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(First draft of a Cosmere article rewrite)
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Ruin was keenly interested in the Well of Ascension. If he could get a person to hold the power there, but instead of utilize the power, but release it, then the prison on Ruin's mind would vanish. Ruin would then be free to destroy the world, as he was promised. Ruin manipulated the Terris Prophecies over a long period of time to advance this purpose. He made it so the Hero of Ages would include the "sacred piercings," actually [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] piercings, so he could influence the Hero. More importantly, Ruin changed the Prophecies extensively so that the Well and the Hero's purpose was obscured. Now the Hero was supposed to take the power, and release it.
Ruin needed to drive the world into desperate straits so that people would believe in a hero of ancient prophecy, to "save" them. He used Preservation to his advantage: the mists Snapped [[Allomancy|Allomancers]], and people misinterpreted the mists as a negative thing. Instead of fighting against the mists' action, Ruin enhanced them, bringing the death of plants, and causing the threat that became [[the [[Deepness]].
This meant when a [[Terris]] [[Worldbringer]], [[Kwaan]], claimed that [[Alendi]] was the Hero of Ages, Ruin saw an opportunity. He altered the Terris Prophecies to fit Alendi more perfectly. Alendi came to persuade kings and all the Worldbringers who denied him that he was the Hero, and under the threat of the Deepness, Alendi was their leader. So, to defeat the threat of the Deepness, Alendi traveled to the mountains of Terris, where the Well of Ascension lay, to take up the power, and release it to eliminate the Deepness.
Kwaan, however, had a fabled memory, and noticed that the Prophecies had changed. But Kwaan was not able to persuade Alendi that he was not, in fact, the Hero after they had argued for so long to prove that he was the hero of legend. So Kwaan, knowing something was awry with the Well, tasked a nephew, [[Rashek]], who hated Alendi, to be Alendi's guide through the mountains. Since Rashek was a [[Feruchemy|Feruchemist]], Rashek and his friends were easy picks for Alendi. If Rashek could not lead Alendi astray, he was to kill him.
And Rashek did murder Alendi. Rashek took the power of the Well himself, and in those few moments of [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|Ascension]], he tried to stop the Deepness by moving Scadrial itself closer to the sun, to burn the mists. To counteract the heat, he created the Ashmounts. He also altered humans on Scadrial, creating [[skaa]] and [[noblesnoble]]s. He learned of the [[Metallic Arts]], developing Hemalurgic constructs, and with the discovery of [[Allomancy]], he figured out a way to combine Allomancy and his Feruchemy to become immortal (through Compounding). Rashek would be the Lord Ruler, the Hero of Ages, and protect the world from Ruin.
Ruin saw the Lord Ruler's poor use of the power and saw that the Lord Ruler would be an agent of spectacular destruction. So, subtly, Ruin manipulated him to destroy. The Lord Ruler did do things to stymie Ruin, such as hiding the [[atium]], but Ruin's subtle manipulations took a toll on the man, and led to him subjugating his own people, among other atrocities. But as destructive as the Lord Ruler was, a thousand years later, the Well of Ascension was about to refill. The Lord Ruler planned to retake the Well's power, and Ruin would not have that happen.