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===Magic System===
{{for|Awakening}} '''Is there a way to put more than one link in this <nowiki>{{for}}</nowiki> template? It would be nice to link to BioChromatic Breath as well.'''
The magic system on Nalthis is known as [[Awakening]]. Using an individual's [[BioChromatic Breath|Breath]], or part of their innate [[Investiture]], as fuel, an Awakener can animate lifeless objects, such as scarves, rugs, straw, etc. Color is also a fuel for Awakening, and upon relinquishing one's Breath, color is drained from an object that the Awakener is touching '''(do they have to be touching?)''', though this object is not always the object being Awakened. The final piece to the Awakening puzzle is the [[Command]], a verbal phrase that describes what the Awakener wants the object being Awakened to do. Awakening often requires many Breaths to perform. This is somewhat problematic, as each person born on Nalthis is born with a single Breath. An individual can give their Breath to someone else, however, thus making Awakening possible.
Holding many Breaths also grants the individual enhancements such as perfect pitch and perfect color recognition. These enhancements are obtained once an individual reaches specific [[Heightening|Heightenings]] by holding a certain number of Breaths. There are ten known Heightenings, and the threshold of Breath for each Heightening varies from individual to individual, though approximations can be made.
Warbreaker was a unique writing experience for Brandon. It started with him wanting to put a free e-book on his website. He did not want to place an unpublished book there, though, because he did not want to offer people an inferior product to what they could buy in a store. So, after getting permission from Tor, Brandon set out to write his newest novel, releasing each draft as he finished them onto his website. As a result he was able to get feedback from many of his fans, and his fans got the chance to see his writing process in action. When the novel was finished, Tor published the book in hardcover and later paperback, and Brandon placed this final version on his website for all to read and share.
TheWarbreaker freecan htmlbe versiondownloaded offor free [http://brandonsanderson.com/books/warbreaker/warbreaker/ Warbreaker can be found here].]
*Bluefingers originated from Brandon's desire to tell a story about a scribe in a palace who was looked down upon for his simple birth, but ended up being the hero. Though Bluefingers wound up not being the hero, he is a hero in his own mind. {{annotation ref|wb|chapter=11}}
*[[Heightening#Tenth Heightening|Color Distortion]] was added halfway through the first draft to allow stronger visual indication of someone who had reached the top Heightenings.{{annotation ref |wb|chapter=20}}
*Vivenna's actions when living on the streets are very similar to the character Fantine from ''Les Misérables'' by Victor Hugo.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=39}}
*When creating Vasher, Brandon wanted a hero ho was different from his standard; someone who wasn't glib, who wasn't good with people, who had trouble expressing himself and let anger get the best of him.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=43}}
*The God King being a pawn was a concept originally used in Mythwalker.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=20}}
*The term Awakening was originally used in The Way of Kings, but was pulled due to not accurately describing the magic, like it does in Warbreaker.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=33}}
*The scene where Susebron and Siri have their midnight meal in Chapter 36 is a direct representation of Brandon's honeymoon where he and his wife would order room service at 3 a.m.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=36}}