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(Info dump, SA1:Ch29, 33, 36)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Kharbranth''', City of Bells, is an independent city-state on [[Roshar]], ruled by the King [[Taravangian]].{{book ref|sa1|3}} Colours of Kharbranthian royalty - burnt orange and white{{book ref|sa1|5}}
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- Bells can be heard even from deep within the Conclave/mountain
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- The main throughfare from the docks to the Conclave is called the Ralinsa and leads down the hill with switchbacks
- The city continues to function late at night and the streets are still busy and full of noise from voices and bells
- Kharbranth has a theatre district
- The Conclave, Palanaeum and King's Palace are located at the top of the city
- Most buildings set directly on rock, while some are carved from it
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- Kharbranth has a large number of hospitals that are frequently visited by Taravangian <!-- verify how often Taravangian visits the hospitals with second reference-->
The Conclave
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- There is no gate before the Conclave
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- Another reference to the Conclave being underground
- Jasnah and Shallan's quarters are within the Conclave
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- Shallan and her drawings became well known around the Conclave fairly soon after she was taken on as Jasnah's ward.
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- The baths in the Conclave are carved directly into the ground and heated by fabrials. The Conclave <!--all of Kharbranth?--> has heated plumbing (the water is pre-heated using fabrials) and water is delivered to the baths via pipes.
- Heat fabrials are also used in Kharbranth to heat rooms.
- Books from the Palanaeum are not to be taken into the bathing chambers.
The Palanaeum
- Both the Palanaeum and the Veil predate the founding of the city. Some on Roshar believe that the rooms were built by the dawnsingers.
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- The Palanaeum is open throughout the evening <!--(and doesn't close?)-->
The Veil
- The chit of admittance for the Palanaeum proper is of one thousand sapphire broams, which pay for the many hospitals in Kharbranth. There is no fee to use the Veil.
- There are over seven hundred thousand seperate texts in the Palanaeum - more than even the Holy Enclave of Valath
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- Shaped like an inverted pyramid down into the rock, with a walkway running around the walls to form a giant square spiral. There is also a series of lifts to reach levels at a quicker pace.
- The bottom of the room cannot be seen from the top
- The Palanaeum proper doubles as the Kharbranthian royal treasury and the cities wealth of emeralds are used to light the walkways. They are periodically changed out by ardents from the Devotary of Insight
- The books, manuscripts and scrolls stored in the Palanaeum are stored in rooms with tall bookshelves that branch outwards from the walkways.
- Inside each room is troughs containing white powder. Shallan theorises that this is why the room are never damp
- The size of the Palanaeum and the high admittance fee makes it unlikely that people will run into each other while searching.
- Ardents and servants are available to collect volumes on request
- The Kharbrathian filing system is standard for many of Roshar's libraries and archives.
- Books are organized by the date that they entered the Palanaeum and the top level of the Palanaeum proper contains large cabinets filled with indexes
- The head of each (bookshelf) row is carved with a symbol indicating the date the book had entered the Palanaem
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Jasnah was not initially impressed to see Shallan, snapping at her and sending her away. Not long after she apologised and after being further petitioned gave Shallan the chance to re-petition her once she had filled some of the gaps in her knowledge. Shallan met up with Yalb outside the Concave and on their way back to the Winds Pleasure, he inspires an idea in Shallan about how she could speed up her chances to re-petition Jasnah. They visit a Thaylen bookstore, where Yalb pretended to be a servant from a rival merchant to help bring down the price of Shallan's purchase. Heading back to the Palanaem, Shallan rented the balcony next to Jasnah's with the intent of cramming information. Jasnah joined her before she could begin and accepted Shallan as her ward, after first perusing her sketchbook and it's annotations.
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Shallan spoke via spanreed with her brothers about her progress in securing Jasnah's soulcaster. She learned that the estate had been visited by members of the Ghostblood who had supplied her father with the soulcaster and now wished for its return. Later in the Veil, Jasnah joined Shallan while she studied and the two spoke about the nature of scholarship and historians until they were joined by the King, Taravangian. The three ate lunch together and Shallan sketched a picture of the King at his request. The King asked Jasnah about her soulcaster, however, she refused to answer his questions. They then discussed religion. Shallan was unable to give the King her drawing as she had unconciously drawn cryptics in the background.
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Shallan was sent to the Palanaeum proper by Jasnah to locate a copy of the book Dialogues. Shallan used this time to also locate Shadows Remembered, a book that she had previously seen Jasnah reading. Shallan was disappointed to learn it was a book about darkeyed children's stories. Later, Kabsal expressed his concerns to Shallan about her spiritual wellbeing and the effect that Jasnah's hearsay may have on her. Shallan denied that she was being influenced by Jasnah's lack of religious beliefs. Kabsal tried to convince Shallan to change to his Devotary and shows her the cymatics patterns that can be found in the structure og four of Roshar's major cities: Thaylen City, Kholinar, Akinah and Vedenar. Jasnah was not impressed by the cymatics patterns and Kabsal left shortly after she arrived. Jasnah warned Shallan that he was trying to obtain her soulcaster and would try and turn Shallan to get her aid in doing so.
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Presented with the opportunity to switch the soulcasters, Shallan found she was unable to follow through. She went with Jasnah into the city late at night and the pair were attacked by criminals. She soulcast the four men, one into fire, one into quartz and two into smoke, saving both her and Shallan's life. Jasnah had deliberately taken them to a specific street where the criminals had been attacking, robbing and killing people. She had planned to dispatch of the men as a service to Taravangian who she felt had put himself in a more precarious position than he realised when he allied with her and allowed her access to the Palanaeum. After retiring to their rooms in the Conclave, Shallan switched the soulcasters while Jasnah was not looking, motivated by her revulsion over what Jasnah had done in the alley.
[[Lirin]] desired to send his son [[Kaladin]] to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon at the [[Great Concourse of Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}
== Politics ==
- Vorin ranks - Taravangian would be on the level of first dahn (?) but does not use the ranking system as it would negatively affect foreign relations - find WOB and confirm
Jasnah would rank higher?{{book ref|sa1|5}} - confirm against WOB
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- Taravangian is a beloved King to the dark eyed citizen's of Kharbranth because of his dedication to building and maintaining a large number of hospitals. Lighteyes, however, find him dull and not a fantastic politician.
- Taravangian gained enemies by welcoming Jasnah to Kharbranth
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- Several murders occur in the same street near the theatre district, however, the city watch takes no action to prevent further death, despite several reprimands from Taravangian. This may be due to backroom deals between the commander of the city watch and his cousin who is a politically influential lighteyes in the city. There is also rumors that the criminals are bribing the watch.
- Jasnah worries about the trouble she may bring Taravangian through his alliance with her.
=== Government ===
- ?? - Men with beards bound in cords, looking rodlike
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- Kharbrathian's prefer soup for their lunch
=== Religion ===