on Roshar and contains over seven hundred thousand texts.{{book ref|sa1|7}} Entrance to the Palanaeum is expensive, with the funds collected being used to finance Kharbranth's hospitals.{{book ref|sa1|7}} The Palanaeum also doubles as Kharbranth's royal treasury and houses the city's store of emeralds.{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa1|7}}
==== Kharbranthian Hospitals ====
Kharbranth's medical practices are well known throughout eastern Roshar, and at least parts of western Roshar, with the Kharbranthian royalcity's colors and banner being synonymous with surgeons and the idea of healing.{{book ref|sa2|i14}} This reputation is well earned, with Kharbranthian surgeons providing unprompted aid following the [[Battle of Vedenar]] (1173), the destruction in [[Thaylen City]] after the coming of the [[Everstorm]] (1174), and both before and after the [[Battle of Thaylen City]] (1174).{{book ref|Sa2|i14}}{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{book ref|sa3|59}}
Kharbranth is famous for both the number and quality of its hospitals, with medical care being available for both physical and psychological illnesses.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|52}} Any who require assistance will be treated, regardless of eye color, social ranking, or nationality.{{book ref|sa1|48}} Taravangian is a frequent visitor to the hospitals and is warmly welcomed by patients during their stay. During his visits, he will stop and speak with each patient individually, checking in on their care and wellbeing.{{book ref|sa1|48}}
Private patient rooms, along with larger wards, can be found in some, if not all, of Kharbranth's hospitals.{{book ref|sa1|48}}{{book ref|sa1|50}} The wards are segregated by gender and resemble large hallways.{book ref|sa1|48}} Partitions can be set up around each bed to provide privacy for each patient.{{book ref|sa1|48}} The hospital that Shallan is initially admitted to after being poisoned by [[Kabsal]], is run by an ardent named [[Mungam]].{{book ref|sa1|48}}
==== The Great Concourse of Kharbranth ====
The [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]] is a training school for surgeons and healers, which offers the best medical training available. Tuition to the Concourse is expensive and there are strict and rigorous entrance exams, which can be taken by those over the age of sixteen.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
{/{for|Great Concourse of Kharbranth}}
==== School of Storms ====
Little is known about the function of the School of Storms at the present time. Scholars at the School of Storms have legacy access to the Palanaeum. Taravangian's granddaughter, Gvori, is a current student at the school.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== History ==
Rise of the diagram
{{book ref|sa1|3}}
Jasnah being badass
- May be older than the Last Desolation - at least one in world source claims it was built during the shadowdays
Szeth going to kill T
- A small politically fragile city state but also a free city{{book ref|sa1|3}} The city-state consists of only Kharbranth{{book ref|sa1|5}}
- Docks open to all regardless of nationality or status
- Animals can be found around the docks (and presumably throughout the city): skyeels, crabs, haspers, mink
- Considered by Captain Tozbek to be a 'safe city'
- Long/Scenic and short/direct route from the docks to the Conclave
- Strong smells to the city. Spicy scents of food, the pungent smell of alleyways. Shallan describes the city as not having a clean smell.
- Noisy. A hundred voices called to one another, mingling with doors slamming, wheels rolling on stone, occasional skyeels crying. The ever-present bells tinkled in the background, louder when the wind blew.
{{book ref|sa1|36}}
- The city continues to function late at night and the streets are still busy and full of noise from voices and bells
- Kharbranth has a theatre district
{{book ref|sa1|45}}
- Kabsal compares Kharbranth to Kholinar, believing them both to be made by the Almighty.
- A cymatic of Kharbranth has not yet been found
{{book ref|sa1|3}}
- Blocky and colourful. A majority of the buildings are red and orange, with the occasional blue or yellow.
- Buildings are grouped by colour which also indicates purpose - Violet for clothing, green for food. Homes are also painted but in pastel colours with a different pattern.
- Constructed from some sort of mud/daub/crem
- The Conclave, Palanaeum and King's Palace are located at the top of the city
- Most buildings set directly on rock, while some are carved from it
{{book ref|sa1|29}}
- Kharbranth has a large number of hospitals that are frequently visited by Taravangian
{{book ref|sa1|71}}
Everything in the palace is built downwards
It's possible to buy a map of the palace
Taravangian's study is built underground. A large section of rock has been carved out and a window installed that overlooks the city and out to surrounding sea
There is a passage from Taravangian's study to his secret hospital
{{book ref|sa2|24}}
Kharbranth has restaurants
|The only things Kharbranth has to sell are fish, bells, and information. The first two are hardly unique to us. But the third … well, the Palanaeum has the finest collection of tomes and scrolls on Roshar.
|Master Servant to Shallan
{{book ref|sa1|7}}
== History ==
=== Early History ===
The Unmade Moelach settled in Kharbranth in 1166 (?). Following Taravangian's visit to the Nightwatcher, the Silent Gatherers were, presumably, formed and the secret hospital within the Conclave created, so as to harvest the Death Rattles and supplement the Diagram with additional information.
Creation of the Diagram/Speculation
=== 1173 ===
{{book ref|sa2|67}}
Rushu <!-- an ardent? --> spent several weeks in contact with scholars in Kharbranth (using an information station) looking for information on the use of gemstones in the hilt of Shardblades after querying why Blades can still be dismissed and summoned when the gems had gone dun. The scholars in Kharbranth (presumably the Palanaeum) were able to find fragment from several decades post Recreance that mentioned that the ability to bond the blades became possible after the addition of gemstones (which had initially been added as ornamentation)
== Politics ==
The smallest of the five [[Vorin]] nations, Kharbranth is an independent city-state governed by King Taravangian who also rules over [[Jah Keved]]. Currently Kharbranth is allied with both the Radiants, lead by Dalinar Kholin, as well as Odium's forces.
=== Government ===
Members of the Diagram known as the ''Silent Gatherers'', staff and manage the secret hospital hidden within the Conclave, where patients and citizens are brought to be killed and the Death Rattles collected. This operation is overseen by the ardent, Dova, while Taravangian is away from the city. The Death Rattles, beginning in 1167 after the Unmade Moelach takes up residence in Kharbranth, continue to be witnessed over a period of seven years before they begin to decline. Frequency in the number of Death Rattles begins to decline in late 1173 before ceasing completely in 1174 after Moelach moves westward and settled in the Horneater Peaks. Despite the decline, and eventual cessation, of the Death Rattles, the hospital continues to operate after the departure of Moelach, as the potential for more Death Rattles outweighs the continued cost of human life.
=== Military ===
=== Peoples ===
Kharbranth is a multicultural city that does not limit or restrict entrance to the city or its surrounding waters based on nationality or status.{{book ref|sa1|3}} As such, people from all walks of life and the many nations of Roshar can be found throughout the city.{{book ref|sa1|3}}