Difference between revisions of "User:Rasarr/Length Test"

=== Place events in their correct places ===
Histories should be chronological. If a scene has a character talking about their youth, write what they reveal in its proper place, timeline-wise, and mention "X tells Y about her childhood" in the place where ''that'' scene happens. Likewise, if some information about a character's history can only be found in athe [[Word of Brandon|WoBArcanum]] or other behind-the-scenes material, don't put it in the Trivia section, but add it to the History.
Conversely, try to keep the article as in-universe as you can. Don't add meta information - like where Brandon came up with the idea, or what the character looked like in an earlier version of the story. ''This'' should go into Trivia. If you feel like there are enough trivia about how a character came to be, make a Development section near the bottom of the page.
