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m (minor grammar updates)
==== Childhood ====
Adolin's early sense of morality was instilled in him by his mother.{{wob ref|2102}}. Evi was fond of hugs and physical affection and this translated to Adolin easily reacquainting himself with personal displays of affection while betrothed to Shallan later in life.{{book ref|sa3|77}}
==== Age Five (1155) ====
Adolin visited Dalinar on the battlefront with his Mothermother and a very young Renarin. Dalinar had last seen Adolin a little over a year before. Already Adolin was showing an energetic personality, playing with wooden swords, crafting armor from [[rockbud]] shells and string and terrorizing the chulls. When presented to his father he saluted him but quickly shied away afterwards, and had to confirm Dalinar was his father. He told Dalinar that he and his mother offered prayers for him every night so that he would be safe. Adolin showed a desire to please his father even at such a young age. He told his father he didn't want Dalinar to give him a shardblade, he wanted to win one himself.{{book ref|sa3|52}}
==== Age Six (1156) ====
Adolin started training with the sword at the age of six. Renarin mentionsmentioned that this makesmade him different in some way, but there is no elaboration.{{book ref|sa2|26}}.
==== Adolescence ====
{{image|Trained by Master by Ari Ibarra.jpg|side=right|width=200px|Training with [[Zahel]]}}
He eventually started training with [[Zahel]] after stubbornly refusing to at first{{book ref|sa2|18}} some number of years before the present.{{book ref|sa2|35}}. There are indications he was trained by his father in using Shardplate{{book ref|sa2|18}} which he inherited from his mother's side of the family.{{book ref|sa2|14}}. When Adolin was young, Dalinar also made him serve in a spearman squad for two months with the intention of teaching him what it was like to "serve in the shoes of his men."{{book ref|sa2|41}}
Adolin mentionsmentioned that he became a soldier by circumstance rather than choice.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
Dalinar believesbelieved that Adolin was also brought up and trained to be a [[highprince]] in a manner that he himself was not,{{book ref|sa1|28}} and that this willwould make him a fine highprince.
=== War of Reckoning (1167-1174) ===
==== The Chasmfiend Hunt ====
Adolin and his brother Renarin accompanied King [[Elhokar]] and the Highprinces Dalinar, [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], and [[Vamah]] on a chasmfiend hunt, and Adolin spend the early part of the trip worrying about the state of his father's mind and his reputation. He worried that Sadeas would make a move against his father now that Dalinar was appearing weak to the eyes of Alethi society. Adolin had been given effective command of the Kholin army by his father and restrictions had been placed on his dueling as per the [[Alethi Codes of War]]. To make matters worse Dalinar revealed he iswas considering leaving the Shattered Plains, a plan Adolin knowsknew willwould ruin his father's reputation.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
When the [[chasmfiend]] appeared on the wrong plateau, threatening unarmed attendants, guests and scribes, Adolin helped his father and Elhokar kill it. During the fight, Adolin was momentarily awed by seeing his father display the prowess that earned him the title of [[Blackthorn]].{{book ref|sa1|13}} Afterwards Adolin oversaw the cleanup, happy to be doing something, while the other lighteyes on the trip relaxed leisurely. When Sadeas insulted his father, Adolin was quick to defend him, though his manner in doing so was brash and leadled to a rebuke from his father and a gentle restraint from Renarin. Sadeas then turned his attention to his brother, and Adolin nearly summoned his Shardblade but stoped when he iswas ordered to by Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Later Dalinar took Adolin aside to inspect the king's saddle as Elhokar had requested of them. Adolin quickly realized that Elhokar believesbelieved the girth was cut deliberately and, annoyed, pointed out his cousin's worsening paranoia and that he and his father seemseemed to have become Elhokar's bodyguards to his annoyance. Despite thetheir misgivings, both he and Dalinar agreeagreed that if the girth was cut there may behave been a plot to kill the king, as Alethi lighteyes arewere fond of their overly complicated plots. Dalinar assigned Adolin the task toof investigateinvestigating this further. Adolin wondered if Sadeas may behave been behind it, but Dalinar shutsshut down the suggestion and showed Adolin that though they and Sadeas both havehad invested interest and desire to keep Elhokar safe and willwould work together to manipulate other highprinces for the King's benefit. Dalinar then revealed [[Gavilar]]'s final words. Adolin connected this to his father's presumed delusions and assumed they arewere a product of guilt over Gavilar's death. Dalinar hoped Adolin would learn to see the importance of the Codes. He then asked Adolin to at least respect Sadeas. Adolin reluctantly agreed and at his insistence Dalinar agreed to consider that Sadeas might be playing them.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Elhokar later queried them about their opinions on the strap. When Dalinar told him that while it may have been cut there iswas no definitive proof, the king insisted that there was a plot to kill him and that perhaps someone on the hunt had planned it. Adolin caught the king giving them a suspicious look, and when Elhokar left he asked his father if he sawhad seen it too. Dalinar cut him off and told Adolin he willwould talk to Elhokar about it later. When the bridges finally arrived, Adolin resumed control of the army, directing its movements back towards the camps.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
==== The Investigation ====
Adolin used a disastrous date with [[Janala]] to visit different leather workers (including [[Yis]] and [[Avaran]]) with the King's saddle strap. They all agreed it had been sliced, but did not agree on whether it was cut or an accident. During the date, they visited the temple where Adolin had a talk with [[Kadash]], one of his fathers Ardents, about Dalinar's visions. Kadash was disturbed by the visions and dismissed them coming from the [[Almighty]]. He said the only one who could help Dalinar would be Adolin, as he iswas family.{{book ref|sa1|18}}
Two days later Adolin informed his father of his findings. Dalinar and Adolin agreed that the best action would be for Dalinar to talk withtell Elhokar that they had found nothing. Adolin brought up the visions, but Dalinar ended the conversation as they arrived at one of the king's feasts. Before they partparted ways, Dalinar ordersordered Adolin and Renarin to restrict their drinking.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
During the feast, Adolin found his father once more and informed him that he had dueled three different men who had accused both Dalinar and House Kholin of being cowards and of asking the king to abandon the [[Vengeance Pact]]. Dalinar told Adolin to ignore what others saysaid or thinkthought. He added that the rumors were true. Dalinar had told the king in confidence they needed to end the war and return to Alethkar. Dalinar asked for Adolin's trust and promisespromised to talk later, but Adolin replied he was worried that the visions may be delusions. His father then acknowledged Adolin was right to be worried about their House's reputation. Dalinar thought that Elhokar would keep quiet about their conversation. He explained to Adolin he had suggested winning the war by striking the Parshendi directly.{{book ref|sa1|18}} Once the Vengeance Pact iswas fulfilled they would be able to go back home and stabilize Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|22}} Adolin agreed with the his father's plan without objection, to Dalinar's surprise. Adolin explained he cancould support a strike, but that they would need a solid plan to get everyone on board with it. They planned to slowly get the highprinces to start working together with them to build trust. OnAs far as responding to the gossip, they disagreed withwhen Adolin wantingwanted to defend the house's honor. Dalinar countered by saying that dueling others wouldn't change how they thought about the Kholins. He would publish an official refutation, which Adolin admitted iswas better than nothing.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
Just as Adolin was about to leave, his father spotted his aunt [[Navani]] and Adolin hugged her affectionately. She asked him how his courting iswas going, which Dalinar likened to a fast dance with changing partners. She told Adolin that it was only old people who should have to be boring. Adolin thanked her and then left to tell Renarin that their aunt hashad returned. Later that evening Elhokar announced that he had named Sadeas as [[Highprince of Information]] and the investigation was no longer in House Kholin's hands.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
==== A House Divided ====
}} Dalinar attempted to reassure Adolin by stating he would not stand by idle to see their house fall, and dismissed Adolin.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
Dalinar and Adolin spoke to one another some days later when Dalinar called for the army to mobilize for a plateau skirmish. Adolin apologized for where and how he said his grievances to his father, though he was not sorry for voicing them. Just as they were about to set off, Sadeas demanded admittance to the war camp. Dalinar allowed him to accompany the plateau run to conduct the investigation, while Adolin was very suspicious of Sadeas' intent.{{book ref|sa1|26}} Adolin, along with Dalinar, leadled the charge against the Parshendi. During the battle, when the [[Thrill]] left Dalinar, Adolin was quick to help and protect his father. When the battle was won, Adolin harvested the [[gemheart]].{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Later, Adolin and his father inspected the army, while discussing several topics like the purpose of Plate, the Thrill, the faith of the war camps, and the gemhearthgemheart economy. During the conversation, Adolin was worried about his father's state of mind. At somepointsome point he got distracted and toughtthought about Malasha and the new woman he was interested in, [[Danlan Morakotha]]. Dalinar made Adolin inspect the Fifth Battalion for him, and afterwards his father praised him for his leadership. They went on to interview the men that were investigated by Sadeas. The men directly made it clear they arewere loyal to Kholin and didnhadn't telltold anything to Sadeas. Adolin noted that if they had acted this way around Sadeas, it would have seemed incriminating. {{book ref|sa1|28}}
After the interview, Adolin confronted Dalinar about how he had been pushing him into a leadership position during the day. In response, Dalinar reminded Adolin of his comments earlier pertaining to his mental health. Moreover, Dalinar told him he wadhad a difficult decision to make. At that moment, they were informed that Highprince [[Thanadal]], had cancelled their meeting,who whowaswas the last one Dalinar had to approach except Sadeas, had cancelled their meeting. Thanadal had no intention of running a joint plateau assault, from which Dalinar inferred the other Highprinces had never liked his influence over the king. They would rather wait and see Dalinar fall, than let him regain his footing. Dalinar then left the rest of the inspections for Adolin to complete.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
In the evening, before their talk with [[Jasnah]], Adolin tried to talk to his father, but Dalinar isnwasn't ready to discuss things. Adolin then introduced Dalinar and Navani to Danlan, whowhom he had helped get a position as one of Dalinar's clerks. Dalinar expressed incredulity that Adolin had a new woman calling on him even though she had only been in camp for a day. Jasnah asked Dalinar about his dealings with the Parshendi and inquired if they had ever mentioned the [[Voidbringers]], which Dalinar denied. In response, Jasnah got [[Shallan]] to draw the picture they found in the [[Palanaeum]], which Adolin identified as a chasmfiend or someone's attempt at drawing one. Jasnah noted that she did not believe the chasmfiends and the Voidbringers arewere the same thing and whomever made the picture probably drew the most terrifying thing they could think of. Dalinar asked for her to return, and hinted that there would be an upheaval soon in their family, but Jasnah could not promise when she would arrive. With the conversation finished, Dalinar dismissed his clerks and Adolin. Dalinar then confided into Navani that he was going to abdicate in favor of Adolin.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
==== A Chance Encounter ====
While walking in Sadeas's camp with the [[Cobalt Guard]], Adolin interrupted one of Sadeas's officers as he physically assaulted a prostitute. He had to summon his shardblade before his cronies scatterscattered. He then asked the prostitute what she had done to make the officer so angry. She told him she had insulted the officer's reputation after he gloated to her and had refused to pay. Adolin responded by suggesting to ask payment upfront, and to avoid Sadeas's camp. He continued that he would escort her to the border of the camp. When she offered to sleep with him free of charge, Adolin declined and said his father would kill him if he did. {{book ref|sa1|46}}
Adolin then turned to Kaladin, who had been watching and was going to rush to help before Adolin showed up. He called him "bridgeboy" and told him to go to Brightlord [[Reral Makoram]] to inform him that Adolin Kholin would not be attending their planned meeting and willwould reschedule at a later date. He flipped an emerald chip to Kaladin and left. Kaladin didn't do what he was asked, annoyed with how Adolin had treated him, and baffled that a lighteyed man would help someone of a lower rank.{{book ref|sa1|46}}
==== The Pending Abdication ====
While waiting for the coming highstorm, Renarin, Adolin and Dalinar discussed DalinarsDalinar's intention to abdicate. Adolin found the plan insane, and wentthought toit fagoingwent totoo far, and that he didn't yet want otto be highprince. Dalinar and Renarin pointed out that Adolin had called thishis father crazy. Dalinar added that leaderhip iswas not about what one wants. He elaborated that the other highprinces willwould use the perceived weakness against house Kholin. When asked, he told his sons he planned to go back to Alethkar to help disuadedissuade foreign invaders. The conversation was cut short by the arriving highstorm, and his sons reluctantly tied Dalinar to his chair. When the vision ended, Adolin untied his father. Both sons were looking uncomfortable from seeing their father trashthrash about and speak gibberish. Dalinar felt strengthened in his decision to abdicate, while Adolin said the episodes where containable and Dalinar shouldn't use delusions as basis of important decisions. Dalinar expressed that he believed the visions to be real, although not necessarily from the Almighty,; itthey might have been from the [[Old Magic]]. Adolin was shocked to learn that the Old Magic was real and that his father had searched it out.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
Renarin then suggested that they find a way to prove the visions arewere true, and they sendsent for Navani. While Renarin was gone Adolin asksasked his father what they willwould do if Adolin was proven right. Dalinar confessed that a part of him wished that Adolin was and that it might be better for Alethkar. Adolin then asked about Sadeas, who was nearly finished with his investigation. Dalinar gave Adolin leave to prepare for the worst, noting that if he and Sadeas went to war thanthen Alethkar as a unified state would shatter.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
During another feast, Dalinar called for Adolin to stay close and to prepare for a worst case scenario. [[Wit]] had warned him that Sadeas was going to make a move tonightthat night. Adolin informed his father that several members of the Cobalt Guard and the King's Guard arewere nearby. Adolin pointed out possible avenues of retreat in case they arewere needed due to his cousin's increasing paranoia, but Dalinar doesdid not believe it willwould come to that. When everything was set up, they moved to the King's island, where Dalinar directly asked Sadeas about the results of his investigation. Sadeas cleared House Kholin of any suspicion, completely blindsiding Adolin but vindicating Dalinar. Moreover, Sadeas agreed to try out a joint plateau assault.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
==== A Change of Heart ====