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*Oreon and Xeth have Preservation/Ruin vibes
*Frost maybe is Rafete, he also seems to have some sort of vow of non-intervention.
*"I would say that all... I consider almost all the worldbuilding to be canon, but the characters to not be."{{wob ref|8142}}
*"You can glean some little things about the cosmere, but not much. I didn't start canonizing real cosmere elements until Mistborn. The book just isn't great, and what it does contain in regards to the cosmere has either been changed or will be changed." {{wob ref|8877}}
*"so little of Dragonsteel is still canon. I've pulled so much out of it."{{wob ref|8793}}
*Basically there's not a whole lot that's canon in that anymore. The Sho Del are, the dragons are, and the Tamu Keks are. But all the Hoid stuff is not really canon anymore. He'll get a completely new book backstory. I have really done some work lately on the aethers in ways that I really think is working. So I think I can start canonizing aethers, sneaking [them] into the mainline cosmere books. Whether I can ever write the book about the aethers is another question, but you should see more than just little cameo pieces now that I'm sure about some of the ways they work. I made some major breakthroughs in how I wanted that to all connect. {{wob ref|14645}}
*"Dragonsteel, I consider lightly canon to the Cosmere in that the events of Dragonsteel happen, mostly, but the worldbuilding's been refined so much that eventually I will write the book that will be called Dragonsteel (or maybe the series), but it'll now be Hoid's story, rather than Jerick's story. And it'll be a completely different type of story. Though little bits of it will be recognizable." {{wob ref|16493}}
