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====The Catacendre====
{{sidequote|Preservation could never destroy you! He could only protect. That's why he needed to create humankind. All along, Ruin, this was part of his plan!|Vin to Ruin{{book ref|mb3|81}}|left| px200px}}
Upon Vin's ascension, she tried to oppose Ruin, but learned that she could not do much, for Ruin would oppose her.{{book ref|mb3|76}} On the ground, Elend and Sazed discovered the atium, and Ruin immediately sent his forces to destroy them.{{book ref|mb3|79}}{{book ref|mb3|80}} Ruin, through Marsh, killed Elend, and Vin realized Preservation's plan. Preservation needed someone who could preserve, but also destroy, and Preservation was too touched by his Shard to destroy Ruin. Vin knew she had little left to live for without Elend, and so, directly attacked Ruin with her power. She pressed in, not shying back, and in the assault, killed Ruin and herself in the process.{{book ref|mb3|81}}
Now under the control of one mind, Ruin and Preservation's power began to intermingle, and Sazed became known as [[Harmony]].{{qa ref|979|174|If Sazed were to die, would he drop the shards Ruin and Preservation, or would he drop the shard Harmony?|date=Apr 15th, 2013}} It is considered a single Shard, much like a king of two countries is still just one king.{{qa ref|642|10|Were Ruin and Preservation two shards or one?|date=Nov 21st, 2011}}
Odium became aware of Harmony, is scared of him{{qa ref|1094|40|Is Odium mad about Sazed having two Shards?|date=Sept 4th, 2014}}, and is making plans regarding him.{{cite}}
==Bibliography of the Cosmere==