Personal List of Questions for Brandon:

  • Cosmere/Crossover:
  1. If a kandra took up the bones of a Dakhor monk, would they receive any of the associated abilities?
  2. If Ruin and Preservation had picked Roshar instead of Scadrial, would magical abilities still divide into sets of 16? Would they still be based on metals?
  3. Would a Soother be able to prevent a listener from attuning a given rhythm?
  • Scadrial:
  1. If someone has a hemalurgic spike made from aluminum, are they less susceptible to outside influence?
  2. Does duralumin share aluminum's allomantic shielding abilities?
  3. If you use two different metals to make a spike (i.e. glued together, not alloyed) could you steal two different abilities from the same person?
  4. If a kandra uses hemalurgy to acquire feruchemy, and the person they are wearing was a feruchemist, could the kandra access any previously filled metalminds?
  • Stormlight:
  1. Assuming the necessary pieces were in place, if a knight radiant travelled by oathgate to the moon Salas, would she appear instantaneously or would speed of light constraints apply?
  2. I love the scripts Isaac has created so far for Roshar. Are there plans to include pieces of the Dawnchant in future books?
  • Rithmatics:
  1. How does one go about drawing a Mark's Cross to anchor a defense? It seems as though the first Line of Forbiddance would prevent the formation of the second one.
  • Threnody:
  1. Would a shade on Threnody be more or less dangerous if encountered in Shadesmar? (Assuming no rules had been broken.)
  2. On Threnody, are there different Simple Rules governing conduct when in Shadesmar as compared to the physical realm?
  3. If the shades stopped enforcing the Simple Rules, would the spread of the Evil from the Homeland be hastened?

Thoughts on Books

Minions in SoS

It is clear that while Paalm does many things herself (shapeshifting is good for that) she also has people working for her. Most seem to be spiked (though I'm not sure about Drim) and therefore open to her influence. (In retrospect, the scene with the first speech where the governor is telling his own assassin to hurry up and shoot him is a more interesting one.)

I've been trying to figure out what happened to the server who jumped out the window at the party. At the time, Paalm was wearing Innate so Wayne's deduction that the server was a minion is correct. They don't find a body, so he had some way to survive the fall: maybe steel allomancy, maybe iron feruchemy, maybe something else entirely.

Also, who is Paalm speaking to in the sequence before killing Drim?

"You want to bring him down, free the people from the government's oppression?"

You know he's just another pawn. "I don't know that."

I wasn't talking to you that time, Waxillium.

I assume it's Trell, but what's the other half of the conversation? Is there another possibility?

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