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End of tWoK
(Update "A change of heart" mostly tense changing,)
(End of tWoK)
==== The Battle of the Tower ====
{{for|Battle of the Tower}}
As they readyprepared to make an assault on the Tower some days later, Adolin effectseffected that he iswas happy he was proven wrong and resolvesresolved to trust his father. When he goeswent out to meet his father, they findfound Sadeas, who should already behave onbeen the movemoving as speed is imperative in assaulting the Tower is imperative. Sadeas sayssaid that they needneeded to confer given the particular difficulties the Tower presentspresented. If they cancould trap and kill the ten thousand Parshendi they always commitcommitted to assaults they cancould change the tide of the war. Adolin findsfound himself agreeing with Sadeas's assessment. Sadeas getsgot Dalinar to commit eight thousand troops and to using his faster bridges now that he hashad a new method of using them.{{book ref|sa1|64}} When they arrivearrived at the southern staging plateau, Adolin iswas the one who directsdirected the troops.{{book ref|sa1|65}}
Part way through the battle, a second Parshendi army arrives.arrivesd Adolin noticesnoticed this before Dalinar and, frantic,he heran runsfranticly to his father asking him what they arewere supposed to do. He points it out and asAs Dalinar goeswent to check for himself, he seessaw Sadeas leaving and taking all of his bridges with him, effectively leaving the Kholin army to be slaughtered with no way for retreat. {{book ref|sa1|65}} Adolin and Dalinar fightfought side by side against the Parshendi. Adolin beratesberated their shared decision to trust Sadeas:
|We walked right into this […] We let him take away our bridges. We let him get us onto the plateau before the second wave of Parshendi arrived. We let him control the scouts. We even suggested the attack pattern that would leave us surrounded if he didn't support us!
As the battle continuescontinued however, he tellstold his father that he doesdid not blame his fatherhim for what iswas happening and that he wisheswished he had not fought Dalinar on every little thing. Adolin reflectsreflected that if he had trusted his father instead of distracting them both they might have seen Sadeas's betrayal. With that reconciliation they both prepareprepared to die alongside their army, fighting to the last breath.{{book ref|sa1|66}}
When Kaladin makesmade the decision to turn back to save the Kholin army, Dalinar noticesnoticed the returning bridge. Adolin at first thinksthought it iswas a trick but they both decidedecided to punch through the Parshendi with the army to have one chance of saving their men, no matter how slim that chance iswas.{{book ref|sa1|67}} When Kaladin findsfound Adolin, he ordersordered him to make his soldiers retreat. Adolin stubbornly refuses torefused at first, desperate to save his father who iswas battling [[Eshonai]] but Kaladin tellstold Adolin that if he fallsfell his men willwould have nothing. Adolin cancould barely walk as it iswas. He finally ordersordered Captainlord Malan to go with Kaladin to save his father. {{book ref|sa1|68}} When returning from the battle, Adolin givesgave his father his gauntlet because of the two of them Adolin is younger and if either of the two of them were to go without part of their Shardplate it should be him. When they arrivearrived, Navani and Renarin arewere waiting for them in Sadeas's warcamp. Renarin hugshuged his father and greetsgreeted Adolin by pounding on his Shardplate while grinning. The brothers arewere both a bit uncomfortable when Navani and Dalinar embraceembraced. They arewere soon encountered by Sadeas's hostile troops. Dalinar tellstold Adolin not to summon his blade, Whenwhen Dalinar offers up his [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Shardblade]] in a trade for the [[bridgemen]] Adolin objects but is overruled.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
[[File:Adolin - VIII. Strength .jpg|thumb|left|200px|<center><small>by {{a|taratjah}}</small></center> Preparing for his duels]]
