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Shallan leaves and seeks out their carriage. [[Wikim]] is within, depressed and despondent. He asks whether their father sent her, or whether she came on one of her missions of mercy. He tells her that she can't fix them. Feeling like a fool, she gives him the gift of math problems she had prepared, then hastens away the carriage fighting back tears.
Sitting on a rock and trying to compose herself, the messenger in black starts talking with her. The man, unbeknownst to Shallan, is [[Wit]]. He tells her that the message that Helaran sent her father is that he "has eyes nearby, and is watching." Wit then asks her if spren talk to her, which causes her to think about "twisted symbols the eye should not see" and "her mother's soul in a box". She tells him that of course they don't and that she should be returning to her father. Wit tells Shallan that Helaran was right, her father is destroying their family, but wrong about everything else. He points out that Wikim is engrossed in the math questions that she had given him. He asks her to tell her the most beautiful thing she can imagine, and she describes a scene with her family happily living in together. As she talks, Wit pulls out some spheres and wisps of Stormlight hang in the air before between them. When she notices she draws back, and the light fades. Wit tells her that she will need to understand the nature of lies and see truth before she can expand upon it.
*Wit and Helaran have at least a passing acquaintance.
*At the meeting with Lin Davar, Wit dumps a pouch of powder into his own cup and drinks it. It's possible that this could be [[Allomantic]] metals.
*Shallan is able to vividly see what she is describing, similar to when Kaladin speaks with Wit. This is likely one of Wit's abilities.
*Wit mentions that the "Shards here are very strict," refering to the [[Shard|Shards]] on [[Roshar]]. This is one of few instances when they have been mentioned directly in the books.
{{anchor|Chapter 46}}