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And Rashek did murder Alendi. Rashek took the power of the Well himself, and in those few moments of [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|Ascension]], he tried to stop the Deepness by moving Scadrial itself closer to the sun, to burn the mists. To counteract the heat, he created the Ashmounts.{{epigraph ref|mb3|4}} He also altered humans on Scadrial, creating [[skaa]] and [[noble]]s. He learned of the [[Metallic Arts]], developing Hemalurgic constructs, and with the discovery of [[Allomancy]], he figured out a way to combine Allomancy and his Feruchemy to become immortal (through Compounding).{{epigraph ref|mb3|9}} Rashek would be the Lord Ruler, the Hero of Ages, and protect the world from Ruin.{{book ref|mb3|48}}
{{sidequote|One can see Ruin's craftiness in the meticulousness of his planning. He managed to orchestrate the downfall of the Lord Ruler only a short time before Preservation's power returned to the Well of Ascension. And then, within a few years of that event, he had freed himself. On the time scale of gods and their power, this very tricky timing was as precise as an expert cut performed by the most talented of surgeons.|[[Harmony]]{{epigraph ref|mb3|50}}|right|300px}}
Ruin saw the Lord Ruler's poor use of the power and saw that the Lord Ruler would be an agent of spectacular destruction.{{book ref|mb3|63}} So, subtly, Ruin manipulated him to destroy. The Lord Ruler did do things to stymie Ruin, such as hiding [[atium]],{{book ref|mb3|71}} but Ruin's subtle manipulations took a toll on the man, and led to him subjugating his own people, among other atrocities. But as destructive as the Lord Ruler was, a thousand years later, the Well of Ascension was about to refill. The Lord Ruler planned to retake the Well's power,{{annotation ref|mb3|2|chapter=63}} and Ruin would not have that happen.