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#Has the total number of perpendicularities increased since the shattering?
#You've told us that twinborn, for example, get particular perks, while mistborn/full-feruchemists get the full power but no Resonances. And, from what we've seen of Seons and other splinters, it appears that subdivided investiture has some inherent flavor analogous to a Shard's intent, if less potent in those smaller doses. Question: Is a Shard's intent an additive sum of its component parts, or is it an emergent property of the parts interacting? (loosely analogous to the Resonances)
#If Ruin and Preservation had picked Roshar instead of Scadrial, would magical abilities still divide into sets of 16? Would they still be based on metals?
#Would a Soother be able to prevent a listener from attuning a given rhythm? Force a specific form?
#A kandra obtains access to feruchemy by spiking Ferring A, and wears the body of Ferring B, both of whom had full metalminds when they died. Which of the metalminds will she be able to access?
#Hemalurgy opens you to outside influence, but we also know that aluminum has various shielding/immunity effects. If your spike is made from aluminum, are you less susceptible to that kind of influence? Fully immune?
#Does duralumin share aluminum's allomantic shielding abilities?
#If you use two different metals to make a spike (i.e. glued together, not alloyed) could you steal two different abilities from the same person?
#A kandra obtains access to feruchemy by spiking Ferring A, and wears the body of Ferring B, both of whom had full metalminds when they died. Which of the metalminds will she be able to access?
#Sleepless are similar to Vinge's Tines from Fire Upon the Deep. Do sleepless have difficulty being close to/intermingling one another? Is membership in a horde fluid?
#In WoK Prime there were no spren as part of the world. In that version, where did shardblades come from?
#Mraize shoots a cremling with a blow gun. Sleepless?
#We know that certain ethnicities on Roshar have Listener heritage. Do the Thaylen have Siah Aimian heritage?
#Are there subgroups of listeners with human heritage?
#Assuming the necessary pieces were in place, if a knight radiant traveled by oathgate to the moon Salas, would she appear instantaneously or would speed of light constraints apply?
#I love the scripts Isaac has created so far for Roshar. Are there plans to include pieces of the Dawnchant in future books?
#Mraize shoots a cremling with a blow gun. Sleepless?
#Wit calls his instrument a Trailman's flute. Is that associated with the Iriali Long Trail?
#Cognition directly affects the shape of Shadesmar. Is the variation Mr. T experienced between his worst day and the day he wrote the Diagram enough to alter the cognitive realm landscape?
#Draw a line of forbiddance on a loose tile, then throw something at it. Does the tile move? (I.e. is the force transferred to the substrate? Does the line anchor the defense to a specific point in space or to a point on the material it is drawn on?)
#We've seen that defenses can be scaled up to immense size, such as the great circle at Nebrask. Would it likewise be possible to make an enormous chalkling?
#Sunlight appears to be deleterious to wild/unbound manifestations of the magic. Do the people of Joel's era understand this and/or the reason for thisit?
#If you leave a hole in your circle of warding, will that impact its overall integrity, or merely open a gap in your defenses?
#Sunlight appears to be deleterious to wild/unbound manifestations of the magic. Do the people of Joel's era understand the reason for this?
#David and the Dowser: simple self delusion shouldn't be able to fool the dowser. What's going on here?