
Joined 31 January 2014
#Is Braize itself an enormous gemstone?
#In WoK Prime there were no spren as part of the world. In that version, where did shardblades come from?
#We know that certain ethnicities on Roshar have Listener heritage. Do the Thaylen have Siah Aimian heritage?
#Are there subgroups of listeners with human heritage?
#Assuming the necessary pieces were in place, if a knight radiant travelled by oathgate to the moon Salas, would she appear instantaneously or would speed of light constraints apply?
#I love the scripts Isaac has created so far for Roshar. Are there plans to include pieces of the Dawnchant in future books?
#Awakening is powered by breath and fueled by color. Only Nathian breaths work: what about off-world colors?
#Would powering awakening with e.g. stormlight still drain color, or would it pull from a different physical property?
#According to Silence, the Forests of Hell have carried that name and been populated by shades since well before the Evil befell Homeland. Were the Deepest Ones also present prior to the Evil?
