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*The theme of reversals within the novel came about from Brandon wanting to write a book where reversals happen oten.often,{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=2}} as well as Brandon doing similar yet different concepts as his earlier works [[Elantris]] and the [[Mistborn series#Era 1: The First Trilogy|Era 1 Mistborn trilogy]].{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=20}}
*Siri and Vivenna were inspired by the fiary tale archetype of the peasant/royalty swap.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=1}}
*The Idrian monks came to be because Brandon wanted to write about monks that are not very religious.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=2|part=2}}'''how do I get this reference to link to chapter 2 part 2 rather than just chapter 2?'''
*Nightblood came about because Brandon wanted a talking sword in one of his books.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=5}}
*Blushweaver was created to be a foil to Lightsong.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=7}}
*Denth formed from Brandon's desire to have a bad guy who was likeable and funny.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=10}}
*Bluefingers originated from Brandon's desire to tell a story about a scribe in a palace who was looked down upon for his simple birth, but ended up being the hero. Though Bluefingers wound up not being the hero, he is a hero in his own mind. {{annotation ref|wb|chapter=11}}
*[[Heightening#Tenth Heightening|Color Distortion]] was added halfway through the first draft to allow stronger visual indication of someone who had reached the top Heightenings.{{annotation ref |wb|chapter=20}}
*Siri and Vivenna were originally side characters in the book [[Mythwalker]], which Brandon never finished.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=1}}
*The Royal Locks, or hair that changes color based on the individual's emotions, was a concept Brandon had tried in other unpublished works.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=6}}
*The ability for Returned to heal someone at the cost of their Divine Breath and their life was originally in Elantris, and involved Seons sacrificing themselves and the Aon in their center. Brandon removed this from Elantris because he felt it was too contrived.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=12}}
*The God King being a pawn was a concept originally used in Mythwalker.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=20}}
*The term Awakening was originally used in The Way of Kings, but was pulled due to not accurately describing the magic, like it does in Warbreaker.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=33}}