
Joined 31 January 2014
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==Personal List of Questions for Brandon:==
#You've used the term spiritual DNA. Every cell in our body has a complete copy of our physical DNA, and With the right tools a small sample of DNA can tell you a ton about the person it came from. Is the same true of sDNA? Could a forensic analysis of a piece of identity (e.g. left in a metalmind or an awakened object) paint a complete picture of the user's origins and/or spiritweb? Do such tools exist in the Cosmere?
#If you operated an airplane or ticketrocket in the CR, is there anything to reach at higher altitudes?
#A person has their arm cut by a shardblade, making it a dead limb. Eventually they die and an awakener tries to make a Lifeless from their body. Will the Lifeless have a functional arm, or will it remain cognitively/spiritually separate?
##If the awakener met the person while they were still alive, would they be able to awaken the limb, making a partial Lifeless? Would the arm be able to obey instructions (from someone with the command phrase) like a regular lifeless would?
#Harmony did something to the people of Scadrial that has made it easier for them to snap. If one of these post-Catacendre Scadrians were to travel to Roshar, would the change that Harmony made make it easier for them to bond a spren?
#Could a kandra wear the body of a Sleepless?
#Would the emotions of a cognitive shadow attract spren in Shadesmar?
#Has the total number of perpendicularities increased since the shattering?
##thought process:You've told us that twinborn, for example, get particular perks, while mistborn/full-feruchemists get the full power but no Resonances. Are intents loosely analogous to the Resonances in this way?
#If Ruin and Preservation had picked Roshar instead of Scadrial, would magical abilities still divide into sets of 16? Would they still be based on metals?
#Gravity appears constant between areas of the cognitive realm, regardless of their spacial relationship to a planet vs intervening space. Does it vary between planets?
#You've used the term spiritual DNA. Every cell in our body has a complete copy of our physical DNA, and With the right tools a small sample of DNA can tell you a ton about the person it came from. Is the same true of sDNA? Could a forensic analysis of a piece of identity (e.g. left in a metalmind or an awakened object) paint a complete picture of the user's origins and/or spiritweb? Do such tools exist in the Cosmere?
#Could a kandra wear the body of a Sleepless?
#Is the term Shadesmar original to Threnody?
#Gravity appears constant between areas of the cognitive realm, regardless of their spacial relationship to a planet vs intervening space. Does it vary between planets?
#If you operated an airplane or ticket in the CR, is there anything to reach at higher altitudes?
#A person has their arm cut by a shardblade, making it a dead limb. Eventually they die and an awakener tries to make a Lifeless from their body. Will the Lifeless have a functional arm, or will it remain cognitively/spiritually separate?
#If the awakener met the person while they were still alive, would they be able to awaken the limb, making a partial Lifeless? Would the arm be able to obey instructions (from someone with the command phrase) like a regular lifeless would?
#Harmony did something to the people of Scadrial that has made it easier for them to snap. If one of these post-Catacendre Scadrians were to travel to Roshar, would the change that Harmony made make it easier for them to bond a spren?
#Miles Hundred lives had access to unlimited healing, which works by matching your physical still to your spiritual self (as filtered by the cognitive). But through allomantic gold he also has access to at least one alternate version of himself. If he wanted to, could he use that "healing" process to truly become those other selves?
#A kandra obtains access to feruchemy by spiking Ferring A, and wears the body of Ferring B, both of whom had full metalminds when they died. Which of the metalminds will she be able to access?
#Does duralumin share aluminum's allomantic shielding abilities?
#During the time that Syl was "dead" in WoR, did she manifest as a deadeye in the CR? Or is that only for spren that have already become blades?
#Did Taln actually break at the same time as the Everstorm's arrival? Is there a causal relationship there? Could either have happened without the other?
#The Everstorm doesn't seem to require Fused in any way. Could it have been summoned prior to Taln breaking?
#You've suggested that Radiants in general, and Kaladin specifically, are immune to / protected from the Thrill, but that is not at all Dalinar's experience in OB. Is he an exception due to his past, or have we misconstrued those earlier hints? Similarly, is to Shallan's apparent susceptibility to Ashertmarn and affinity to Re-Shephir a function more of her personal history or her Radiance as a Lightweaver?
#If I measure a spren, and then instead of writing the measurement down I store the memory in a coppermind, would that have the same "recording" effect?
#The Stormfather learns about humanity via his bond with Dalinar, but he had been bonded to other KRs in the past, so wouldn't he have learned from those experiences too? Did he lose that insight every time a bondsmith died, or only after the recreance? The same reasoning should apply to the Nightwatcher, who clearly has trouble understanding people.
#Chiri-chiri drained the King's Drop of stormlight. Most spheres reinfused when the perpendicularity manifested, but the King's Drop did not? Was it inside a ship at the time? Would its infused/empty state matter for its ability to contain NerGaoul?
#Would the King's Drop have been equally viable as a prison for any of the Unmade? Or must the gem be tuned for each entity?
#In Oathbringer, Odium appears in several guises. Do any of them accurately reflect Rayse's appearance pre-Ascension?
#From what we know of the orbits of the moons, [ it appears] that they should grow and shrink by ataround least 3050% in apparent size as they cross the sky. This isn't mentioned by the characters, though. Have we misunderstood something or is it just not worthy of comment to them?
#Can a detector fabrial be tuned to detect aluminum?
#Sleepless are similar to Vinge's Tines from Fire Upon the Deep. Do sleepless have difficulty being close to/intermingling one another? Is membership in a horde fluid?
#We've seen the descendants of human:singer and human:siah interbreeding. Are there singer:siah crosses as well? (previously RAFO'd)
#If I measure a spren, and then instead of writing the measurement down I store the memory in a coppermind, would that have the same "recording" effect?
#During the time that Syl was dead in WoR, did she manifest as a deadeye? Or is that only for spren that have already become blades?
#We know that certain ethnicities on Roshar have Listener heritage. Are there subgroups of listeners with human heritage?
#Wit calls his instrument a Trailman's flute. Is that associateda withreference to the Iriali Long Trail?
#Mraize shoots a cremling with a blow gun. Sleepless?
#Would spren look the same to Lift and Eshonai?
#Does the double-pupiled Eye of the Almighty have a biological counterpart in Rosharan fauna?
#Do parshendi have epicanthic folds?
#Can a fabrial be tuned to detect aluminum?
