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Beneath the Ministry [[Canton of Inquisition]] laid the third [[storage cavern]] containing an underground lake.{{book ref|mb3|29}}
== History ==
[[Spook]] was sent by [[Elend]] and [[Vin]] to subtly investigate the new government of Urteau. Via steel-inscribed message, he informed the emperor of the skaa takeover and harsh treatment of noblemen. Unable to spare the troops to march on the city, Elend instructed [[Sazed]] and [[Breeze]] to travel to Urteau with a few hundred soldiers to subdue the rebellion and secure the northern cache.{{book ref|mb3|12}} Riots broke out the night Spook enacted his plan to expose the Citizen and fires spread throughout the city. It was discovered that Quellion was finding Allomancers to blackmail and work for him using his Seeker ability granted by a [[bronze]] [[Hemalurgic]] spike. Spook fights through the Citizen's guards with brutality urged by the voice of Kelsier and is stopped by [[Beldre]], Quellion's sister, who reveals herself to be a [[Coinshot]]. Despite hearing Kelsier's voice commanding him to kill, Spook spares the siblings and rips out the Citizen's spike. The voice screams and Spook becomes suddenly aware of the sword tip buried in his own body which had granted him the Allomantic strength of [[pewter]]. He rips the spike free nearly collapsing from weakness. No longer under the influence of [[Ruin]], Spook runs for the Ministry building pushing through the fires all the way to the mechanism Sazed built and releases the reservoir's water to flood the canals. Quellion, also released from Ruin's control, organizes fire brigades with the help of [[Goradel]].{{book ref|mb3|58}} A third of the city had burned down and refugees arrived from nearby towns; what remained were abandoned noble houses, overcrowded skaa buildings, and canals running with water once more.
== Culture ==
Under the leadership of the Citizen, Urteau denizens were forced to follow strict mandates regarding trade, clothing, and even begging. Approved colors for attire consisted of gray for the skaa majority, brown for soldiers, and red for government officials. Public executions and an increase in guards and patrols led to quieter crimes and a general downtrodden populace.{{book ref|mb3|16}}
Though there were six or seven hours during the day where the mists weren’t pervading the streets, Urteau maintained something of a night life with the belief and trust that the “Lord of the Mists” would watch over them.{{book ref|mb3|38}}
== Notable Residents ==